Daily Life

Being fit and working out with cancer

It was just before Thanksgiving when 38-year-old Christian Diompy got the most unexpected news. The reason he was having a hard time swallowing and his stomach ached was that he had esophageal cancer. It was Stage 4, and it had spread to his liver and his lungs.

It was a shock to the teacher, husband, father, runner and fitness instructor.

"I was a little bit lost. I thought, what is going on here," Diompy said. "I am the healthiest guy on earth."

But then the doctor told Diompy something else: He can tolerate an aggressive treatment plan because he is young and physically fit.

We knew that exercise and good nutrition can help cancer survivors avoid reoccurrence.

But now we know that being strong and fit also puts us in a better position to endure chemotherapy.


"The chemotherapy for Mr. Diompy is quite challenging," said Diompy's oncologist, Jim Thomas, the medical director of the Froedtert & MCW Clinical Trials Office. "It does make a substantial difference into which chemotherapy recipe we can use - based on a patient's overall health and pre-existing conditions.

"The ability of a patient to handle a substantial stress like a surgery or chemotherapy correlates with their muscle mass. Fit patients in general are able to handle and bounce back better than less fit patients."

Diompy has always been athletic. Born in Bignona in the region of Dakar, Senegal, he played basketball in his youth and then ran at Cheikh Anta Diop University in West Africa.

Now he teaches cycle and high intensity fitness classes at the Princeton Club at 5:30 am on Monday and Friday before he heads to the Atlas Preparatory Academy in Milwaukee, where he is the dean of students. He also teaches kickboxing and boot camp on weekends.

He runs 5Ks with his wife Christine (which he can do in 18-20 minutes). He also loves road biking. He jogged in stride with his son at their first Turkey Trot last Thanksgiving.

But what he brings to his classes is far beyond his own athletic ability. He teaches with such intensity that it was once not unusual to see one or two members approach the class, see that it was Diompy teaching, and see them turn and leave because Diompy is so demanding.

But most stay. A "Christian class" is like no other.

Diompy paces the room, shouts over his loud music and challenges participants to jump higher and lift heavier. He works out right next to his participants, so no one is safe hiding in the back row. He will get right down next to someone struggling in a three-minute plank and see them through to the finish.

But the effects of chemo were clearly taking a toll. Diompy dropped nine pounds in two weeks. His energy was gone. His voice was flat. He was often cold even when dressed under layers of clothing.

"Let's call it what it is. Chemotherapy is actually poison therapy," said Federico Sanchez, the director of oncology at Aurora Cancer Care located at Aurora St. Luke's Medical Center and a local expert on treating cancer. "The idea of chemotherapy is to give people a chemical substance that will retard cell growth.

"Our body is in constant renewal. A white blood cell, for example, lives only four hours. Your body is making hundreds of thousands of white blood cells a day. Cancer is not an illness. Cancer is a process in which there's an error in the coding to create the new product. The purpose of chemotherapy is to kill the part that's not working well. Chemotherapy is like a hard reboot.

"When you do a reboot, you're going to feel sick."

Sick, fatigue, listless, headaches, nausea, sadness, depression - it can all come with chemo and facing cancer. It can suck the fight right out of us.

Not Diompy.

"When the doctors said, you can still work out, but your workout will change, I said, 'Yes! Great!' " Diompy said. "Working out makes me happy. After I get unhooked from the chemo, the next day, I am working out."

Fitness is such a part of Diompy's life that he can't imagine not exercising even in the tired stages of chemo that have robbed him of his appetite. The port in his chest prevented him from lifting anything more than 10 pounds for awhile and doctors also insisted at first that he not exceed any cardio work for more than 20 minutes at a time.

Diompy respected those boundaries and did what he could within them. A short jog or ride. A walk with the kids outside. When he felt better, he moved a little more.

"Our biggest enemy is the bed," Sanchez said. "You have to rest when you're tired, but if you just become a couch potato, you're not going to get better. You've seen the commercials: a body in motion stays in motion? That is really true."

Sanchez said he had a 32-year-old fit and active patient with colon cancer who was out of surgery after three days instead of the standard seven.

"Because he was active," said Sanchez.

Exercise helps fight fatigue, depression and malaise because activity helps the body release endorphins.

Aurora sends its elderly patients to physical therapy in advance of chemo to build them up for treatment. The meetings involving the surgeons, radiation therapy doctors and medical doctors also always include a physical therapist.

Diompy also really looked at his nutrition. Since the weight and the muscle mass were falling off so quickly, he started consuming protein and at least 220 calories every three hours - even setting an alarm on his phone to wake up at midnight, 3 am, 6 am to eat. He got his weight back up to 225.

"It has helped me a lot with the chemo," Diompy said. "The chemo attacked my big muscle groups pretty hard.

"Eating this way and working out actually helped me to handle the chemo better."

Diompy taught class at 5:30 a.m. recently, four hours before his fourth round of chemo. You'd never know that he is anxious to see his next scan, or to know when he can start radiation. He prowled around like usual, pushing the class to 30 burpees and 140 barbell squats before 5:45 am.

The gym and the community have rallied around Diompy, as 450 people are expected to attend the Christian's Crusaders boot camp fundraiser at the Princeton Club on Jan. 29. I will be there to support my friend - and to thank him for his gruelling workouts. I knew they were good for the rest of us. I didn't know they would be so good for him, too.

Milwaukee Journal Sentinel