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Oncogene. 1998 Feb 19;16(7):873-81.

Identification of homo- and heteromeric interactions between members of the breast carcinoma-associated D52 protein family using the yeast two-hybrid system.

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  • 1Cell Biology Unit, Children's Medical Research Institute, Westmead, Australia.


The hD52 gene was originally identified through its elevated expression level in human breast carcinoma. Cloning of D52 homologues from other species has indicated that D52 may play roles in calcium-mediated signal transduction and cell proliferation. Two human homologues of hD52, hD53 and hD54, have also been identified, demonstrating the existence of a novel gene/protein family. Since D52-like protein sequences are all predicted to contain a coiled-coil domain, we used the yeast two-hybrid system and glutathione S-transferase pull-down assays to investigate whether homo- and/or heteromeric interactions occur between D52-like proteins. Analyses of yeast strains co-transfected with paired D52-like constructs indicated that D52-like fusion proteins interact in homo- and heteromeric fashions through their predicted coiled-coil domains. Similarly, extensive two-hybrid screenings of a human breast carcinoma expression library identified hD53 and hD52 as potential interactors for both hD52 and hD53 baits. Thus, D52-like proteins appear to exert and/or regulate their activities through specific interactions with other D52-like proteins, which in turn may be intrinsic to potential roles of these molecules in controlling cell proliferation.

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