
Day 113.

With all of the raids going on over undocumented immigrants, our beloved leader has said that when it comes to “dreamers” that “I have a big heart”.  However, he has proven over and over that he has no heart at all.

One case shows this more than any other.  It is the case of 22-year old Daniela Vargas.  His policies and inexplicable rationale in this case shows just how callous and amoral trump really is.

When Daniela was 7 years old, her parents brought her to the U.S. from Argentina.  They came here under the visa waiver program that allows people to come from certain countries for up to 90 days.  The family stayed.  Daniela did apply for and received a work permit under DACA as well as reprieve from deportation.  Her DACA status ran out last November.  She was saving up to pay the fee, $495 to reapply for her DACA status.  As a result, her application was not received until Feb 10.

However, on Feb 15, her father and brother were picked up by ICE agents when they left the house to go to work.  Daniela was frightened and locked the doors and hid inside the house.  Hours later, ICE agents with a warrant entered the house with guns drawn.

When the agents found Daniela they asked her about her DACA status.  She said she was waiting for the application to be finalized but that she had DACA status before.  They let her go.

Later she spoke to news outlets about her brother and father being picked up.  Then on Wednesday, she attended a news conference about immigrants contribution to the community.  Here is when things went off the rails for her.

As she was driving away from the press conference, ICE agents pulled her over and arrested her.  ICE is trying to claim that her arrest and detention is “routine” and there is nothing to see here.  But that can be argued differently real easily.

Rep. Bennie Thompson (D-Miss.), ranking member of the House Committee on Homeland Security, said: “ICE’s assertion that her detention is ‘routine’ is absurd and seems anything but.  Those like Ms. Vargas just want a better life for themselves and their families.”

It should also be pointed that Daniela has never been trouble before.  Nor is there any indication that any member of her family broke any other laws that would put them into the “bad dudes” category trump claims he is only deporting.

At first, ICE claimed that Vargas would be granted a hearing on her case before being deported.  But, the other day, they changed their tune.  According to Daniela’s lawyer, ICE has decided to deport her as fast as possible without a hearing.  They claim this is due the fact that Vargas entered the country through the visa waiver program, which allows certain foreign nationals to enter the U.S. for under 90 days without a visa. (Argentina was previously part of the program, although it no longer is.). Individuals who use the visa waiver program have no right to a hearing or to contest their removal unless they are seeking asylum.

ICE claims she waived her rights by this reason.  She was 7 years old at the time she came to this country.  She did not waive anything.  She wasn’t even old enough to legally waive anything.  As her lawyer put it:

She was 7 years old at the time [she came to the U.S.].  She didn’t waive those rights, her parents waived those rights. And now she’s an adult trying to assert her own rights.

This young woman has known no life other than the one she has lived here.  She even tried to enlist in the U.S. Amy but couldn’t because of her status.  She has broken no laws.  She does not have a police record.  She had DACA status and re-applied once she had the money to pay for the application.

Daniela wants to attend college and become a math professor.  Here is her full statement made from a detention center in Louisiana:

I don’t understand why they don’t want me. I’m doing the best I can. I mean I can’t help that I was brought here but I don’t know anything else besides being here and I didn’t realize that until I was in a holding cell last night for 5 hours. I was brought here. I didn’t choose to be here. And when I was brought here, I had to learn a whole new country and leave behind the one that I did know. And I barely knew that one. I feel, I strongly feel that I belong here and I strongly feel that I should be given a chance to be here and do something good and work in this economy. There’s so much that I can bring to the table, so much, like I can even teach music, I’m an excellent trumpet player you can ask my mom about any of that.  I’m great with math, I speak Spanish. You know, there’s a lot of stuff that I can do for this country that they’re not allowing me to do. I’ve even tried to join the military, and I can’t do that. But, I mean that’s not the point, the whole point is that I would do anything for this country.

While many lawmakers and thousands of people are protesting the handling of this young woman, the administration is saying nothing.  United We Dream, an immigrant rights group, also started a petition asking DHS Secretary John Kelly to grant her protection from deportation, which had received more than 11,000 signatures by Thursday.   Kelly has said nothing.

Daniela Vargas is not alone.  There are thousands of people just like her.  They were brought her by their parents when they were children.  They know no other life except our way of life.  They have broken no laws.  Yet, they are being treated like criminals for doing nothing but try to live a normal life in the only country they know.

Punishing people like Daniela is horrendous.  They cause no problems.  They love America just as much as you and I.  They are people.  They are fellow human beings.  They are not “illegals” or criminals.

This is the types of behavior that trump and right-wing nationalists that are the root cause of the divisiveness in our country.  The same people who claim to be “god-fearing good Christians” are the very ones being anything but “good Christians”.  They should remember one little quote from their “savior”:  “What you do to the least of you, you do unto me”.  I guess they are not too fond of their “savior” either.

Now you know what trump meant when he talked about “merit immigration”.  Non-whites need apply.  Even those who already live here because they were brought here by their parents when they were young.

So much for trump’s “big heart”.

And, the shirts keep marching along.



Day 112. 

All through the campaign and the transition we have had a lot of lying and “fact checking” about what is said.  Yes, I know that a lot of people think that all politicians lie, but there really is a difference between knowingly spreading false information, and saying what your think you audience wants to hear.

The problem we are facing in the country today is one that is based on integrity.  That is something that should never become a problem.  I don’t care if you tell little leis to get elected, but you cannot make lying part of your standard operating procedures.

Senator Jeff Sessions during his hearings to become the Attorney General was asked a specific question by Senator Franken.  Franken asked:

CNN just published a story alleging that the intelligence community provided documents to the president-elect last week, that included information that “Russian operatives claim to have compromising personal and financial information about Mr. Trump.” These documents also allegedly say “there was a continuing exchange of information during the campaign between Trump surrogates and intermediaries for the Russian government.” Again, I’m telling you this as it’s coming out, so, you know.

But if it’s true, it’s obviously extremely serious, and if there is any evidence that anyone affiliated with the Trump campaign communicated with the Russian government in the course of this campaign, what will you do?

You will notice that at no point in this question did Franken ask about anyone communicating with the Russians about the campaign, but only if anyone in the campaign had communications with Russian government during the campaign.  Nor, did Franken ask Sessions if he personally had communicated with Russians during the campaign.

Sessions answered:

Senator Franken, I’m not aware of any of those activities. I have been called a surrogate at a time or two in that campaign and I did not have communications with the Russians, and I’m unable to comment on it.

Again, please note that Sessions offered information about himself that was not asked.  he said “I did not have communications with the Russians”.

Sen. Patrick Leahy (D-Vt.) sent Sessions a lengthy letter asking about Russia (and a number of other things).

Several of the President-Elect’s nominees or senior advisers have Russian ties. Have you been in contact with anyone connected to any part of the Russian government about the 2016 election, either before or after Election Day?


Here, you will notice that Sessions was asked directly about whether or not he had contact with the Russians about the 2016 election.  That was far more direct than the question Franken asked.

Last night it was reported by the Washington Post that Sessions did in fact have contact with the Russian government.  As a matter of fact, that person was the Russian Ambassador to the U.S.

Sessions has not refuted that report.  He said:

I have not met with any Russians at any time to discuss any political campaign and those remarks are unbelievable to me and are false.  And I don’t have anything else to say about that.

Now we are being forced to listen to a “semantics” game about what he said and what he meant.  If you are talking about the Attorney General of the Unites States that is an argument that should rightly fall on deaf ears.

This man is supposed to be our country’s “top cop” and ensure that the laws of the land are followed by everyone.  As Sessions himself said during Clinton’s impeachment process “no one is above the law”. Do we not deserve to have an Attorney General whose words can be taken at face value and not have to play games about what he said and what he meant?

These problems surrounding the Russia involvement into our elections is continuing because no one in the administration is willing to tell the absolute truth.  The reason given for the Flynn firing was not that he had contacts with the Russian Ambassador, but that he lied about them.  What is the difference between that situation and this one?

Since Sessions volunteered that he did not speak to the Russians during the campaign, that cannot be considered anything but a lie.  What would have stopped him from saying that “I did have a couple of meetings with the Russian Ambassador, but that was in my duties connected with the committee I sit on and no politics were ever discussed.”

Instead, he simply said “I did not have any contact with the Russians”.  That was untrue, and Sessions knew it was untrue when he said it.  That gives the impression that he is hiding something.  That is the real point.  Just like I asked about Flynn, if there is nothing there, why lie about it?  What makes it so easy for this administration to lie just about every time they open their mouths?

I am not going to get into the argument about perjury.  I am not a lawyer and I don’t know all of the requirements needed to prove perjury and lying to Congress.  This is about honesty and integrity.  This is about transparency.  This is about being able to believe and rely on our officials, especially someone with the power of the Attorney General behind him.

If the Attorney General cannot be honest, straightforward, and transparent with his words, he cannot be trusted to uphold the laws of our country.  We cannot trust him when he says he will defend all minorities and anyone else.  That is a very disturbing problem.  That is the beginning of the breakdown of our Judicial system.

All of the arguments about the semantics of his answer are nothing but smokescreens.  They do not point to the fact that Sessions knew he was telling an untruth and he did nothing to correct the record which he could have easily done, as have others in history.  But, he let it stand on the record and was unconcerned that he lied.

Jeff Sessions has broken faith with the American People.  He has lied openly and now says he did “nothing wrong”.  Sorry, that is inexcusable for an Attorney General to say or believe.

As my readers know, I was always against Jeff Sessions becoming our Attorney General.  Those reasons were spelled out very clearly.  However, this situation is above and beyond all of that.  This is a separate issue that Sessions has brought upon himself.

Even Republicans are now calling on Sessions to recuse himself from any investigation into this Russian matter.  Something that he has not yet done.  He says he will recuse himself it becomes necessary.  That isn’t good enough.

Jeff Sessions has broken faith with the American People.  The man who became our Attorney General lied during his hearings to be certified qualified to fill the position.  The Attorney General is supposed to prosecute those who commit perjury.  How can we be sure he will do so if he is guilty of perjury before Congress?

No, Jeff Sessions recusing himself from the investigation into the Russian issue is not good enough.  He has shown a total disregard for honesty, integrity, and dignity.  He must recuse himself from being Attorney General.  Since he has shown he cannot be trusted, he must resign now.

The precedent has been set by trump.  If Flynn lost his job for lying, Sessions must also lose his job for lying.  Otherwise, the shirts will keep marching along.


Day 111. 

Well, what do you think?  Republicans are raving about the “marvelous” speech trump gave last night.  Democrats are somewhat less than enthusiastic about the speech.

Republicans say that the speech was a “uniting speech”.  But I am not sure they were listening to the same speech I was.  Especially when you look at the very few policy details that he brought up.

For one thing, he started his speech talking about how terrible anti-Semitism crimes are.  He talked about the two Indian-Americans murdered in Kansas by a racist, but only vaguely.  What he did not say a word about is the huge increase in anti-Muslim crimes in the country.

He did not mention Mosques being burned to the ground by arsonists.  He did not talk about Muslims being attacked in the street just because they are Muslims.  He did not talk about the racist who was recently convicted of planning to murder all Muslims and burn down the Mosque and Community Center in an upstate New York town.

How can you talk about a “unifying” speech if he leaves out all of these incidents?  How can you be a “unifying” figure if you pretend that none of these things ever happened?

Before the speech, he supposedly told news anchors that he would be “open to legal status for undocumented immigrants who are already here.”  Yet, in his speech, he said nothing about that.  He did talk about the deportations that are ongoing.  Of course, he says they are only “criminals” who are a threat to our country being deported.

Only, can you please explain to me how someone caught up in a “sweep” intended to get some of those “bad dudes” as he likes to call them, whose only crime is being pulled over for a broken tail light and getting deported.  Or the mother of two U.S. citizens who was deported after self-reporting to ICE as per an agreement to allow her to stay who was deported.

One of the biggest lies of the night came when he said:

According to data provided by the Department of Justice, the vast majority of individuals convicted for terrorism-related offenses since 9/11 came here from outside of our country.

The fact of the matter is that more American Citizens have been killed in terrorist attacks since 9/11 by “domestic white terrorists” than by foreign-born terrorists.  But, if you don’t consider white domestic terrorists as being terrorists, I guess you have a claim for truth in the statement.

Trump appears to be citing a 2016 report from Jeff Sessions, Trump’s attorney general, who was then an Alabama senator, claiming that “at least 380 of the 580 individuals convicted of terrorism or terrorism-related offenses between September 11, 2001, and December 31, 2014, were born abroad.” But, as Alex Nowrasteh of the Libertarian Cato Institute pointed out, only 40 of those convictions were in fact for terrorist attacks planned on U.S. soil, and 241 were not even for terrorism offenses.

To emphasize this abandonment of reality, he told us about a great new piece of the Department of Human Services.  This agency is supposed to support victims of violent crimes.  The name?  Victims of Immigrant Crime Engagement!

What this does is say that only immigrants commit crimes and we need a group to help those victims.  The KKK, Aryan Nation, and other White Supremacist groups that commit several acts of terrorism in our country are not mentioned.  This VOICE group would do nothing to “support” the victims of the South Carolina church shooting.  Or, the Planned Parenthood shooting victims in Denver.  Now that is “unifying”.

Then he went on and on about tax reform.  Yes, we need tax reform.  But, the type of tax reform that trump is planning will not help the average American very much if at all.  From what we have seen so far, the major tax breaks will go to corporations, the very rich, and the upper end of the middle-class.

That “massive tax break” for the middle-class he talked about isn’t all that massive.  On average, you might save $1,000 in taxes under his plan.  Of course the upper 1 percent will average over $200,000 savings on their taxes.

Of course, your $1,000 will also depend on which tax loop-holes that most Americans take advantage of and he wants to cut.  Like the interest on your home mortgage or your charitable contributions.  If those deductions are removed, you will not save $1,000, but rather according to the tax experts, your taxes will go up on average of $2,000.

In trump’s and Republican plans to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act, and trump mentioned it last night, if you currently get subsides to help to pay for your insurance, you won’t get them anymore.  Instead, you will get “tax credits”.  That means you will be able to deduct some of your health care coverage costs on your taxes.  But, as I asked yesterday, if you don’t make enough money to pay federal taxes, how is that going to help you get insurance?  It won’t.

There was one point where I was absolutely stunned.  That came when our beloved leader informed us that a full one-third of the adult population in our country have dropped out of the job market.  WOW!  That was headline making information.  Only, it won’t hit the headlines because it was another lie.

Our beloved leader says that 94 million people are out of the workforce.  Partly correct is the best description of that lie.  See, he failed to mention that those numbers include high school students, retired senior citizens, the disabled, and people who choose to stay home as primary caregivers. Many of these people have no intention of actually being part of the job market.

Another shocker was when he said:

My administration wants to work with members in both parties … to promote clean air and clean water.

Really?  If that is true why did he roll back the rule that keeps mining companies from polluting rivers and streams?  Why, yesterday, did he rollback another rule that prevents rivers from being polluted by oil companies?  Why is he planning to rollback the rule cutting back green house gases?  Why does his budget call for a 25 percent spending cut in the EPA budget and a 20 percent cut in jobs?

To me, one of his most divisive talking points is his call for “merit based” immigration.  What, exactly, does that mean?  What is merit based immigration?  Is merit based immigration based on things like his son Donald, Jr., needing immigrants to work at his vineyard instead of Americans?  Does it mean that mean that immigrants are needed to work at trump’s spas instead of Americans?

He keeps using the words, “Buy American, Make American”.  Apparently, he doesn’t believe that includes his own family’s businesses.  All of their products are made overseas, and he and his son would rather apply for visas for immigrants to work at their facilities in America instead of hiring Americans.  Here’s one for you.  Boycott everything sold under the name of Trump.  That way you won’t be buying something not made in America.

He brought up his “infrastructure” plan again.  Only, he didn’t say what that would entail.  He mentioned “public/private” partnership.  The only way to get private money to invest in our infrastructure is for the private sector to make money off of the project.  Meaning, if you need new roads, private money might be invested if they can make those new roads “toll roads” so the private corporation can make money.

Is that what we really want for our infrastructure?  Do you want to have to fork over lots of money to pay for using the roads that your per gallon tax dollars are already supposed to pay for?  If that is the case, we shouldn’t have to pay any taxes on our gasoline at the pump.

Another untruth was when he said:

We have begun to drain the swamp of government corruption by imposing a five-year ban on lobbying by executive branch officials — and a lifetime ban on becoming lobbyists for a foreign government.

Yes, he did “change” the rules that President Obama put in place.  Instead of two-year ban on lobbying the agency you left, trump cut that back to one year.  But, you can still lobby any other part of the government.  Plus, Obama was far more strict on allowing lobbyists to enter the administration.  Now, lobbyists can enter the administration without any questions asked.  So, the “swamp” isn’t being drained.  When you couple this with all of the Wall Street bankers in his administration, the swamp is getting deeper not being drained.

Finally, let’s look at the manufacturing jobs that trump says he will bring back to our country.  Here is a very little known statistic about manufacturing jobs.  Since 1987, we have lost approximately 5.8 million manufacturing jobs.  That is a big number.

However, the flip side is that since 1987 our manufacturing production has increased over 87 percent.  We have fewer manufacturing jobs, but we are making more products.  How can that be if China and Mexico are stealing our jobs?  The answer is simple – automation!

We have lost more jobs to automation than to other governments.  That is a very simple fact.  But, instead of creating job training to help assembly line workers get better skills that will allow them to continue to work in automated factories, we ignore them and let them wallow in despair and give them false hope by saying “we will bring your jobs back”.

We must be honest with our people.  The days of the 1950s where thousands upon thousands of people work on the assembly line are over.  Those jobs will NEVER come back.  We need to be honest and convince these workers that they can be retrained to other careers so they can get good paying jobs and support their families.

I grew up on the South Side of Chicago in the Blue Collar area of the city.  I saw these jobs start disappearing back in the 1906s.  It wasn’t because of unions or anything else that trump blames.  It was because the factories were old and the owners refused to update them and make them more modern and efficient.  It was all about the bottom line.

Today, as new manufacturing starts up in America, it isn’t assembly workers that go to work in these factories.  It is robots and other automation that makes our products.  If you don’t believe me, just watch the television show “How It’s Made” on the science channel.  You will see far more machines making products than people.

I’m sorry folks, but last night’s speech was not “unifying”.  It offered no solutions to the real problems that face our people.  It only offered tax cuts to the rich, more deportations, more limitations on immigrants, and nothing else.

It may have sounded better in tone than his inauguration speech, but the fact is it was still a doom-and-gloom prognosis of our country.  If you think you heard something positive last night, I suggest you watch his actions in the coming weeks.

I believe you will see the same old shit we have seen since inauguration day.  As we used to say in the Coast Guard “Same shit different day”.  That is what I heard last night.  Nothing positive.  Nothing creative.  Nothing about solutions.  Only more of the same hate-filled blame game.

And, the shirts keep marching along.


Day 110. 

Tonight, we will hear our beloved leader address a joint session of Congress for the first time.  The biggest question is are we going to hear anything about real policies, or are we going to be subjected to another campaign speech?

Yesterday we heard him ramble on and on about things that matter, but don’t matter.  He told us to his great surprise “no one knew how complex health care was”.  Well, it seems that everyone except him knew how complex health care is.  Why does he think the Republicans cannot come up with a replacement?  Because they can’t think of anything better.

Then he told us that his budget will increase defense spending by $54 billion.  He claims that he will cut other budgets like the State Department and the EPA to get the money.  Only, there is a small problem with his budget.  Before he can increase defense spending, he has to have Congress repeal the sequester bill.

The sequester bill is the law.  And, you cannot get around it without repealing it first.  There are no plans from what I have heard that anyone in Congress wants to repeal the sequester bill.  Especially the deficit hawk Republicans in the House.

The other problem is simple arithmetic.  Besides increasing the defense budget, he still wants to spend $1 trillion on infrastructure.  Plus, he wants to cut taxes, especially on the rich and corporations.  So, he wants to increase spending by $1 trillion and $54 billion, cut revenue, and still not increase the deficit.

As you can probably figure out without using a calculator, that is simply not possible.  But then, the only time Republicans are really interested in reducing the deficit is when Democrats control the White House.  They doubled the deficit under Ronald Reagan.  They raised the debt under George H. W. Bush.  And, they doubled it again under George W. Bush.

Bill Clinton left office with a balanced budget that George W. Bush blew away.  Even with the horrible economic mess that President Obama was left with, he was able to cut the annual deficit by over 50 percent by the time he left office.  Now, we are looking at the deficit doubling again under another Republican president.

In six weeks in office we have seen nothing from this president or this Republican controlled Congress.  All of the so-called “actions” this president has accomplished has done nothing for the people.  They have only done something for the rich corporation buddies he has and hurt everyone else.

He has made it more difficult for first-time home buyers to get a home.  He has been blocked with his first “Muslim ban” in the courts.  He has made the health care industry so nervous, we don’t know if it will survive until he comes up with his “great plan”.

As a matter of fact, every single “plan” that Republicans have talked about will mean that up to 20 million people will lose their health care.  Some “great plan”.  The ACA helped millions of people actually get health care.  Republicans don’t care if you “get” health care as long as they can say it is available which is not the same thing.

He has not created a single “new” job, nor did he save those 77,000 miner jobs he claims to have saved.  But, he did make it much easier for coal mine owners to pollute the drinking water of the very miners he claims to loves so much and wants to help.

He has waged a war on our free press.  According to him, if you write anything that is not flattering to him, you are involved in fake news.  He refuses to talk about the scandal he created with the Russians.  He has tried to get Intelligence Officials and the two chairmen of the committees who are supposed to be investigating the matter to say “there isn’t anything there”.

He had his propaganda minister check the cell phones of his staff to discover if anyone of them were part of the “leaks” from his administration.  Imagine being called into the bosses office and told to hand over your phone so he can check who you were calling?

He and his administration have railed against non-existent terrorist attacks like the Bowling Green Massacre and the Sweden Terrorist attack, but ignores the anti-Muslim terrorist attacks going on right here at home.

Whenever he gives a speech to agencies, like the CIA, he brags about his “great victory in November” and calling it the “biggest landslide in history”.  This is a man who seems to have a very hard time accepting victory.  What is wrong with him?

So, tonight we will be forced to sit through another rambling speech from our beloved leader.  I cannot believe that he is going to be very positive as his team says he will.  He wasn’t very positive in his inauguration speech.

I have very serious doubts that he can actually give a serious policy driven speech.  I also have very serious doubts that he even knows what a serious policy speech is.  I cannot imagine him speaking for more than 10 minutes without telling us how wonderful he is.  That is not policy, that is campaign.

This administration and Republican Congress have been too busy setting up fall-guys for when their plan fails rather than actually doing anything.  They are trying to blame the media.  They are trying to blame the Democrats.  They are trying to blame the American people who are protesting against them.

They are trying everything they can to fix blame, but they aren’t doing anything of substance.  Hell, yesterday trump accused President Obama for organizing the protests against his administration.

Even if we get a policy speech tonight, I am willing to bet that it will be rambling and will not have very many specifics, if any.  He will ramble on and on in his usual terrible speaking manner, and in the end Republicans will call it the best speech ever given on the House Floor.  The rest of America will be left scratching their heads wondering what the hell he said.

The U.S. military is the best and the most powerful fighting force on the face of the planet.  We spend about $600 billion on defense ever year.  Yet, trump wants you to believe it is depleted.  And, he is willing to blow up the budget to prove it.

He says that this budget will be a Security and Public Safety budget.  Yet, from what I see, the environment and clean water and air are part of Public Safety.  Yet, he is willing to cut the budget to safeguard them.

The budget that trump will pass on to Congress will be full of giveaways to the rich.  Full of giveaways to corporations.  And will have nothing for the average American.  Many of us will lose our health care.  We will all suffer from dirty air and water to save profits for the oil and coal companies.  There will be no new jobs for those who need them.  And, there will be no higher minimum wage to help Americans get by.

Whenever someone tells you that they are going to grant “tax credits” to help you, they are lying.  The working poor will gain no benefit from “tax credits” only the upper class gains from “tax credits”.  Think about it, if you don’t make enough money today to pay income taxes, what the fuck will tax credits do for you?  Nothing!

Sorry folks, but don’t look for anything to help the average American in tonight’s speech.  You are not part of trump’s or the Republican’s agenda.  Rather, you are a hinderance to their agenda.

And, the shirts keep marching along.


Day 109. 

The repeal legislation being floated by Ryan and his Republican cronies looks to be exactly as bad as everyone thought it would be.  Under this repeal legislation, you can expect that millions of people will lose their health care insurance very quickly.

Two items first on the hit list, subsidies and expanded Medicaid.  This repeal law will dismantle the individual mandate, subsidies based on income, and all of the law’s taxes that actually pay for the law.  Not only will it significantly rollback Medicaid expansion, it is going to give money to help establish “high risk pools” for people with pre-existing conditions.

Some of these elements will be effective immediately and some won’t take effect until 2020.  For example, beginning in 2020 people will no longer get subsidies but rather tax credits.  These tax credits will be based on age not on income.

Currently it is reported that a person 30 years of age will get $2000 in tax credits for health insurance, and someone in their 60’s will get $4000 in tax credits.  However, Price, the Secretary of HHS wants those tax credits much lower than reported.

What does this mean for you?  Well, if you currently get a subsidy to help purchase health insurance, that amount of money will disappear and you will instead get a “tax credit”.  But, in typical Republican fashion, it will not be enough to help you purchase health insurance, especially if you are low-income.

Medicaid covered people will also be hurt.  According to their plan, they are going to rollback Medicaid expansion.  States would be able to cover the expanded Medicaid expansion if they choose.  However, they will receive far less money than under the Affordable Care Act.  Instead of open-ended funds, the states will receive capped money based on the number of Medicaid enrollees.  Meaning much less money to cover poor people on Medicaid.

The repeal plan also included $100 billion in “state innovation” grants to help subsidize extremely expensive enrollees.  Meaning it will help “some” pre-existing patients, but not all.

There are other nice items in the bill.  For example, under this bill, insurance companies will be allowed to charge older patients up to five times more than younger patients.  The current ACA law caps that at three times.

Then there is this little item.  If you fail to keep continuous coverage for any reason, like you lose your job and cannot afford to pay for insurance, if you re-enroll, you will be charged a 30 percent boost in premiums for the first year.

The Republican Congress isn’t the only ones ducking many questions about the ACA and their “repeal and replace” plan.  Sarah Huckabee Sanders made the rounds yesterday on the morning shows.  On ABC’s This Week, she said that it was the president’s “goal” to make sure people didn’t lose their current coverage.

Yet when pressed on whether everyone with coverage today would not lose their coverage with trump’s plan, she refused to answer, naturally.  She hemmed and hawed and talked about how the ACA was broken and cannot survive.  But, she could not say for certain that if you have coverage under the ACA you will not lose coverage under the Republican’s plan.  Because, you know, a lot of people will probably lose their coverage.

It is estimated that up to 20 million people will lose their health care coverage under the plan being floated by Republicans.  Remember, it is NOT their goal that ALL Americans have health care coverage.  It is their goal that ALL Americans have ACCESS to health coverage.  That is not quite the same.

What they are planning on doing is if you currently have coverage due to the subsides, and you lose those subsidies and cannot buy insurance, that is your problem.  You have ACCESS to health coverage.  It isn’t their fault you cannot afford to buy it.

They also use words like “personal accountability”.  Like it is your fault if you are born with a degenerative disease.  Your “personal accountability” should have prevented your birth with that degenerative disease.  So, don’t complain about pre-existing condition high-priced pools, it is your fault.

The latest poll from Kaiser Family Foundation say 48 percent of Americans favor the current ACA law.  Only 42 percent have a less than favorable view of the law.  So, as usual, instead of listening to the American People, Republicans are hell-bent of doing exactly what they want, and not what the American people want.

The ACA does need some fixing.  It does need all of the things that Republicans have pulled out of it over the last six years to work properly.  But, it is far better than anything we have had before.  Including this disaster they are planning to unleash on us. It is time to “fix” the ACA and not destroy health coverage in the country, again.

I wrote once before that the Republicans have decided that the biggest threat to America is the idea that too many people have health insurance.  As you can see, they are working their very best to fix that problem.  The more people are uninsured, the better they will like it.

If you agree with me that the best solution is Medicare For All, you won’t see that come forth from this crop of tyrants in charge of our government.  How can you get rid of the elderly, sick and weak if you give them health care?

And, the shirts keep marching along.

Day 108. 

We are seeing a time in our history that I don’t think will read very well in future text books.  It is a time of a rise and a fall.  What we have seen since trump was elected our president is a rise in hate and a fall in decency.  And of course, we have heard nothing from our beloved leader about this either.

Ever since trump started running for president we have seen hate grow in leaps and bounds.  We have seen anti-Muslim groups triple in number since 2015.  We have seen more Mosques being burned down to the ground.  We have seen attacks on Muslims on the rise.

We have also seen anti-Semitism grow and grow.  Just since inauguration day we have seen bomb threats to Jewish Centers  grow tremendously.  Vandals have destroyed a Jewish cemetery.  Places of worship have been vandalized with swastikas.

Immigrants of all kinds have seen various assaults and attacks.  We have seen the conviction of a white man who intended to burn down a Mosque in an upstate New York town and he said if anyone interfered, he would kill them.  We saw a man shoot and kill one man and wound two others in Kansas after shouting “get out of my country”.  The men were Indian-Americans.  Later he bragged at a bar in Missouri about killing two “mid eastern men”.

Mass deportations are beginning all across the country.  Even in Santa Cruz, CA. the police chief told the press that during the raids in his town ICE had lied to him.  He said they were supposed to be holding raids on a criminal gang, but ICE also detained 10 other people who were not involved in the gang but were undocumented immigrants.

A Mosque in Texas outside of Houston was the victim of arson.  A Mosque in Tampa was the victim of arson.  That Mosque was at least the sixth Mosque attacked in just the last six months.  Hell, even Mohammad Ali, Jr., was detained at a Florida airport when he and his mother returned from a trip to Jamaica.  He was asked questions like:  “Where did you get your name?” and  “Are you a Muslim?”

Our beloved leader has said nothing condemning any of these attacks.  He has kept complaining about non-existent attacks like the one he keeps talking about in Sweden.  He keeps talking about how Muslims are the root of all terrorism.  But, he refused to discuss the terrorism being placed on American Citizens by white people right here in America.

Are you aware of the simple fact that more people of color have been killed in America by white supremacists than the total number of Americans killed by Muslim terrorists since 9/11?  And, trump has said nothing about it.

Instead of doing anything to help quell the problem, trump ignores it and pretends that Muslims are the real problem.  He goes off on tantrums that mean nothing in the big picture.  He attacks our media and calls it “the enemy of the people” because they won’t print only glowing raves about him.

Rather, they print the truth of what is going on in his administration.  His cabinet members have had to sweep up all of the bullshit he spouts towards our allies.  They have to say, “no, he doesn’t mean that”.

The other day, his administration blocked admission of several major media groups to an off-camera news briefing.  Funny, all of the blocked media groups were the exact ones reporting on the Russia connection.

Our beloved leader keeps crying about how everyone is picking on him.  He complains that no one is reporting on his “great achievements”.  Only, he doesn’t have any great achievements to report about.  Unless you consider his blocked Muslim Ban something “great”.

His propaganda minister keeps spouting the trump line even though you can see in his eyes that he knows they are lies.  The administration has tried to interfere with the investigations into the Russia scandal, even going so far as to asking the chairmen of the two committees supposedly investigating it to call the press and “tamp down” the stories.  They even tried to get the FBI to do the same.

Unlike the FBI, the two chairmen went along with the administration and called the press.  They even admitted that fact that they called the press at the urging of the White House.  Sen. Burr and Rep. Nunes are disgraces to the American People.  They should both recuse themselves from the investigations, but they won’t.

As a matter of fact, Nunes seems to think that if there was an actual independent special investigation into the matter that would be bad.  He says it would be like “McCarthyism”.  There is a big difference between McCarthy hurling innuendos and accusations without proof and an investigation that gets to answers not predetermined.

More states are introducing or passing more and more hate bills against the LGBT community.  Our beloved leader already rolled-back one LGBT rule passed by the Obama Administration, and more are likely to follow.

Finally, I guess in order to “punish” the media, our beloved leader has said he will not attend the White House Correspondence Dinner.  Though we all know it is more of not being the brunt of too many jokes instead of any punishment.  He probably figures since he has named them “public enemy” he knows what would happen if he showed up.

Hate is definitely on the rise.  The lack of any response to or any attempt to halt this rise in hate shows that decency is on the fall.  No one ever accused trump of being a decent man.  No one ever accused trump of being an honest man.  And, I will never accuse him of being a moral man either.

This is the reality of our nation today.  We are not even finished with two months of his presidency, and we are looking at a very bleak, divided future under his administration.  Just about all of his cabinet picks have shown a total lack of ethics and integrity.  They are not in place to “govern” they are in place to destroy our government and our democracy.  Steve Bannon even said so at the tin-hat convention known as CPAC.

We have gotten to a point where no one is actually safe from the rise in hate.  With shootings of immigrants on the rise, you be caught in the cross-fire.  With arson on the rise, you could get caught up in the fire.  But, don’t expect anything from the White House about it.  This is the America trump wants.

And, don’t think you are immune.  Soon, they will turn their ire on anyone who speaks out against their savior.  They will turn their ire on average people who don’t think things are going well and are willing to protest.  Actually, several states are passing laws to basically make protesting illegal.  The divide will get far worse before it gets better.

But it is with this increase in hate, that trump can put in place his plan to destroy the country and set up his authoritarian rule.  You need chaos and hate to prove you are the “savior”.

We are seeing a rise in hate and a fall in decency.  And, our beloved leader is behind all of it.

And, the shirts keep marching along.


Day 106. 

The third step in dismantling democracy and establishing your authoritarian government is to control your Justice Department.  If that department isn’t doing what you want, interfere and make sure they comply with your wishes.

If anyone cares to remember back when Richard Nixon was impeached, the first Article of Impeachment was “Obstruction of Justice”.  This was because when the break-in at the Watergate was first reported, Nixon and his administration tried to stop the investigation.

After that incident, it was decided by the Department of Justice that they would no longer allow such actions.  As such they put in place rules as to whom could be contacted by any investigation agency, like the FBI, at the White House.  There were four positions on that list.  The President, the Vice President, The White House Counsel, and the White House Counsel Deputy.

And then, that contact could only be made if it was necessary in order to help the President do his job in matters of national security.  In other words, the Justice Department was not to discuss ongoing investigations with the White House.

Even in the George W. Bush administration, violation of these rules resulted in an Attorney General and a White House Chief of Staff being forced to resign.  So, even though these “rules” aren’t really laws, they are set precedent and are intended to make sure the Justice Department remains independent from White House Influence.

We have already seen instances where trump and his staff ignore rules.  This is no exception.  The New York Times has reported that the trump campaign staff was in “constant contact with Russian officials” throughout the campaign.  Naturally, the White House has denied these allegations even though Russian Officials have said they were true.

Although we don’t know for sure, it has been reported that the FBI has three different investigations on the Russian Hacking and interfering with our election process.  One of them the report of constant contact between Russia and the trump campaign.

We have an Attorney General who was part of that trump campaign staff.  He refuses to recuse himself from any investigation involving trump or his campaign.  That is bad enough.  Anyone with any amount of ethics would quickly recuse themselves from such investigations.  However, no one ever accused Jeff Sessions of having any ethics.

But, here is where it gets more interesting, and more dangerous.  It has been reported by several agencies, including CNN, that “a white house official asked the FBI to tap down the Times story about the contact between Russia and Trump’s campaign”.  The FBI refused.

All fingers are now pointing to Reince Priebus as the “White House official” who made that contact.  According to new reporting, Priebus reached out to Deputy Director McCabe.  When McCabe turned him down, he then called Director Comey who also turned him down.

But that didn’t stop Priebus.  He went on Fox News on Sunday to blast the reports as “total baloney”.  Then in another interview he went further.  He said:

The top levels of the intelligence community have assured me that that story is not only inaccurate, but it’s grossly overstated and it was wrong. And there’s nothing to it.

In another interview he stated that he “knew what the FBI told Congress in their briefing on this subject.  I spoke to the FBI.  I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t know the facts.  And, I have been cleared to say this.”

That raises a whole lot of red flags.  The Chief of Staff is not on the list of people who can be contacted about an ongoing investigation.  So, how could Priebus know what the FBI told Congress?  Who “cleared him to say this”?

Former Department of Justice and Department of Homeland Security official Juliette Kayyem blasted Priebus’ reported actions as “so wrong” and “so desperate.” Another Justice Department alum, Matthew Miller, called the interaction “beyond inappropriate,” adding that it “veers dangerously close to tampering with an investigation.”

Avoiding the possibility of the White House “tampering with an investigation” is what these rules are all about.  They are intended to keep the investigation quiet and away from political influence.

The trump campaign made a lot of hay out of the former Attorney General meeting Bill Clinton on her plane while the FBI was investigating Hillary.  But, they don’t seem to think this is such a big deal.  Only it is.

House Judiciary Committee ranking member John Conyers probably said it best:

The need for an independent, bipartisan investigation into these matters has never been more clear.  The Trump team has clear ties to the Russian government—and we ignore those ties at our own peril.

Yet, the House Republican Leadership still remains very silent about anything to do with Russian interference in the election.  That outstanding public figure whose committee’s responsibility is to use Oversight over such matters is also very quiet.  Oh, he finally decided to “investigate something” but it isn’t anything to do with Russia.

He intends to investigate a tweet from a State Park in Utah welcoming the new National Parks to the family the day after President Obama made that announcement.  Chaffetz thinks they had previous knowledge of the decision and wants to know how they got it.  That is really critical in his job to oversee the Government.

See, this is just another step in order to dismantle our democracy.  At the “tin-hat” convention known as CPAC yesterday, Steve Bannon basically said that was the goal of the administration.  Only he used different words like “dismantling the administrative government”.  When you also put that in context with his statements about “our culture” you understand what he means.

“Our culture” is white supremacist speak for White Culture.  And, since Bannon is a favorite of the white supremacists there was no doubt what he was referring to when he used those words.

Under an administration who is willing to defend our democracy Reince Priebus would be forced to resign, today!  But, since no one at the White House thinks that is necessary, we can only argue that they are not interested in defending our democracy.

If an administration can control what the investigating agencies actually investigate, then they have more control over the people and the government.  They can get those agencies like the FBI to stop investigating them, and focus more on “protesters” and “leaks” and “reporters” in an effort to make their words the only ones that matter.

If the Justice Department remains independent and follows the rules that keep it independent, then our democracy stands a chance of surviving.  That is because we can count on the FBI to let an investigation go wherever it leads them.

Under normal circumstances, I would think that if trump and his cronies are so sure that they are innocent of contacting Russians during the election, they would be thrilled to have the investigation go forward to prove their case.  The only reason they would try to “tap down” a story if it scares them to death.

If they would keep away from the FBI in this matter and it turns out the story is not true, they would be able to move forward.  However, since they insist on keeping their fingers on the scale, it would be impossible for reasonable people to believe a report that they did not contact the Russians during the campaign.

There will be doubts if Sessions or the White House influenced the investigation to have a positive outcome.  Does anybody in that administration have any brains at all?  Are they that devoid of the ability of rational thought?

This is simply how it works.  You put in place an Attorney General with no ethics and who worked for your campaign.  You then ignore all protocols and rules in order to sway the FBI to say what you want them to say.   Then you deny the reports on this attempt, and when you finally say it did happen you blame the FBI as the one who “reached out”.

If it is true that Priebus knows what the FBI told Congress, then we really do have a serious problem because that means that someone in the FBI gave him a briefing on an ongoing investigation about his boss.

That would be like the FBI calling in the head of a Mafia Family to give him a briefing on an ongoing investigation into his family about their criminal activities.  That would cause heads to roll and this issue should too.

The first Article of Impeachment of Richard Nixon was “Obstruction of Justice”.  Rules were put in place to prevent that from happening again.  This administration has shown us just what they think of rules.  They don’t like them so they ignore them.

You cannot control the Justice Department if you follow rules.  And, you cannot control investigations unless you control the Justice Department.  That is step three in dismantling our democracy.

And, the shirts keep marching along!