Emily Lyons
Emily Lyons is a female entrepreneur. Emily created Canada's leading event staffing agency Femme Fatale Media, the first all natural eyelash adhesive True Glue Adhesive and luxury matchmaking boutique Lyons Elite. @emilylyoness

Entries by Emily Lyons

The Importance Of Brand Ambassadors In A Digital World

(0) Comments | Posted April 5, 2017 | 3:32 PM

By the time sci-fi writer William Gibson coined the word "cyberspace" in 1982, the real world was already witnessing the gestation -- and eventual birth -- of vast digital communication networks made possible through rapid advances in computer technology. As the personal computer lodged itself firmly in the public sphere,...

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Why Experiential Marketing Will Rule 2017

(1) Comments | Posted March 21, 2017 | 5:33 PM

That's a bold premise packed in the title of this piece.

So let me explain.

The 21st century is moving at the speed of light. The marketplace is becoming increasingly diversified, as consumers face more choices and options than ever before. Many brands are struggling to keep up with their...

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These Are The Reasons Why I Marched For My Fellow Women

(1) Comments | Posted January 23, 2017 | 1:22 PM


When I heard about the Women's March happening on January 21, I instantly knew I would participate. So when Saturday made its appearance in Toronto -- complete with an ashy grey sky overhead -- I was there.

Many of my friends...

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Entrepreneurs Have A Duty To Social Consciousness

(0) Comments | Posted November 22, 2016 | 6:21 AM

Entrepreneurs do more than just accumulate money. We're the kind of people who actually create wealth -- creating jobs and creating products and services that add value to society at large. And often we do that after a good deal of struggle. A lot of heartache. A lot of late...

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I Founded 3 Successful Companies Before I Turned 30

(7) Comments | Posted July 7, 2016 | 11:59 AM

For the first 20 years of my life, I was like any other young woman -- dressing up, enjoying balmy Canadian nights out and hoping to catch the attention of boys at parties. At the age of 23, when many of my friends had just gotten their college degrees, I...

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Your Fave Makeup Could Be Harming The Environment

(0) Comments | Posted June 30, 2016 | 3:50 PM

As a teenager, I felt all giddy whenever I got new makeup -- I couldn't wait to try the newest cosmetic brands and make my friends a tad envious.

Of course, I didn't know it then, but every time I washed the makeup off my face, I was participating...

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