Daily Life

How fitness became feminist

Ten years ago the section of my gym where the heavy lifting occurs was a woman-free zone. Now it's not unusual to find women, not men, using the two large metal frames or "cages"  that hold barbells for doing heavyweight squats.  

There's a new sense of gender equality in the world of working out, with more women doing the same exercises and using the same equipment as men. Rather than clustering on the cardio machines, women are springing on and off boxes, tackling Olympic lifts and muscling in on the pull-up bar – and for that we can thank CrossFit, according to  a new book that charts the evolution of fitness culture from ancient Greece to the present day.    

The changing face of fitness.
The changing face of fitness. Photo: iStock

CrossFit, the program that mixes elements of high intensity interval training, lifting, plyometrics and gymnastics – among other things – has normalised men and women working out together says Daniel Kunitz, a New York-based contributor to Vanity Fair and author of Why the Pain? What's the Gain?

"Previously, even when females had access to exercise, they were an afterthought, held to lower standards and assumed to be less capable than their male counterparts," he writes. "CrossFit has put women on a rigorously equal and as thoroughly visible footing as men."

Sydney-based strength coach Tony Boutagy couldn't agree more.

"Heavy strength training movements like Olympic lifting or doing squats or deadlifts with heavy weights were traditionally things women didn't do – instead the majority of women were doing fat burning aerobics and focusing on toning butts and abs," says Boutagy who trains both elite athletes and fitness professionals . "I think there are women who've always wanted to do chin ups and now CrossFit has made resistance training more accessible."


If you're a woman working out in 2016, you take it for granted that you've got the right to have a crack at a chin up or hoist a barbell over your head but Kunitz's book reminds us that even long distance running is a relatively newly won freedom for women who've often been dismissed as unsuitable for anything tougher than a gentle stroll.

It's hard to believe that as recently as 1967 an official tried to drag a woman out of the Boston Marathon because only men were eligible to  take part – women were considered too fragile to run anything over two kilometres, says Kunitz and it wasn't until 1972 that women were officially allowed to compete.

Ironically you have to go all the way back to ancient Sparta for a more modern attitude to women and fitness. Back then women, like men, were expected to strength train and run in the belief that strong parents produced strong children – the polar opposite of 1930s America where fears that gymnastics would damage women's reproductive organs drove one college to remove equipment like parallel bars, balance beams and ropes from the gym.

The influence of CrossFit, says Kunitz, has also helped shift the emphasis away from exercise as mainly a means to a better looking body towards aiming for a body that works better. This doesn't mean looking good in shorts isn't a welcome side effect, but the buzz that comes from  knowing you can lift more, jump higher, move faster – and  simply do more stuff without getting tired –  has a huge reward of its own.

"Every day I meet women like Stacey, a woman in her 30s who 'used to want to be petite and dainty, to take up as little space as possible in the world' until she began weight training," Kunitz writes. "Now she says 'I own the space I'm in. I have confidence'."

There's no question that better physical strength also brings more self-assurance, adds Tony Boutagy.

"Doing things you once thought were impossible is hard to beat when it comes to building self-confidence."  

Why the Pain? What's the Gain? by Daniel Kunitz is published by Aurum Press, $34.99.