
ACCC believes Simply Energy sales staff used deceptive tactics with electricity customers

An energy retailer has been fined for allegedly deceptive door-to-door sales tactics in which customers were told there was a fault with their existing electricity supply in an attempt to get them to switch providers.  

IPower, trading as Simply Energy, has paid penalties of $20,400 after the consumer watchdog issued two infringement notices over the allegedly misleading conduct of sales staff who visited homes in Victoria last year.

The Australian Competition and Consumer Commission said in two separate incidents door-to-door salespeople told consumers there was an "urgent problem" or "something wrong" with their existing electricity supply for the purpose of switching them to Simply Energy, when this was not the case.

The ACCC said it had reasonable grounds to believe false or misleading representations about the quality of goods had been made, in breach of consumer law.

"Consumers have a right to expect that door-to-door sales representatives will not make false or misleading representations, or otherwise engage in unlawful sales tactics," ACCC chairman Rod Sims said. "The ACCC will continue to take appropriate enforcement action against retailers who do not comply with their obligations under the Australian consumer law."

This is the latest in a series of cases against energy companies over deceptive conduct, with Federal Court action in recent years launched against EnergyAustralia, Neighbourhood Energy, Australian Power & Gas Company, AGL and Origin. Millions of dollars in penalties has been paid over dodgy door-to-door marketing tactics.   

Simply Energy has gas and electricity customers in Victoria, News South Wales, South Australia and Queensland.