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Posts publiés par Crooks and Liars

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Rep. Steve King Only Supports Child Care For 'Natural Families'

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Bill O’Reilly: These Black Athletes’ Protests ‘Have To Stop’

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Corey Lewandowski Smears The Messenger - Again - Everything that is journalistically wrong and just plain perverse about CNN continuing to put Corey Lewandowski on the air, in just over 3 minutes. 1. Gets basic facts wrong.. 2. Smears Trump's enemies at every opportunity, with lies and baseless accusations 3. Promotes illegal or ethically compromised positions, that even the Trump campaign shies away from. Here, Lewandowski claimed Eichenwald was some kind of 9/11 Truther, when all he said ...

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How Hillary Can Appease The Press - Stop Being Hillary? - Kevin Drum, September 12, 2016, writes: The press is rightfully annoyed. She's a presidential candidate, and she should have disclosed the pneumonia diagnosis as soon as she got it. Those aren't the rules for ordinary people, but they are the rules for presidential candidates, and once again Clinton is trying to slide by them. So why did Clinton's people try to hide her condition? That's pretty easy: After months of baseless health s...

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C&L's Late Nite Music Club With Skip James - I hope everyone is feeling great this evening. I've been in search of some magic potion all afternoon to clear out what seems like someone pumped a bunch of swamp silt in my sinuses and head. What are you listening to tonight?

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Donald Trump's Childcare 'Plan' Is Just Terrible - First up, let's stipulate that Ivanka Trump lies in this segment. Hillary Clinton's plan for childcare is at her website (just like a link to her tax returns, Ivanka) so, you're a liar, just like your dad. The New York Times contrasts the two childcare plans succinctly: Of the plans put forward by the presidential candidates, Mrs. Clinton’s is the only one that makes a valid attempt to reap those benefits [of mothers working outside the hom...

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Linked In Co-Founder, Marine Offer $5 Million For Trump's Taxes

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A Readers Guide To What And Who Is A Racist? - What--and exactly who--is a racist? Is he or she deplorable? It's a raging discussion that makes for great television and creates greater opportunities for spin--in other words, endless conversations that are distorted and concocted--but it is a discussion without definition. Without a basic agreement of the what and who of racism, the flaws and errors can not be called. Good Racists Are Hard To Find We all know racism exists, but none of us, i...

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Mike's Blog Round Up - Happy to be here this week! I love movies, and I can't wait to see this one! Time to get to it.... News Corpse: Hillary Clinton is Wrong About Trump's Deplorables - It's Way More Than Half Inside Sources: This November, Be a Supreme Court Voter Alicublog: The New Village Voice Column Up.... VOX: Why Donald Trump Keeps Calling Elizabeth Warren "Pocahontas" Round up by Swimgirl.(tweeter @miamiswimmer) Send tips to mbru AT crooksandliars DOT com

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Open Thread - Funniest Line Ever On Late Night With Seth Meyers
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