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Ill give you one way to improve, stop throwing money on nothing. The Palestinians didn't make a self... sustainable economy in their territories no matter what they were given. The blame is on them but also on the organizations that throw free money(and in many cases on terrorist activities) without channeling it to the right places that will promote growth. So part of the reason they suffer is because of organizations like this. Better close it. See More
I tried to contact them. they didn't even bother to answer me. unless they blocked them
It was with great interest that I learned that the UNDP was founded in 1966 for the express purpose ...of "helping to achieve the eradication of poverty, and the reduction of inequalities and exclusion." So, as a Jew, you can imagine my disappointment that UNDP did NOTHING about the Jordanian occupation of Jerusalem, its systematic destruction of every building in the Jewish Quarter of the Old City, its wanton desecration of the ancient Jewish cemetery on the Mount of Olives, its building a mosque and a hotel in the middle of that cemetery and its exclusion of ALL Jews from ALL Jewish holy places in Jerusalem -- until that City's liberation in the 6 Day War of 1967.

Does the UN not concern itself with Arab crimes against the rights and holy sites of Jews?

Is the UN unmoved when Arabs ethnically cleanse Jews from their historic land?

Is the right of conquest accorded to Arabs when the victims of aggression are Jews?

Does the UN consider conquest and ethnic cleansing a legitimate means of changing the national or a historic character of a land -- at least when this is at the expense of Jews?

Any international body that imposes one ethical, moral or legal standard on one group of people in order to advance their rights and another standard on another group of people in order to deny them theirs cannot claim ethical or moral or legal standing. Rather, it is an outrage that must be condemned.
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Housing Hope in Gaza - Sabah is one of 50 households who were selected for the UNDP self-help reconstruction project funded by the Gulf Cooperation Council for the Reconstruction of Gaza through the Islamic Development Bank (IDB). This is part of a USD 2 million programme to rebuild totally destroyed houses in Gaza.
UNDP in the occupied Palestinian territory (oPt)
المباراة النهائية لبطولة طوكيو 3 بين فريقي شباب الخليل ونادي اتحاد خانيونس