قالب:Infobox prepared food/doc

من ويكيبيديا، الموسوعه الحره
روح على: استكشاف، تدوير


Alternative name(s) {{{alternate_name}}}
Type {{{course}}}
Place of origin {{{country}}}
Region or state {{{region}}}
Included in the national cuisines of {{{national_cuisine}}}
Creator(s) {{{creator}}}
Year of invention {{{year}}}
Cooking time
Complexity [[File:{{{complexity}}}o5dots.svg|]]
Serving temperature {{{served}}}
المكوٍن(ات) الاساس {{{main_ingredient}}}
Generally used ingredient(s) {{{minor_ingredient}}}
Variations {{{variations}}}
Food energy (per 100 g serving) {{{calories}}} kcal
Nutritional value (per 100 g serving)
Similar dishes {{{similar_dish}}}
Other information {{{other}}}
  • [[wikibooks:Cookbook:{{{name}}} |Cookbook:{{{name}}} ]]
  • [[commons:Special:Search/{{{name}}}|{{{name}}}]]
{{Infobox prepared food
| name             = 
| image            = 
| caption          = 
| alternate_name   = 
| country          = 
| region           = 
| national_cuisine = 
| creator          = 
| year             = 
| time1            = 
| time2            = 
| course           = 
| type             = 
| served           = 
| main_ingredient  = 
| minor_ingredient = 
| variations       = 
| serving_size     = 100 g
| calories         = 
| protein          = 
| fat              = 
| carbohydrate     = 
| glycemic_index   = 
| similar_dish     = 
| other            = 
| complexity       = 


Copy and paste the infobox above into the desired article and fill in the values after the equals (=) sign. All of the fields are optional. For questions or examples please see the discussion page.

  • name – This comes to the top of the box. If omitted, will be inferred from the page title.
  • image – If there's not an image available, leave the field empty.
  • caption – Leave empty for no image caption.
  • alternate name – Alternate name for the dish.
  • country – Country of origin of the dish.
  • region – Region or state the dish was developed.
  • national_cuisine – Cuisine by nationality.
  • creator – Creator(s) of the dish.
  • year – Year of invention of the dish.
  • time1 – Min time for cooking the dish.
  • time2 – Max time for cooking the dish.
  • course – Appetizer, Dessert, Drink, Main course, Salad, or Side dish.
  • type – e.g. "pie", "biscuit", etc. Do not use if redundant to |course=
  • served – Serving temperature for the dish.
  • main_ingredient – Main ingredient(s) for the dish. Separate multiple values by using {{Plainlist}}.
  • minor_ingredient – Minor ingredient(s) for the dish.
  • variations – Variations for making the dish.
  • serving_size – Size of the default serving, (use 100 g for the standard 100 g serving size).
  • calories – Calories per serving, use a raw number for automatic conversion to kJ.
  • calories_ref – Citation for the calories per serving.
  • protein – The amount of protein in the dish per serving.
  • fat – The amount of fat in the dish per serving.
  • carbohydrate – The amount of carbohydrate in the dish per serving.
  • glycemic_index – Glycemic index (GI).
  • similar_dish – Similar dish.
  • other – Other information.
  • complexity – The complexity of cooking.
  • no_recipes – set to 'true' to suppress the recipe search links
  • no_commons – set to 'true' to suppress the commons search links



The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an ADR microformat, which makes postal addresses (or their component parts, such as regions, postal codes or country-names) parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person, to (for example) add the subject to an address book. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

ADR uses HTML classes including:

  • adr
  • country-name
  • extended-address
  • locality
  • postal-code
  • region
  • street-address

Please do not rename or remove these classes.


The HTML mark up produced by this template includes an hRecipe microformat, which makes food recipes and individual foods parsable by computers, either acting automatically to catalogue articles across Wikipedia, or via a browser tool operated by a person. For more information about the use of microformats on Wikipedia, please see the microformat project.

hRecipe uses HTML classes including:

  • author
  • duration
  • fn
  • ingredient
  • instructions
  • nutrition
  • published
  • tag
  • type
  • yield

Please do not rename or remove these classes.