Kellyanne Conway Reportedly Involved In Fist Fight At Inaugural Ball

Kellyanne Conway Reportedly Involved In Fist Fight At Inaugural Ball

Apparently Kellyanne Conway can throw a punch when called upon to do so. At least, that's what Fox Business host Charlie Gasparino says.

Gasparino wrote on his Facebook page that "inside the ball we see a fight between two guys in tuxes and then suddenly out of nowhere came trump adviser Kellyanne Conway who began throwing some mean punches at one of the guys."

"Whole thing lasted a few mins no one was hurt except maybe the dude she smacked. Now I know why trump hired her."

The New York Daily News reports that the incident took place at the Liberty Ball, where "Conway apparently punched one of them in the face with closed fists at least three times, according to stunned onlookers."

Just keeping it classy.

(h/t Oliver Willis)


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