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8 March, International Womens’ Day

category international | gender | press release author Tuesday March 08, 2016 10:35author by Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG) - Anarkismo Report this post to the editors

International Women’s Day is a day when the women’s movement around the world celebrates social, political and other achievements of women. It is also a good day for women to take a closer look at the oppression that flourishes through the double bondage of capitalism and patriarchy, and which is still an unfortunate and undeniable reality for the majority of women today.


8 March, International Womens’ Day

It’s time for women and the working class to organise and emancipate.

International Women’s Day is a day when the women’s movement around the world celebrates social, political and other achievements of women. It is also a good day for women to take a closer look at the oppression that flourishes through the double bondage of capitalism and patriarchy, and which is still an unfortunate and undeniable reality for the majority of women today.

Women’s oppression has lots of forms, perhaps a sexist boss, partner or a comrade. As anarchists we have a lot of work to do before there is equality in gender and sexual relations, both in our own lives and in the wider community of which we are a part.

The struggle for female emancipation belongs to militant self-organising women. Women’s struggle against the patriarchy must has to be both anti-state and anti-capitalist. State, capital and patriarchy nourish one another by supporting bosses who exploit women and fragment women’s resistance.

Mobilisations on 8 March, like those on other days, must challenge empty liberal notions of gender equality within a generalised system of inequality. This is a day of resistance against all forms of oppression.

In the regions of Turkey and Kurdistan women are participating in a long struggle against the fascistic Turkish regime, against theocratic totalitarianism of the so-called “Islamic State” and against patriarchy. The revolution in the autonomous regions of Kurdistan, despite misgivings about the implications of the alliance of the YPG-YPJ with US imperialism, is a living example of militant self-organisation of women for social autonomy.

We call on working women all over the world to join this fight, to make this day a day of resistance. We honour the murdered women whose bodies were dragged in the streets as trophies of the enemy.

The women in Kurdistan inspire us in our struggle here and everywhere for emancipation and freedom.

Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group (MACG)

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author by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionalipublication date Wed Mar 09, 2016 04:11Report this post to the editors

8 Marzo, Giornata Internazionale delle Donne

Sono questi tempi di riorganizzazione e di emancipazione per le donne e per la classe lavoratrice.

Nella Giornata Internazionale delle Donne, il movimento delle donne di tutto il mondo celebra le conquiste sociali, politiche ed economiche ottenute in oltre un secolo. Una giornata in cui denunciare l'oppressione che grava sulle donne nella morsa tra capitalismo e patriarcato, una realtà tuttora innegabile per la maggioranza della donne di oggi.

L'oppressione sulle donne assume varie forme: un padrone sessista, il partner, un compagno. Per noi anarchici c'è un grande lavoro da fare prima che ci sia uguaglianza di genere e nelle relazioni sessuali, nella società, nelle nostre vite e nella più ampia comunità in cui viviamo.

La lotta per l'emancipazione femminile è tutt'una con la lotta militante delle donne per l'auto-organizzazione. La lotta delle donne contro il patriarcato si muove sia contro il patriarcato che contro lo stato. Lo Stato, il capitale ed il patriarcato si alleano reciprocamente per sostenere i padroni che sfruttano le donne e cercano di frammentare la loro resistenza.

Le mobilitazioni per l'8 marzo, come quelle di tuti gli altri giorni, devono sfidare la vacua nozione neoliberista di uguaglianza di genere all'interno di un sistema di generalizzata disuguaglianza. Questa è una giornata di resistenza contro tutte le forme di oppressione.

Nelle regioni della Turchia e del Kurdistan le donne partecipano ad una lunga lotta contro il fascista regime turco, contro il totalitarismo teocratico del cosiddetto "Stato Islamico" e contro il patriarcato. La rivoluzione nelle autonome regioni del Kurdistan è un esempio militante vivente della auto-organizzazione delle donne per l'autonomia sociale, nonostante le perplessità sulle implicazioni di un'alleanza delle YPG-YPJ con l'imperialismo USA.

Che tutte le lavoratrici del mondo si uniscano in questa lotta, per fare di questo giorno una giornata di resistenza. Si onorino le donne assassinate i cui corpi sono gettati nelle strade quale trofei di caccia.

Le donne del Kurdistan siano un punto di riferimento qui ed ovunque per l'emancipazione e la libertà.
Melbourne Anarchist Communist Group
(traduzion a cura di AL/fdca - Ufficio Relazioni Internazionali)

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Sat 06 Aug, 02:18

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We strive for a society in which one person or group of people do not dominate or exploit another. In such a society there would be no basis for sexual oppression, domination, or class exploitation. We must work to replace the institutions of power, the nation-state, and capitalism with a worldwide system of grassroots empowerment and self-management of all facets of social and economic life.

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One hundred years ago today, on March 8, 1908, thousands of women left their jobs in the sweatshops of New York City's Lower East Side and took to the streets to demand their rights as women and as workers. In 1917, their sisters in Russia followed suit, and helped to bring about the revolution that overthrew the Tsarist autocracy. And in Spain in 1936, the anarchist women of Mujeres Libres helped to free their sisters from centuries of oppression.

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If 8 March - International Women's Day - is not to remain simply an annual recurrence, we must smash these chains by means of ever-stronger solidarity and class consciousness, in the knowledge that the liberation of women will never be complete until all of humanity is free from its oppressors, from tyrants, churches, States and bosses. In the knowledge that the freedom of all comes through the freedom of women. [ Italiano]

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We strive for a society in which one person or group of people do not dominate or exploit another. In such a society there would be no basis for sexual oppression, domination, or class exploitation. We must work to replace the institutions of power, the nation-state, and capitalism with a worldwide system of grassroots empowerment and self-management of all facets of social and economic life.

textWSA 's International Women's Day statement‏ Mar 07 0 comments

One hundred years ago today, on March 8, 1908, thousands of women left their jobs in the sweatshops of New York City's Lower East Side and took to the streets to demand their rights as women and as workers. In 1917, their sisters in Russia followed suit, and helped to bring about the revolution that overthrew the Tsarist autocracy. And in Spain in 1936, the anarchist women of Mujeres Libres helped to free their sisters from centuries of oppression.

text8 March 2008!! Celebrating International Women's Day? Mar 07 Federazione dei Comunisti Anarchici 0 comments

If 8 March - International Women's Day - is not to remain simply an annual recurrence, we must smash these chains by means of ever-stronger solidarity and class consciousness, in the knowledge that the liberation of women will never be complete until all of humanity is free from its oppressors, from tyrants, churches, States and bosses. In the knowledge that the freedom of all comes through the freedom of women. [ Italiano]

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