SDG Philanthropy Platform


SDG Philanthropy Platform (The Platform) - a vehicle for catalyzing multi-stakeholder partnerships to advance the global sustainable development agenda - a project that is implemented jointly with Foundation Center and Rockefeller Philanthropy Advisors.


The Platform is fostering a multi-stakeholder approach at country and global levels, as well as creating an interactive website, which captures philanthropic data and guides users through national development priorities and the SDGs. The Platform is incubating and deepening collective, innovative and transformative solutions to achieving the SDGs. Global philanthropy brings a sound understanding of global challenges, networks, and resources, whereas local philanthropy has excellent local insights and direct experience of what works at the grassroots level.


Spurred by the advocacy work of The Platform at key sectoral and UN-led discussions, the philanthropic sector has emerged as an active stakeholder in the global conversation around the Post-2015 Development Agenda. At the Addis Ababa Financing for Development Conference, efforts focused on ensuring endorsement in the official text the recognition of philanthropy’s role and its ‘flexibility and capacity for innovation and taking risks and its ability to leverage additional funds’. Overall, SDG Philanthropy Platform reached out to 1000+ foundations globally and in four pilot countries and facilitated greater awareness of philanthropy’s role in promoting the new SDGs by organizing cross-sectoral convenings and participating in strategic events.


In four countries: Kenya, Colombia, Indonesia and Ghana, the Platform has been piloting the processes needed to create a systematic track towards the engagement of foundations in national planning and emerging models of SDGs planning. The Platform accelerates specific thematic collaboration for SDGs and bilaterally connects UN agencies and governments with foundations to explore synergies and access potential for joint programming and policy-making. 

Learn more: SDG Philanthropy Platform video

SDG Philanthropy Platform

SDG Philanthropy Platform connects foundations and philanthropists with information and networks to facilitate partnerships with Governments, Civil Society Organizations, the United Nations and peers