Liberal Blog Advertising Network

The Liberal Blog Ad Network

has over 150 of the most influential liberal political sites and targets millions of influentials daily. With progressive community leaders like Daily Kos, Think Progress, and Wonkette, along with an incredible variety of award-winning local sites across the nation, you would be hard-pressed to find a more robust audience. Our simple ad uploader and helpful sales team allow you to hand pick the sites you want to run on, drilling down as far as you need, to hit the most ardent supporters.

One upload and you can target millions of political activists. No need to reach out to hundreds of sites individually, they're all right here. To advertise on LBAN blogs, contact us via LBAN AT blogads DOT com.

If you'd like to dive right into the mix, purchase now!



"[T]he Democratic Party cannot win major national elections without the netroots."
NY Times

"[T]he netroots now rank alongside [unions and interest groups]."
The National Review

"[L]iberal bloggers [have] quickly become a formidable constituency in Democratic politics."
The New Republic

"Now that the Netroots' power has been cemented, any Democratic presidential candidate will have to consider how to woo these Internet activists."

"Advertising with Blogads is a terrific, cost-effective, way to reach opinion leaders inside and outside the beltway."
- Charles Territo, AutoAlliance

"Blogads lives up to their promise. Our ads are routinely editorialized and picked up by other bloggers, and we've seen more people who click-through, participate in our campaigns by entering contests, taking action, or forwarding on than our ads on any other advertising platform."
- Joel Bartlett, Marketing Manager



Target Influentials

LBAN's readers are online hyper-influentials. According to a 2007 blog reader survey, LBAN readers are hyper-engaged online -- 61% leave comments, 68% spend five or more hours a week reading blogs, and 21% have their own blogs. And they're hyper-engaged offline: 90% voted in 2006, 81% have written or called an elected official and 70% have donated onlined in the last six months to a cause or campaign. 78% have college degrees and 53% make more than $75,000 a year. (Here's an analysis of a 2006 reader survey.)

For more information on joining, please email Rogers Cadenhead: ( Membership requirements)

For more information on getting the most out of your LBAN advertising, contact us or call Donald at 919-636-4551 ext. 802. Bloggers, please contact us here.

Purchase Now

Select the duration you'd like the ad to run, the size you'd prefer, and the creative type you'd like to use... then select the sites (grab the whole bunch, or select them individually), and hit "continue" in order to upload and pay for your ad. It can all be done DIY, or contact a salesperson via LBAN AT blogads DOT com


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