
What's new

There's lots going on in 'Under the Skin'.
We're happy to report that Jonathan Glazer's artful science fiction horror film, Under The Skin, is newly arrived at SBS On Demand. It's quite unlike anything else you'll find among the 900+ movies available for streaming.  Scarlett Johans...
Let's indulge in some wild speculation about what those three words in the new 'Star Wars' film might mean.
Earlier today, Lucasfilm, the Disney-owned production house behind the Star Wars franchise, announced the title of the eighth movie in the series. It will be called The Last Jedi. What exactly might that title mean? Who is this Jedi and wh...
Rainbow Pride Movie Collection
SBS On Demand

Celebrate all things that veer towards the queer with this colourful, thought-provoking collection of films.
