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Craig Andrew Batty
If I can't sing, I don't want to be in your revolution. Yes, I'm sweary. Cope with it. Australian Republican Movement / /
Craig Andrew Batty ha retuitat
Van Badham 3 h
This is excellent and everyone should read it. Caring too much. That's the curse of the working classes:
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Craig Andrew Batty ha retuitat
Tomtom 2 h
Reclaim Australia supporter with swastika. Say NO to the far-right on Nov 22:
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Craig Andrew Batty 2 h
A sample bag of organic fair-trade artisanal horse dung?
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Craig Andrew Batty 3 h
Show me what you've got, Padwan.
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Craig Andrew Batty 3 h
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Craig Andrew Batty 3 h
I promise. I will try very hard NOT to tweet about the Melbourne Cup tomorrow. VERY hard. Promise.
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Craig Andrew Batty ha retuitat
Close Manus & Nauru 22 h
Nazanin raped and mistreated by Nauruan police, drank insecticide - could have died from kidney failure
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Craig Andrew Batty ha retuitat
Stilgherrian 3 h
I seem to have fooled ABC into thinking I have everything under control. Nevertheless, my doco will air 22 Nov.
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Craig Andrew Batty 3 h
Filth columnist.
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Craig Andrew Batty ha retuitat
Tonyabbotts corpse 3 h
I expect those dills to boycott the Melbourne cup due to emirates sponsoring the event.
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Craig Andrew Batty ha retuitat
Rowan 3 h
Amazing, voting age'' knight and dames'' but no talk of Dutton sending refugees to Kyrgyzstan Unbelievable
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Craig Andrew Batty ha retuitat
I have a room 3 h
REMEMBER the 1000s of PNG protestors BURNING the MOU between RUDD & O'Neill
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Craig Andrew Batty 3 h
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Craig Andrew Batty ha retuitat
HelpRefugeesOZ 4 h
It's that easy is it? These people are traumatised they need serious help, does anyone really think this is for real
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Craig Andrew Batty ha retuitat
exactly. Refugees in transit camp have attempted suicide. Most have severe mental health issues
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Craig Andrew Batty 4 h
Bugün nasılsın?
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Craig Andrew Batty 4 h
. So, how's the Memorandum of Understanding with the PNG government over Manus Island going? Act. Now.
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Craig Andrew Batty 4 h
. So, how's the Memorandum of Understanding with the PNG government over Manus Island going? Resign. Now.
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Craig Andrew Batty 4 h
Ewwww. Sprinkle a circle of salt around you. Slugs hate that.
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Craig Andrew Batty 4 h
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