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Ben Doherty
Journalist/foreign correspondent on The Guardian. Australia. 2015 Fellow Oxford University. Opinions -hilarious/insightful/otherwise - my own.
Ben Doherty retweeted
Kaldor Centre UNSW Mar 8
'This is breaking people': visa deadline stress strains asylum services. Reporting by
Ben Doherty Mar 8
Hello Heather, Ben Doherty here on the . Might you be able to follow me? Hoping to DM abt Pod Save the World. Thanks
Ben Doherty Mar 7
And don't forget to have a pro-Nazi fascist uncle who'll abdicate to clear the path to your divine right to rule!
Ben Doherty Feb 27
'He's got a bagel, on his head'.... Fight on UK train after people kept placing bagels on travellers' heads
Ben Doherty Feb 27
'He's got a bagel, on his head...' This properly kicks off. Edifying and compelling viewing.
Ben Doherty Feb 26
Thousands of asylum seekers given days to lodge complex applications or face loss of rights
Ben Doherty Feb 26
Backflip on deportation of Sydney doctor with autistic child welcomed
Ben Doherty retweeted
Calla Wahlquist Feb 23
If you read only one of the series, let it be this one. did amazing work.
Ben Doherty Feb 23
Outcry after Sydney doctor faced with deportation over autistic child
Ben Doherty retweeted
Lenore Taylor Feb 22
Kevin Rudd accuses Netanyahu of 'torpedoing' Middle East peace plans
Ben Doherty retweeted
Henry Sherrell Feb 20
Finding jobs faster for new refugees a 'triple win' for Australia, report finds
Ben Doherty Feb 20
Finding jobs faster for new refugees a 'triple win' for Australia, report finds
Ben Doherty Feb 16
Australia allegedly 'taking orders from Trump administration' in boycotting nuclear weapons ban negotiations:
Ben Doherty Feb 16
Australia to boycott global summit on treaty to ban nuclear weapons
Ben Doherty retweeted
Graham Thom Feb 16
Immigration and IHMS blame each other over Manus death, really? the whole system is dysfunctional
Ben Doherty retweeted
Kyle Griffin Feb 15
Wow—this is quite the letter to the editor.
Ben Doherty retweeted
Labor 4 Refugees Feb 15
10,000 applications to be processed out of the bottom drawer ...
Ben Doherty retweeted
Castan Centre Feb 15
Glimmer of hope for 10,000 left stranded by Australia's inaction writes :
Ben Doherty Feb 15
And he played for St Kilda! It's an extraordinary judgement.
Ben Doherty Feb 15
. put 10,000 valid citizenship applications 'in a drawer'. Fed Court rules DIBP action unlawful:
Ben Doherty retweeted
Jane Cattermole Feb 15
Manus Island detention centre to close by year's end, inquest told via
Ben Doherty Feb 15
Court ruling could give 10,000 people the right to be Australian, for many, the first citizenship they’ve ever held:
Ben Doherty Feb 15
Manus Island detention centre slated for closure by year's end, inquest told
Ben Doherty retweeted
Dylan Quinnell Feb 15
Island detention centre to close by year's end, coronial inquest told -
Ben Doherty retweeted
Stefan Armbruster Feb 15
Manus detention centre to close by year's end, Khazaei inquest told via
Ben Doherty retweeted
RAC Sydney Feb 14
Senior Aust bureaucrat tells Hamid Khazaei inquest PNG govt want detention closed by 2018 by
Ben Doherty Feb 15
Manus Island detention centre to close by year's end, inquest told
Ben Doherty Feb 14
Hamid Kehazaei was metres from care unit that could have saved him, inquest told
Ben Doherty retweeted
Stefan Armbruster Feb 14
Dying Manus asylum seeker Khazaei left unattended, metres from hospital ICU: inquest
Ben Doherty retweeted
RAC Sydney Feb 14
Mistakes cascaded to Hamid Khazaei cardiac arrests metres from care that could save him—inquest by