About Kirkus' Marketing Campaigns

Our book marketing services are designed to help authors and publishers get their books discovered by both consumers and industry influencers. To stimulate sales and attract publication and film rights queries, we offer multi-media campaigns (which include promotion on our website, in our email newsletter and in our print magazine) as well as a la carte advertising options.

While Kirkus Reviews magazine is distributed to a targeted industry readership of publishers, agents, film producers, librarians and booksellers, our website audience is dominated by consumers actively searching for books to buy, and our email newsletter subscriber base is made up of both industry professionals and consumers.


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“Kirkus‘ advertising program helped me draw additional attention to my books. In August, 2012, Identity Films, Hollywood, optioned The Gaia Wars series for film.”
—Kenneth Bennett, author of The Gaia Wars
Read more about Kenneth’s deal in Variety >

“In this burgeoning eBook marketplace, if your book doesn’t stand out then it will die slowly and silently. You must stand out. Kirkus Indie Reviews and Kirkus Advertising are the easiest and most cost-effective ways to get noticed. I made use of them and now I have national attention.”
—Adam Connell, author of Lay Saints

“My greatest period of sales to date occurred during the 2 weeks I advertised on the Kirkus website. The Kirkus staff was extremely helpful throughout the process and worked very well with my graphic artist. The Kirkus star also gave me a personal boost in that it provided an independent validation of my first effort in the publishing world. I look forward to continuing my relationship with Kirkus. My advice for someone who is thinking about submitting their work for a Kirkus review: Do it. Make sure you have a good editor and proofreader (not yourself) and give it a thorough, honest scrub first, but take the plunge.”
—Daniel Rich, author of Project Gitmo

“Since my first Kirkus campaign began, my book has consistently sold better than it was selling before the campaign started. Kirkus has given me everything I could have wanted in the way of marketing.”
—Amy Billone, author of The Light Changes

“We've run a number of different promotional activities in connection with the book and I must say that the promotion we ran with you delivered the highest dividends.”
— Tae Kim, author of War with Pigeons

“I won't hesitate to call on you again for further business with Kirkus Reviews!”
— Raymond Keen, author of Love Poems for Cannibals

“I'm very glad I did it...I sold quite a few books during those two weeks...you have not seen the last of me.”
— Rea Martin, author of Mystic Tea

“I’ve gotten a couple of inquiries and I know I will soon have an agent and and publisher...just the advertisement itself, which was so beautifully designed, is continuing to have a wonderful impact.”
— Rick Lenz, author of The Alexandrite

“I believe my ad campaign worked very well and I appreciate all your efforts!”
— Betta Ferrendelli, author of The Friday Edition

“Your Discovery package may have gotten me discovered...it is a good start, and I have noticed a few things that hint at a good uptick in visibility.”
— Jason Helford, author of From a Killer's Mind