The Trump Administration

Many of the men and women chosen by the incoming president to fill his Cabinet have been big donors; others, plucked from Congress, have been on the receiving end.

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Blog Post

Seven years later: Blurred boundaries, more money

Among the inaugural festivities and protests this weekend, spare a thought Saturday for the seventh anniversary of the Supreme Court’s landmark Citizens United v. Federal Election Committee ruling — a decision that has left a deeper footprint with every election cycle. After the 5-4 decision, which freed corporations and unions to make unlimited independent political expenditures,…

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Blog Post

Energy sector and EPA nominee: Oklahoma Strong

By Niv Sultan January 24, 2017

Scott Pruitt’s confirmation hearing last week involved some pointed visual props. Making the case that Pruitt, the Oklahoma attorney general who is President Trump’s nominee to head the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), is cozy with the energy sector, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) held up a chart full of boxes and arrows. All the organizations listed on…

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Data Feature

New on OpenSecrets: Political Party Time

By Sarah Bryner January 19, 2017

Get an invite to a (political) party? Share it with us and we'll post it!

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Ruth Marcus, columnist, The Washington Post

The Center for Responsive Politics has made itself into an essential Washington — actually, make that an essential national — institution. Now more than ever, with the proliferation of super PACs and 501(c)(4) groups pouring huge sums into campaigns, it's critical to have a reliable and handy source of information on money and politics. is the go-to site for this data — trustworthy, accessible and well-presented.

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