Daily Life

The one 'supplement' athletes use that works

"You could do it if I had a gun to your head."

He's joking, I think. But my trainer Kevin Toonen is referring to the mental game of fitness; the way we psyche ourselves out when we are capable of more. 

Gaming your way to better results.
Gaming your way to better results. Photo: iStock

I try to play different mind games with myself when I work out. If I just make it to the next lamp post/song/kilometre, I can take a break, I tell myself. As I tire though, I find myself breaking my own deals, coming up with excuses and giving up on myself mentally when, theoretically, if Kev had a gun to my head, physically I could still achieve those goals.

People show that achieving the incredible and seemingly impossible are absolutely possible. But it requires, as a new article by Brad Stulberg, the author of Peak Performance, one "performance enhancer"; a performance enhancer that all athletes use and the only one that can give everyone results. 

"Its benefits are most powerful in those who have put in solid training: It helps them fully express their fitness on race day, unlocking the last few percentage points of their potential," explains Stulberg in his NY Mag feature. "This supplement has even been used to enhance performance in contexts beyond sports.

"This supplement is belief."


Powerlifters who believe they have been given a pre-competition steroid (when it is, in fact, a sugar pill), lift about 4 per cent heavier weights, runners who believe they have been given a "super-oxygenated" water can run 8 per cent faster, while cyclists' performance improves by up to 3 per cent when given a placebo caffeine pill.

The physical ability to go further was already there, however the belief that we can turns that ability into reality.

"If you don't believe you have that ability, then you won't perform up to that ability," explains sport's psychologist Jim Taylor, who has consulted to the US and Japan Olympic ski teams. "For example, a gymnast may be physically and technically capable of executing a back somersault with a full twist on the floor exercise, but he won't attempt the skill in a meet if [he] doesn't have the confidence that he can successfully execute the skill."

When we believe we are capable of achieving, our self-talk also changes, which is potent for our performance in itself.

Research has found that when we use positive self-talk we perform significantly better than people who use negative/mixed self-talk.

"There is such a difference between asking yourself 'Oh gosh, can I do it?' and saying 'I'm going to do this'," one of the world's top triathletes' Sarah Piampiano told Stulberg. 

"The former breeds self-doubt and almost always stifles performance. The latter sets you up to go all-in and have no regrets … Honestly, I think my biggest asset is my comfort with taking risks and my unwavering self-belief."

The catch of course is that self-belief comes from showing ourselves we are capable of more than we thought and to attempt to go beyond what we thought we were capable of, we need some self-belief. It's chicken and egg and where a bit of mental gaming comes in.

Kev reckons an awareness of our self-talk is a good place to start. With awareness we can start to challenge our beliefs and assumptions about ourselves. A good game is one where we have small goals; Kev suggests giving that next 30 seconds or minute your all and not thinking about what you can't control (i.e. what comes after that), and staying relaxed. This way we can incrementally increase the challenge and push ourselves past the paltry limits of our minds – all without a gun to our heads.

When I run now I imagine running towards the person that I want to be; someone with more self-belief and more capability than they realise.

Self-belief is not fixed but something we can grow with practice and positive self-talk.

It's an imperfect art, and the last time I tried it, I had snot running down my face and was cursing freely, but I made it to the end of a tough set; a set I wasn't sure I could complete. And with that comes not only fitness gains but bolstered self-belief.

We have the ability to give ourselves the edge with the supplement of self-belief and, if we have to play ourselves a little to get there, that's a game well-worth playing.