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Call for messages from organised women to be published in Anarchist Newspaper Meydan

category greece / turkey / cyprus | gender | press release author Sunday February 21, 2016 19:17author by Anarchist Women - Anarchist Womenauthor email anarsistkadinlar at gmail dot com Report this post to the editors

Call for messages from organised women to be published in Anarchist Newspaper Meydan (distributed in Turkey and North Kurdistan)

Dear Comrades,

The next issue of our monthly anarchist newspaper Meydan is going to be prepared by Anarchist Women only, as for all March issues. In this issue, we are going to focus on the systematic violence against women, on this violence becoming a state policy and we are going to talk about being a woman in war conditions that we are currently in.

The massacres in the North of Kurdistan has been steadily increasing especially since August, and these war conditions bring about many cases in which the women are used as tool for the war. As seen in many wars throughout history, women are forced to migrate from the lands that are looted by war in our geography. Women are faced with rapes, tortures, they are massacred and their slayed bodies exposed on the streets, "completely naked".


While we, the women, are resisting the systematic violence on one hand, on the other hand, we are resisting against the state politics which are trying to turn our bodies into tools of war.
In this context, as we ask many women around the world, we are waiting to hear your messages against war, to publish them on our paper.

“What is the importance of resisting to the wars of states, while we, as women, are resisting against the violence of men, in other words, the war started by patriarchy? How should women create a struggle against war in practice?
How can women construct peace?”

We are hoping to have your replies with 200-300 words max., on 22 February, Monday, at the latest; in order to share your words with our readers on the March issue.

Long live the women’s solidarity!

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