
This is the year to beat your financial fear

As many of us return to work after the summer break, it's a great time to set new goals – including financial objectives for the year. However, after spending time setting goals at the beginning of the year, most of us get to its end without really tackling the big life-changing things on our list of goals – starting a new business, setting up an investment portfolio, finding a better job.

Whether we admit it to ourselves or not, the most common reason for this ignition failure is fear. As Sam Thomas Davies puts it, "fear is a story, a narrative we weave to excuse ourselves from taking action on the things that matter most."

Making matters worse there are lots of things to be worried about when we look towards the next 12 months. The Trump presidency looks to be the most unpredictable in recent history, there are pivotal elections in Europe and the global economy's ability to digest huge debt built up in a rising interest rate environment is unknown.

That is why a new approach, "fear setting", advocated by Tim Ferriss, author of "The 4-Hour Workweek," and the podcast of the same name, which has over 100 million downloads, is timely.

Ferriss suggests that "typically, people don't overcome their fears because the fears are nebulous and undefined". To address this, he has developed a simple three-step fear setting process.

Step up

The first step is to think of a goal that is important, but which you have been avoiding starting, and then divide a piece of paper into three columns.


In the first column, write down all of the things that could go wrong should your attempt fail. Think of the most serious outcomes, but be really specific and assign an impact rating from one to 10.

For example, you might be dreaming of quitting your job to start a business but are worried that you will have no income, will not be able to pay your mortgage and lose your house.

In the second column, determine ways that you can mitigate the possibility of each of those bad consequences from happening.

These may include getting 12 months ahead on your mortgage payments, or working on the business part-time to build up an income stream before you quit the security of full-time work, or moving in with family for a few months and Airbnb-ing your house to temporarily pay your loan.

In the third column, think of how you would recover from each of the scenarios you imagined and wrote in the first column.

For example, going back to being an employee if it does not work out, knowing that you are likely to be more valuable to an employer having demonstrated initiative and entrepreneurialism.

"You come away from that exercise realising, 'Wow, I was getting extremely anxious and all worked up over something that is completely preventable, reversible, or just not a very big deal," Ferriss says.

Freedom to stray

This is a really helpful exercise when it comes to investing, especially if we are nervous about straying into asset classes with which we have less experience, or which are more volatile.

With so many things to be afraid of, it would be easy to find an excuse to do nothing – not putting more money into super, not investing in growth assets, not starting a new money-making venture.

However, it is helpful to answer two further questions, in addition to the three above:

What are the outcomes and benefits of more likely scenarios? What is it costing you, financially and emotionally, to postpone action?

It is the opportunity cost of inaction which can be so damaging. We could wait for decades for a benign, easy to predict market environment, or "no-brainer" investments. Hiding out in cash or letting business opportunities pass by because of fear may come at enormous cost. With the benefits of compounding interest rewarding those who take action, delaying because of fear is a common reason for underfunding retirement and failure to create genuine economic security.

The fear setting exercise moves the focus from trying to predict what we can't control, to managing and mitigating the possible implications.

Why not make 2017 the year to shift the focus from dreaming about what we want, to rationally addressing the things that stop us getting them. It might be the tool to create the most productive year ever.