
"A lot of disgusting people"

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Harper and Jean.jpg

Constitutional expert Peter Russell’s unvarnished take on Stephen Harper’s prorogation of Parliament in 2008.

But it remains completely unclear why Governor-General MichaĆ«lle Jean acceded to Harper’s request. Did she genuinely fear a Conservative “counter-coup,” perhaps even civil war, or did she merely mouse out?

Better hurry up and watch, in any case. A video on April 29, 2011 by Russell, warning Canadians against installing a Harper majority, has been removed from YouTube.

Watch for updates.

[H/t Stephen Maher]

UPDATE: H/t to reader “agradstudent,” here is that second video:

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This page contains a single entry by Dr.Dawg published on June 25, 2012 2:55 PM.

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