
Featuring a slideshow highlighting the diversity of Israel.

From young Arab women to elderly Holocaust survivors, a photographer takes another look at her homeland

What is the most Jewish moment each of our heroes has experienced so far? (No spoilers for the new movie!)

It has so many superheroes! Most of them created by Jews! Time to nerd out!
Joan Nathan's Tu B'Shevat Quinoa Salad
Joan Nathan Makes Uri Buri's Chraime For Shabbat!
Joan Nathan's Chosen Food: Yemenite Chicken Soup

"Well, while meh may have found its contemporary breakout moment on 'The Simpsons,' it is indeed a Yiddish word."

To disdain and dismiss, there’s nothing like Yiddish

"The SPLC applies the powerful language of civil rights to mark those with whom it disagrees as bigots or racists or white supremacists."

The once venerable Southern Poverty Law Center has abandoned its core mission, focusing instead on dirty partisan politics

"Most of the foods thought of as Jewish actually hold dual identities."

It is profoundly global, deeply regional, and eminently adaptable. And it is often not exclusively Jewish.

"The beauty of a chopped-liver sandwich is that it is the most delicious thing that looks the least appetizing."

What are we?...

"Off to the side, like a Chekhov’s gun, sat a glass bottle next to a black, brimmed hat (to be used, presumably, in Chekhov’s callback)."

Can you sing? Dance? Speak the mamaloshen? Welcome to Anatevka.

"I am resigning my membership because I can no longer belong, in good faith, to an institution that has allowed itself to become the foremost platform for anti-Semitism in British public life."

“I’m doing it for the same reason that I joined,” wrote Jamie Susskind. “Because I’m Jewish.”

"I was still a child when I learned that I had to be careful about walking in public with my kippah on. A startled glance was the very minimum reaction I’d get."

A recent viral video of a young man getting attacked for wearing a yarmulke in Berlin brought back memories

Lin-Manuel Miranda is a longtime supporter of the school who previously narrated a fundraising clip for it in 2016.

The stars joined a storied tradition of celebrity endorsements for Y.U., stretching back to Einstein, who raised thousands for the school

"The magnitude of the event is staggering, and so are the mountains of evidence."

How newly opened archives, a wider European scope, transnational narratives, and integrated big data are changing our understanding of the Shoah

Plus, a conversation with Linda Curtis, who wrote a memoir about leaving her close-knit Jehovah’s Witness community.

This week on Unorthodox, Jewish artichoke drama in Italy.

"Faurisson is a professional liar and a falsifier of history."

A court decision in France finally ends one of the most dispiriting controversies in modern intellectual history. Or does it?

What explains Jews’ connection to chicken, as opposed to, say, beef or lamb? Simple: Kosher red meat is second-rate, but chicken where the Jews got it right.

"Jews and chicken," said Grace Adler on the 2006 finale of Will & Grace. "It's deep and it's real."

"Far from the stereotypical sabra, Pini is no tan, muscular, strong-and-silent type. He’s clumsy, overly confident, a bit vulgar and a lot lovable."

He moved to London with big dreams of becoming a famous chef. Hilarity ensued.

The documentary is rich with images of police bringing their nightsticks down on protestors, chain gangs, coal mine and textile workers, all serving as the backdrop to Debs own words.

More than a century later, the Socialist politician is as relevant as ever