Cameron Fenton
Born and raised in Edmonton, Alberta, Cameron has worked on climate justice issues all across Canada. He currently works as the Canadian Tar Sands Organizer with @CamFenton
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Entries by Cameron Fenton

Climate Activists Can't Use Fossil Fuels? Then Advocates Can't Use Anything

(36) Comments | Posted December 9, 2016 | 3:22 PM

There's a common trope among the pro-pipeline crowd that opposing new fossil fuel projects somehow should deny you access to anything fossil fuel related. It's a ridiculous notion, but with it so widespread, I'm willing to accept it, with one caveat. If I have to give up anything fossil fuel...

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Climate Leaders Don't Build Pipelines

(49) Comments | Posted November 30, 2016 | 3:02 PM

Back in 2011, Canada made history by being the first country to formally pull out of the Kyoto Protocol. It was a bold move, but yesterday, Justin Trudeau actually managed to one up the feat, albeit in different style. On Tuesday, he approved the Kinder Morgan and Line...

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Approving Kinder Morgan Would Make A Coal Phase-Out Irrelevant

(23) Comments | Posted November 21, 2016 | 4:48 PM

Some days, I wake up, look at the news and wonder if the government of Canada actually thinks it can horse-trade with physics. In the movie playing in my head, Justin Trudeau is sitting down with the laws of thermodynamics printed out on his desk asking his minister of science...

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Approving Pipelines Would Put Trudeau In League With Trump

(20) Comments | Posted November 9, 2016 | 4:52 PM

When Justin Trudeau said that "Canada has no closer friend, partner, and ally than the United States," in his statement responding to the election of Donald Trump as the 45th President, he was right. But while Trudeau extolled how this should mean collaboration with Trump, being the kind of climate...

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Youth Are Pushing Back Against Fossil Fuel Influence

(5) Comments | Posted October 25, 2016 | 11:59 AM

Yesterday, 99 students and youth were arrested on Parliament Hill calling on Prime Minister Justin Trudeau to reject the Kinder Morgan tar sands pipeline. You might be asking yourself, why would young people with their whole lives ahead of them risk arrest?

First, there's the obvious fact...

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Trudeau's Carbon Price Policy Is Great But A Decade Too Late

(83) Comments | Posted October 7, 2016 | 11:51 AM

trudeau paris climate
Prime Minister Justin Trudeau speaks at the United Nations Signing Ceremony for the Paris Agreement climate change accord. (Photo: Spencer Platt/Getty Images)

Watching Justin Trudeau announce Canada's carbon price this past week, I was reminded of a moment from The Newsroom. Specifically,...

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Trudeau's Oil Appeasement Strategy Losing Climate War For Canada

(8) Comments | Posted September 8, 2016 | 1:19 PM

"It's not that global warming is like a world war. It is a world war. And we are losing. "

In his latest longform piece, Bill McKibben makes a pretty compelling argument that climate change has decisively moved from a threat on the horizon to a battle...

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Is Justin Trudeau Listening To Pipeline Concerns, Or Just Pretending?

(33) Comments | Posted August 11, 2016 | 1:35 PM

I'm pretty good at pretending to listen to people. My parents were probably the first people I pretended to listen to, but, since then I've pretended to listen to teachers, police officers, colleagues and, much to their chagrin, more than a couple romantic partners.

In my years of pretending...

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3 Promises Trudeau Will Break If He Approves The Kinder Morgan Pipeline

(73) Comments | Posted May 12, 2016 | 11:51 AM

This weekend, hundreds of people will take to the water and march on the land surrounding the Kinder Morgan pipeline terminal in Burnaby, B.C. as part of a global wave of actions to "break free from fossil fuels." The action comes just over a week ahead of the National Energy...

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Let's Make 2016 The Year Canada Becomes A Climate Leader

(47) Comments | Posted April 21, 2016 | 6:02 PM

Back in 2013, I was struck by two statistics. The first was a report from the National Climate Data Center that outlined how, at 27 years old at the time, I had never lived through a month of below-average global temperatures.

The second was the realization that Stephen Harper...

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Pipelines Aren't Getting Built, So Let's Get On With What Will

(12) Comments | Posted January 26, 2016 | 5:45 PM

Last April, Vancouver announced plans to be entirely powered by 100 per cent clean energy within the next 20 years. The announcement was met with applause as the city's deputy Mayor told the world about the "compelling moral imperative" and "fantastic economic case" to take bold climate action....

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Trudeau Has Broken His Promise To Overhaul The National Energy Board

(145) Comments | Posted January 21, 2016 | 5:23 PM

A conference room is filled with dozens of empty chairs lined up row on row inside a beige hotel and casino complex. Guests and gamblers walk past the room, unaware of the rows of chairs laid out for a major public hearing.

They don't see that each day those...

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Canada's Climate Inaction Undermines Its Words In Paris

(14) Comments | Posted December 8, 2015 | 10:58 AM

I am really confused by my government right now, because when it comes to climate action, it feels like I have two different governments. One government is in Paris, and their words on climate sound like the kind of ambition we need. The other one is in Ottawa, and its...

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Alberta's New Climate Plan Is Historic, But It's Not Enough

(51) Comments | Posted November 23, 2015 | 9:00 AM

The Government of Alberta just announced a new climate change strategy for the province. You can read the entire plan here, but for a province that a few years ago was begrudgingly admitting the existence of climate change, this is historic. At the same time, it's also nowhere...

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Marching Matters Ahead Of The Paris Climate Talks

(0) Comments | Posted November 19, 2015 | 12:03 PM

A hotter planet creates a more unstable world. Whether it's the brunt force of a hurricane or the creeping of drought and desertification, we, by dumping carbon into the atmosphere, are making parts of this world difficult or impossible to live in. We are no longer in a position to...

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Justin Trudeau Needs To Stand Up To The Oil Industry

(18) Comments | Posted November 10, 2015 | 11:39 AM

Last Friday, Barack Obama did something no other politician ever has -- rejected a major fossil fuel project because of its impact on the climate. At the exact moment that the President was making the announcement, nearly 80 people were risking arrest as part of Climate Welcome, a...

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Why We're Giving Justin Trudeau A Climate Welcome

(1) Comments | Posted November 5, 2015 | 4:51 PM

Yesterday, Justin Trudeau was sworn in along with 31 cabinet ministers, including Canada's first officially designated Minister of Environment and Climate Change. It's good news, and a sign that Trudeau is taking climate change way more seriously than his predecessor.

Now, both Trudeau and his new ministers have their...

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Anyone But Harper Might Not Be Enough to Tackle Climate Change

(12) Comments | Posted October 20, 2015 | 7:02 AM

With the 42nd federal election in the books here in Canada, now the clock starts ticking down the 42 days until the Paris climate talks begin.

The good news is that Stephen Harper is no longer the Prime Minister of Canada. After nearly a decade in power, Harper has...

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The Planet Can't Handle 5 More Years of Harper in Power

(76) Comments | Posted October 6, 2015 | 6:33 PM

This election has been rough. It's not just the eleven week marathon campaign, or the series of underwhelming shout-fest debates. For me, as someone who is direly concerned about the fate of our planet, it's the simple reality that among Canada's major political parties none have the courage to put...

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People Power Is Forcing Climate Change on the Election Trail

(26) Comments | Posted September 12, 2015 | 9:13 AM

In late August, the Canadian Medical Association voted to divest it's holdings in fossil fuels. The vote came at the end of a summer that saw both the British Columbia Government Employees Union and the United Church of Canada pass similar resolutions.


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