Liel Leibovitz is a senior writer for Tablet Magazine.

With ‘Sherlock’ and ‘The Young Pope,’ TV Has Its Trump Moment

When our heroes are all simpering children, is it any wonder our president is, too?


German Court Rules Synagogue Burning Is Merely Anti-Israel Criticism, Not Anti-Semitism

If attacking Europe’s Jews over the purported acts of Middle Eastern Jews isn’t the definition of historical anti-Semitism, what is?


The Anthropological Case of Bibi Netanyahu

Is there anything behind repeated criminal allegations against the prime minister? Depends on your definition of ‘anything.’


Want to Resist Trump? Banning Books Isn’t the Answer.

‘The New Yorker’ offers a master class in how not to respond to cheap alt-right provocations


Free Elor Azaria

Why the soldier’s conviction is a moral outrage


New Zealand’s Settler Problem

A Colonialist state founded on the theft of Maori land blames Israel for its own crimes 


The Knesset Member and the Terrorist

Why did a prominent Israeli parliamentarian smuggle cell phones to a convicted murderer?


Need Empathy? Play This Game.

‘The Last Guardian,’ a new video game, is a masterly meditation on learning to care for, and communicate with, others


Chuck Schumer and the Sycophantic Style of American Politics

The Senate’s ranking Democrat sees himself as a guardian of the Jews. So why does he insist on palling around with their detractors on the left and the right alike?


The View From Tel Aviv

Israeli leftists are no strangers to sudden electoral defeats. Is there anything American liberals can learn from them?


Relax, the Nazis Aren’t Marching on Brooklyn

Trump’s victory may embolden some jerks—and a few real bigots—but now more than ever reasonable people need to stay reasonable


How to Finally Get Egalitarian Prayer at the Western Wall

American Jewish groups need to broaden their Israeli coalition and work with sympathizers in the government, rather than engage in satisfying but counterproductive hard-sell tactics


What to Do About Trump? The Same Thing My Grandfather Did in 1930s Vienna.

Historical analogies are always flawed, but some moral principles shine eternal


Want to Understand the Futile Rage of Trump’s Supporters? Consider the Palestinians.

In the midwest and the Middle East alike, cultures that favor outrage over outcome never get very far


Goodbye, Leonard

The poet’s greatest talent was his gift for healing


The Case for Hope

On my 40th birthday, contemplating life—and the value of compassion—in Trump’s America


Is Israel’s Biggest Military Hero a Fake? And Does It Matter?

Bitter division after news reports call the greatest story of the Yom Kippur War into question


All We Need Is Love—and Leonard Cohen

At 82, the prophet releases another profound and beautiful chapter in his manual for living with defeat


Philip Roth Fails Yet Another Screen Test

Not even Ewan McGregor can turn the author’s narcissism into a relatable work of art in his adaptation of ‘American Pastoral’


Is the Shawarma Robot the Beginning of the End for Humanity?

A new machine endangers a time-honored street food tradition


Why Bibi Deserves the Nobel Peace Prize

Unless we change the award’s silly criteria, there’s a good case to be made for the Israeli prime minister’s significant contribution to regional stability


Upset About UNESCO’s Bigotry? Let Jews Pray on the Temple Mount

Freedom of worship, not appeasement, is the only just foundation for future peace


Five Readings For Yom Kippur

Let Leonard Cohen, T.S. Eliot, and more, inspire some contemplation


We’re All Laotian Now

His Israeli restaurant targeted by bigots, one German chef gets creative


In Defense of Kapparot

After years of avoiding the jarring ritual, I’ve realized there’s no substitute to its terrible beauty


Bring Hadar Goldin and Oron Shaul Back Home: A Yom Kippur Plea

An open letter to John Kerry and Samantha Power, who can’t end the war in Syria, but can repent and take action for the dead IDF soldiers still held by Hamas


Oh, Jerusalem

The Met’s new exhibit reimagines the holy city as a pleasant pile of objects, conveniently free of people and their delusions


A Look Inside the Latest Gaza Women’s Flotilla

The activists on board are no peaceful bunch


Jerusalem 1000–1400: Every People Under Heaven

At New York's Metropolitan Museum of Art through Jan. 8, 2017

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