The Conversation USПодлинная учетная запись


An independent news and commentary website with expertise from academics, edited by journalists. Free to read and republish.

Boston, MA
Дата регистрации: август 2014 г.

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  1. Закрепленный твит
    5 сент. 2016 г.
  2. 13 минут назад

    How the graphic novel got its misleading moniker

  3. 2 часа назад
  4. 1 час назад

    Excellent summary via on 4 groups of undocumented Trump’s policies will affect, or not:

  5. 1 час назад

    How the graphic novel got its misleading moniker

  6. 1 час назад

    The privacy debate over research with your blood and tissue

  7. 1 час назад

    Six myths about national security intelligence

  8. 2 часа назад

    Kids, just don't check your tumblr in class

  9. 2 часа назад

    Far beyond crime-ridden depravity, darknets are key strongholds of freedom of expression online

  10. 2 часа назад

    Trump's policies will affect four groups of undocumented immigrants

  11. 2 часа назад

    Research from at explains why students should not surf in class (even to on-topic sites)

  12. 3 часа назад

    From flask to field: How tiny microbes are revolutionizing big agriculture

  13. 4 часа назад

    Why Wall Street's Dow 20,000 is totally meaningless

  14. 4 часа назад

    Nearly 2/3 of the people with are themselves farmers

  15. 5 часов назад

    Is it safe to let tweet? (from a perspective, that is)

  16. 7 часов назад

    We've got a whole series this week on : new ideas and research for feeding the world

  17. 8 часов назад

    How the graphic novel got its misleading moniker

  18. 9 часов назад

    The privacy debate over research with your blood and tissue

  19. 9 часов назад

    Sometimes our biases make us judge an item BASED on the previous item - and sometimes in CONTRAST to the previous

  20. 10 часов назад

    Order matters when we judge items in sequence, but sometimes we contrast & sometimes we don't, via

  21. 10 часов назад

    Study on Olympic diving illuminates human bias judging items in sequence ( research in )

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