Rep. Ted Lieu: Investigations Into Voter Fraud Will 'Show Trump Is Lying'

On MSNBC this morning, Rep. Ted Lieu (D-CA) didn't soft-pedal his feelings about Trump's wild claims of voter fraud: "I want hearings immediately. I want to see them bring up witnesses that will validate president Trump's claims because they won't be able to find any."

"This is going to show that president Trump is lying. There's really no other way to put it. He's just making stuff up. We live right now with a White House that puts out alternative facts. We have a president that lives in alternate reality. It's highly disturbing for America this is happening."

MSNBC host Hallie Jackson then asked about the wall and immigration and asked, "What do you make of these executive actions the president is taking, particularly when it comes to the possibility that he may end up temporarily banning refugees?"

Rep. Lieu replied, "Lady Liberty is crying. When you look at President Trump's vision of reality, it is simply not factual."

The California Congressman then reminded us about George Bush's moniker, "compassionate conservatism."

"Mexico is a sovereign country, we can't make them do anything. They are not going to pay for this wall, the American taxpayer will. That's why you see these proposals by the Republicans in Congress to try to cut Social Security, cut Medicare because they need to provide funding for stupid ideas like this physical wall."

He continued, "What we are seeing now is crazy conservatism. These are extreme ideas that a majority of Americans do not support and that's why you saw the huge people rallies turning up for the Women's March on January 21st."

So far, Blue America has only endorsed 6 incumbents for reelection in 2018 and, of course, one is Ted:

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