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Art, music, life!...defender of human rights and our world. I never tolerate bad behaviour! My opinions are mine! My RT's are what I find interesting.
DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
ABC News 12h
The only hope for democracy is for politicians to stand up to political parties
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Richard Forrester 5h
lnp-ipa gangs on streets next 'Patriotic trolling': governments endorse hate campaigns against critics | Carly Nyst
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Australian Unions Jul 12
200 maintenance workers at Esso/Exxon Mobil face 30% pay cut. Rally in Sale on Fri to stop
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Denise Shrivell 11h
Why doesn't Australia's Govt want us to have world-class internet connectivity?
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Dave Donovan 6h
Stop trying to save the planet, Matthew Canavan tells Queensland government
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Close Manus & Nauru 6h
More reports of abuse at one of the Turnbull Govs black sites.
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Susan Metcalfe 6h
NZ detainees on Christmas Island say they've been punished for trying to expose guards abusing an asylum seeker
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Denise Shrivell 6h
Trying to change 🎩 narrative to 'the conservatives made me do it'. Don't buy it - he knew exactly what he was signing up to
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
FatherBob 7h
Twitter not place but where is find 5 by $10K social capital investors my Foundation's commitment reverse local community collapse disorder?
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DameJenntheAmazing 6h
Replying to @Clintonswalk
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Clinton Pryor 7h
Where we are now guys.
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Mike Carlton 9h
From the human hot air balloon who styles himself "Australia's most influential and respected broadcaster.. the nation's greatest orator."
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
SusanTaylor 8h
The mine or the reef? Al Gore says the wars are a simple choice
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Nick Jack Pappas 20h
A massive iceberg broke off Antarctica, but it's probably just trying to move to a place with more coal jobs.
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Ixat D'Nats 16h
Replying to @Jenn1964Hussey
Wow. I saw stuff like this in South Africa under Apartheid.
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DameJenntheAmazing 16h
Replying to @IxatDnats
It's like these animals are rearing their ugly heads again
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Hon. Walter Slurrie Jul 11
This is Chris Kenny He works for Rupert He hates the ABC But watches it constantly Just so he can hate it more His show has low ratings
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Turnbull's Gotta Go! Jul 11
Wow. Yassmin's 7 words on Anzac caused confected outrage from RWNJs. This vitriol should end with MacSween unemployed & on charges
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
IndigenousX Pty Ltd Jul 11
The Aboriginal flag was first flown in 1971 at Victoria Square in Adelaide. [-o-]
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DameJenntheAmazing retweeted
Coalition Tea Lady 23h
What you said wasn't funny... The End.
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