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  • USA1: YourSay on the Meaning of Life
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      USA1: YourSay on Cynicism
      Is cynicism on Live Leak too much? Is it overwhelming? Does it distract from the experience? Maybe there's more to it than just pessimism.
      USA1: The Massacre of Oradour
      The story of Oradour-sur-Glane in France is about reprisal for a kidnapped German officer in a town nearby. Through various escalations, it led to the planned massacre of the town of Oradour. Adolf
      USA1: The Big Dig Opens
      Let USA1 take you on a sexy tour of the Panama Canal's newest addition. History is being made as the BIG DIG opens up for business on this date Will the Chinese build theirs across Nicaragua? Will P

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    • There is a law in Italy: if u run pedophile crime in all over the world u are processed and go in the jail in Italy.This is our sensibility in USA against pedophile act. Shut up racist lame so..........

      Posted Oct-6-2008 By 

      (-1) | Report

    • I also noticed your excellent well thought out debates. Outstanding! Hope you had a great 4th!

      Posted Jul-5-2008 By 

      (-3) | Report

    • I enjoy your comments. Keep up the good fight.


      Posted Oct-6-2008 By 

      (-3) | Report

    • Great comments, keep'em coming!

      Posted Jul-5-2008 By 

      (-4) | Report

    • merci monsieur. so far the best comment.
      many thanks. may the true God bless our nations and the rest of the free world as we excercise our rights to freedoms from islam's evil.

      Posted Jul-4-2008 By 

      (-5) | Report

    • i'm surprised you haven't been banned yet. i've have a dozen USA#1 names and many have been banned before i even post anything.

      Posted Oct-9-2008 By 

      (-5) | Report

    • That Dane is a real cockbite, ain't he? Keep up the good fight, bro!

      Posted Oct-7-2008 By 

      (-9) | Report

    • Great job!

      McCain/Palin '08!

      Posted Oct-8-2008 By 

      (-9) | Report

    • Our master and commander is about to exit the White House.

      He will be vindicated.

      Posted Oct-31-2008 By 

      (-10) | Report

    • Your a SCUMBAG

      Posted Sep-17-2009 By 

      (18) | Report

    • sure. thats why america needs our help. haha. sure!

      how does it come. is it me or are the yankees getting more stupid generation for generation?

      i guess its your system.

      Posted Oct-14-2009 By 

      (16) | Report

      • Germany is bound by the NATO articles like all other member states are. If AQ attacked Berlin the USA would be in Afghanistan with the same vigor as it is now. That's because Americans understand the meaning of HONOR, COMMITTMENT and DUTY.

        We have demonstrated this fact throughout our short history. The graves of Americans who have fought and died for the freedoms of others cover the globe from Normandy to Korea. We apologize to NO ONE for who we are. That cannot be said for the wasted y More..

        Posted Oct-15-2009 By 

        (-25) | Report

      • You have so much misplaced arrogance it makes the mind boggle. At least I could say that to you here, where your thin-skinned ways won't result in your deleting my comment as you have on your wall. Maybe someday your testicles will make their downward decent enabling you to argue like a man.

        Posted Dec-20-2009 By 

        (9) | Report

      • I laughed at this statement... Most Americans sure. A coward like you sure is shit ain't one of them. You have no concept of honour. To you, it is just another word to trample all over.

        Merry christmas anyways. Maybe Santa will leave you some common sense and a dash of intelligence under the tree... Not likely, but who knows.

        Posted Dec-24-2009 By 

        (-2) | Report

      • @USA1 
        god you are so brainwashed
        your regime is root of all evil
        but time changes

        Posted Feb-27-2014 By 

        (8) | Report

      • @Carlos777 

        Pull my finger.

        Posted Feb-27-2014 By 

        (-1) | Report

    • I se you support animal cruelty you are a disgrace

      Posted Mar-22-2009 By 

      (13) | Report

    • Ur Fagboy from San Gaysisco huh? LMAO!

      Posted Oct-3-2009 By 

      (9) | Report

    • so, when did Liveleak bestow upon you the "avatar critic" job title?? I was just curious because I see many of your comments about peoples avatar and i wonder does this person really lead that boring of a life? Or, really doesn't have a comment worthy of reading;so you resort to being judgemental about peoples personal choice for THEIR avatar.You've got alot of balls my friend...and for the record I think of the word "pervert" whenever I see your "peephole eye-ball" More..

      Posted Apr-11-2009 By 

      (4) | Report

    • Thanks for stoppin in. btw I'm not in any way shape or form seeking anyones approval or agreement of my beliefs or opinions. I see LL as a vehicle to express my views and vent my frustrations with this crazy ass World we call home. I'm of French, Italian and Irish descent and grew up in a family of 8 of which you would hear 8 differing opinions on any given subject. I'm quite used to not being agreed with lol.

      Though many turn their heads while few choose to hear me, my heart beats to a rhyth More..

      Posted May-6-2009 By 

      (3) | Report

    • Capitalism Failed.

      Posted Jun-15-2009 By 

      (3) | Report

    • sick of your trolling ways

      you're blocked


      Posted Jun-10-2009 By 

      (2) | Report

    • laugh as you want, Imperialism is collapsing.

      Posted Jun-15-2009 By 

      (2) | Report

    • "The greatest enemy of knowledge is not ignorance, it is the illusion of knowledge"


      Posted May-6-2009 By 

      (1) | Report

    • I believe that we are doing the up most of what we can to fight the Taliban. Alongside the americans other countries from the coalition. I dont give a fuck about people who say lame shit on here. Dickheads who think its a fucking joke. It means a lot to me, a hell of a lot and Especially in Britain people dont know dick sqaut about the war and carry on bad mothing it. Sheeps who think the BBC are on the forefront of truth seekers lol. what a fucking shambles.

      Posted Aug-24-2009 By 

      (0) | Report

      • I share you opinions and concerns. I do believe the Brits are doing a bang up job in Afghanistan. We all need to remember what we are fighting for and against. Cheers

        Posted Aug-26-2009 By 

        (-10) | Report

    • Comment of user 'bs3ac' has been deleted by author (after account deletion)!
    • Comment of user 'uNsToPpAbLe' has been deleted by author (after account deletion)!
    • You crack me up.

      Posted Oct-19-2009 By 

      (-2) | Report

    • Just thought I would drop by and say hi....think we both have a lot in common

      Posted Oct-24-2009 By 

      (-2) | Report

    • you wrote to me: "What in fact these people are saying is, 'We [non-white people] can't compete, we are beaten, we are too ignorant and we need hand outs.'"
      this is not true. what is true is that we want to compete, we dont want handouts. we want to work for our own development. but unfortunately, [White] government foreign and domestic policy oppress us and do not even give us the chance to compete, only to fight over the scraps that fall off you silver platter.

      Posted Jun-13-2009 By 

      (-2) | Report

      • build my own civilization? why? so your people can destroy it as has been done to so many civilizations?

        our peoples do work, very much.

        let me ask u: why is it that some of the most hardest working people (in america) i know are also some of the poorest people? the fact is that hard work does not always pay off; what always pays off is inheriting the wealth and property from your slave owning, indian killing, land stealing forefathers.

        Posted Jun-13-2009 By 

        (-1) | Report

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