What is zero divided by zero?

Edit Greensburg Daily News 22 Sep 2017
I remember sitting around with my family many months ago, iPhones in hand, asking Siri that exact question. We were all laughing, caught up by the goofy responses Siri gave to this and other silly inquiries we had ... ....

See what happens when you ask Siri "what's zero divided by zero?"

Edit The Daily Telegraph 18 Aug 2017
Zero divided by zero sounds like a simple maths problem, but when you ask Siri you might not get the answer you were expecting ... Ask Siri "what is zero divided by zero?" RIGHT ... Ask Siri what is zero divided by zero and get sass in return— Nicola Heaney (@nics265) June 30, 2015. Ask Siri, "what is 0 divided by 0"....

Watch What Happens If You Try To Divide By Zero On This Mechanical Calculator

Edit IFL Science 05 Apr 2016
You’ll probably remember from your math lessons at school that you can’t divide a number by zero, even if you didn’t understand why exactly ... This video by MultiGlizda shows the chaos that unfolds when you try to divide by zero on a Facit ESA-01 mechanical calculator with its casing off....

DIVIDED BY ZERO Schools drop controversial punishment policies

Edit Fox News 25 Sep 2015
Article extract not available. Link to the source for the full article.....