Daily Life

How to trick your body into being younger

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How quickly life has changed in a couple of generations.

At my grandfather's funeral last week, we heard stories about he and his brothers running 8000 sheep, digging swimming pools by hand, building, moving and lifting.

Such activity arguably sustained him until well into his 80s; the physicality kept him strong, while feeling capable stoked his inner flame.

Now, our lives are largely automated, we can get away with barely lifting or moving or doing; what is "normal" is increasingly unnatural. And we suffer if we sit back into old age.

As well as being the fourth leading cause of death due to non-communicable disease worldwide, the less we do the faster we age, as new research shows that the cells of those who sit more than 10 hours per day are biologically eight years older than those who are less sedentary. This is a problem for the 70 per cent of Australian adults who are mostly inactive.

Experts believe the benefits of exercise and the risks of inactivity are even more potent for older people "given their high level of absolute risk for mortality and a range of health problems".


It is positive then that more older Australians are getting up and keeping up with young people.

According to a new survey of more than 1200 people, those aged 50 and over estimate they are active for almost as many hours as 18 to 24-year-olds, averaging about 14 hours per week. 

They also reported more incidental activity.

"I think we are definitely seeing more of an awareness of physical activity," says exercise physiologist, Dr Bill Sukala, of the research by GlaksoSmithKline. 

He adds that increasing lifespan as well as unprecedented access to fitness programs has helped to create a mindset shift. "Older generations going to the gym wasn't part of the social fabric, so to speak ... there's a change in that regard."

In Australia, 48 per cent of older adults self-report playing sport, while nearly 40 per cent (37.3) of participants in Australian half marathons are 40 or older – with the oldest finishers pushing 85.  

"Humans are well-adapted to run into late middle age," Daniel Lieberman, a professor of human evolutionary biology at Harvard, told Christopher McDougall in the bestselling book Born to Run. "Hunter/gatherers who survive childhood often live into their 70s or even 80s and remain very active."

Yet many, my grandfather not included, believe their bodies are no longer made to move as they age.

One report by the Department of Recreation and Sport noted "common [unsubstantiated] perceptions about mature-age persons [include]: 1. mature-age is a time of physical decline; 2. older people are all the same; 3. older people become dependent, and; 4. it's too late in life to change or become physically active".

To decrease the impact of age-related decline, the Department of Health and Ageing recommends a mix of moderate aerobic, strength, balance and flexibility exercises for older people, however Sukala reminds that it doesn't have to be strenuous or involve Lycra to make a difference.

"Research shows that the majority of people erroneously think that you have to be going to the gym and flogging yourself to get health benefits," he explains. 

"Standing more activates the postural muscles," he adds, suggesting stand-up desks and getting up regularly. "Simply being upright and gravity-bearing activates those muscles and helps to activate those fat and sugar sponges ... that reduce the risk of diabetes and heart disease."

Although more of us need to do it, it is a reminder that we can and should get up and get moving.

"The body doesn't always know age – but it definitely knows neglect," Sukala adds. "So it comes down to use it or lose it with mobility and movement." 

Bill Sukala's tips for staying active as you age

- A little bit ot something is better than a lot of nothing.

- If it's something you like then you are more likely to stick with it. 

- For aches and pains, work within your pain-free range of motion. "If you do nothing you are probably going to get worse, so let's find out what you can do."

- Ease into it and accept – forget the "I used to be an athlete" mentality 

- "To change your lifestyle you have to change your thinking," Sukala says. "Everyone knows what they should be doing ... it's the check up from the neck up."

- As you move more regularly, try to match your last exercise and do a little bit more. "It helps your body to adapt and progress."