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We protect & promote human rights in Australia & abroad using a strategic combination of legal action, advocacy, research, education & UN engagement.
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Peter Bolam 5h
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NACLC Comms 11h
Our statement reiterating support for marriage equality, incl thanks to
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HumanRightsLawCentre 9h
Good to hear update on campaign from at today's event. (Make sure you read all three signs...)
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HumanRightsLawCentre 10h
Yes! To Equality launched this afternoon
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HumanRightsLawCentre 10h
We're proud to be part of this coalition of great orgs gearing up to support the for Equality campaign
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Studio 10 18h
"Just because the government didn't do their job... doesn't mean we stop doing our job." - on .
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Michelle Bennett 12h
There's the rest of my day gone. But it's all for a good cause.
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CIJ Aug 23
Uncle Larry Walsh got a criminal record at age 3. Watch The Point, NITV 9pm tonite with CIJ's Stan Winford for story
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CIJ Aug 23
Our report & participant featured in 's article today
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Consumer Affairs Vic 16h
👩‍❤️👩➡️🏠 👨‍❤️👨➡️🏠 In Victoria, tenants are protected from discrimination:
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Lee Carnie 19h
What are your thoughts on 's summary of access to justice issues? Submissions live now
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Tom Clarke 13h
Here's the low down re 's High Court challenge against the Aus Gov's unnecessary & divisive plebiscite
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Michelle Bennett 16h
It's pretty simple. Adults should be able to marry who they love. That's why we're challenging postal plebiscite.
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ABC News 19h
It’s a ‘damaging myth’ that Captain Cook discovered Australia, writes Stan Grant
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Adrianne Walters 18h
Stolen Generation kids were given criminal records for being taken into State 'care' by Govs that stole them
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Michelle Bennett 16h
Calling all states and territories! ACT offers to resettle refugees held in inhumane offshore detention centres.
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Claire Febey 15h
Dear LGBTIQ young people, wear it with we've got your back 💜🏳️‍🌈
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Michelle Bennett 20h
Don't forget to today. Show rainbow young people, & everybody, that they have the right to be proud of who they are!
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HumanRightsLawCentre 20h
Don't forget to today! Celebrate the diversity that surrounds each and every one of us
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Peter Black Aug 24
from : "Explainer: Marriage Equality Postal Plebiscite High Court Challenge"
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