
Adbusters lawsuit is go

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Adbusters, the spirited culture-jamming collective, will soon be facing down the corporate media--after a five-year delay.

Adbusters is suing the CBC and Global for refusing to carry their
anti-consumerist ads back in 2004. They've been battling their way through the courts just to win the right to bring suit ever since. The Supreme Court of Canada has now brushed aside technical challenges by Global, and ruled that Adbusters may bring its case to the lower courts.

There is a good article about Adbusters here, a critique from Alberta here, and a page of spoof ads here.

[H/t forgottobuytinfoil, b/c]

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This page contains a single entry by Dr.Dawg published on September 17, 2009 3:58 PM.

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