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Behrouz Boochani
Behrouz Boochani May 22
Manus detainees ask for NZ asylum
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Behrouz Boochani May 21
About 140 asylum seekers with negative refugee status just wrote to NZ pm for help. System is trying 2 deport by force w/out judicial review
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Behrouz Boochani May 20
UNHCR representatives are in Manus, its six times they visited prison in past 4 yrs. Australia did not care about international laws.
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Behrouz Boochani May 19
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Behrouz Boochani May 18
all are out now.
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Behrouz Boochani May 18
Even if a person only reads my works I will keep writing from prison for them
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Behrouz Boochani May 17
Self-harm, suicide and assaults: brutality on Manus revealed
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Behrouz Boochani May 16
Revealed: year-long campaign to make conditions harsher for Manus refugees
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Behrouz Boochani May 15
Immigration put my letters in the rubbish bin while i asked them to allow me to go to SFF to watch my movie with the audience.
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Behrouz Boochani May 15
I have an official invitation from Sydney Film festival but immigration did not answer my request.Dont claim you are a liberal democracy
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Behrouz Boochani May 14
Filmmaker detained on Manus to miss premiere
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Behrouz Boochani May 14
prison is full of tension. The refugees are very angry with immigration's plan to settle them in PNG
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Behrouz Boochani May 14
Immigration is saying they want to take refugees to East Lorengau town in Island, which means forced settlement in PNG
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Behrouz Boochani May 13
We have a saying in Kurdish culture, only mountains are friends to the Kurds. Wherever I go I won't be alone, there will always be mountains
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Behrouz Boochani May 13
Anywhere that I go will be my land and I will give my soul to it despite having given a part of my soul to PNG and Australia
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Behrouz Boochani May 13
Important thing for me is to live in a society where I'm useful & creative in helping humanity. I'm sure I will leave part of my soul in PNG
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Behrouz Boochani May 13
I feel myself as a part of Australian civil society and wherever I go I will feel that I left a part of my soul in your cities.
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Behrouz Boochani May 13
Most people in are happy to go to America, but unfortunately the process is very slow. The deal is working like another torture.
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Behrouz Boochani May 13
About 7 months ago the gov announced the deal. Still the refugees are waiting. How many more years do you want to keep people in limbo?
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Behrouz Boochani May 13
American homeland security officers left# Manus. They only interviewed about 70 people. Very slow process.
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