These Rescue Animals Love Their Tiny Human Brother So Much

Check out their adorable photos.

24/01/2017 4:17 AM AEDT | Updated 24/01/2017 5:20 AM AEDT
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Kasey Boggs is a true animal lover. She and her husband, Blake, live in Missouri with an adorable pack of rescue animals, including Mia the cat, two white terriers named Roxy and Edith, pit bulls Rosie and Jake, and two ducks named Gertrude and Donald.

On Dec. 24, the pack welcomed a special new member: Kasey’s and Blake’s baby boy, Sonny. And as Boggs’ Instagram shows, the animals are loving their tiny human brother. 

Mr ☀️man and his crew

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

Kasey told The Huffington Post their bond started almost instantly.

“From the minute we have brought Sonny home, they have respected him and loved him as one of their own,” she said. “They understand how gentle they have to be and their affection is the epitome of what every child should grow up surrounded with.”

The night after Sonny was born, Blake brought home one of his swaddle blankets from the hospital and let the dogs smell it.

We have been a bit inactive lately due to the welcoming of our newest pack member! Meet Sonny Laurent Boggs, the most perfect addition we could have possibly wished for! Born 12.24.16 , our little Christmas miracle 💚❤

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

“The dogs were very eager to smell it, they were out of sorts with us being gone for a few days and we had left in a hurry and they could sense that something was wrong with me and the urgency of our departure,” she explained.

“The blanket seemed to answer a lot of questions they had. When we brought Sonny home, I felt like they were expecting him. I felt like they knew we wouldn’t be coming home alone,” she added.

Hipster sibs ✌🏻

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

Two hand holding peas in a pod ❤❤

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

Kasey said all of the animals are equally attached to Sonny in different ways. Roxy loves to watch Sonny sleep and curls up next to him during naptime. Edith and Rosie respond to his cries and watch closely to make sure his Kasey and Blake console him. Jake likes to be present during Sonny’s feedings and diaper changes. 

Mia the cat watches Sonny from a short distance. “I think she feels her role is to watch over everyone, like a hawk, that’s her way of protecting,” Kasey said. “Her favorite time with him is in the morning when I cuddle him in my bed. She lays right above us on our pillows and just watches his every move, his little hand and arms wave about.”

Snugs and smiles ❤

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

When your sibs try and match you...

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

Kasey said taking care of her pack has been a life-changing experience. “My pets have helped prepare me for motherhood because they let me have the honor of being their mom first,” she told HuffPost.

She also credits her husband for being a selfless, loving “partner-in-crime” as they raise their family together.

Ultimately, Kasey hopes her Instagram account makes people smile. “We hope that our gallery makes people happy and at the same time, educates them on responsible pet ownership and the true joy of having a rescue, or rescues as part of a family,” she said.

So proud 💙

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

With over 56,000 followers, her account is spreading cheer far and wide. 

Kasey also hopes it encourages people to raise their kids with loving pets. “They teach each other so much, its a beautiful part of life,” she said. “It’s impossible not to document. The love is contagious, which is illustrated in the comments and views on our content.”

Keep scrolling and visit Kasey’s Instagram account for more adorable photos of baby Sonny and his animal family.

So many snuggles on this cold afternoon 💙

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

Well, if we all didn't see this coming...brothers for life 💙😍

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

Mama Jay anticipating his little brother's arrival and already has this big bro patrol thing down 💙

A photo posted by Roxy🔻Edith🔺Mia🔻Rose🔺Jake🔻 🦆🦆 (@88kncorbett) on

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