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greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Wednesday January 25, 2017 - 17:49 by Cyrus Bina
“In a time of universal deceit,
Telling the truth is a revolutionary act.”
— George Orwell ... read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / other libertarian press Tuesday January 24, 2017 - 17:24 by KSL
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 89, January 2017 has just been posted on our site. The PDF is up at: ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Tuesday January 24, 2017 - 01:32 by Nathan Schneider
Among the sweeping changes that President Donald J. Trump has already brought to Washington with his inauguration is the specter of window-breaking anarchists. ... read full story / add a comment
américa del norte / méxico / la izquierda / non-anarchist press Monday January 23, 2017 - 15:20 by Nancy Fraser
La elección de Donald Trump es una más de una serie de insubordinaciones políticas espectaculares que, en conjunto, apuntan a un colapso de la hegemonía neoliberal. ... read full story / add a comment
north america / mexico / the left / non-anarchist press Monday January 23, 2017 - 15:18 by Nancy Fraser
The election of Donald Trump represents one of a series of dramatic political uprisings that together signal a collapse of neoliberal hegemony. These uprisings include the Brexit vote in the United Kingdom, the rejection of the Renzi reforms in Italy, the Bernie Sanders campaign for the Democratic Party nomination in the United States, and rising support for the National Front in France, among others. Although they differ in ideology and goals, these electoral mutinies share a common target: all are rejections of corporate globalization, neoliberalism, and the political establishments that have promoted them. In every case, voters are saying “No!” to the lethal combination of austerity, free trade, predatory debt, and precarious, ill-paid work that characterize financialized capitalism today. Their votes are a response to the structural crisis of this form of capitalism, which first came into full view with the near meltdown of the global financial order in 2008. ... read full story / add a comment
international / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Friday December 30, 2016 - 16:21 by David Bush
The debate over Syria on the Left is toxic. I pulled together 13 points about the situation in Syria I hope can be useful in framing the discussion in a more productive way. The ultimate goal of these discussions in Western countries should be to have a clearer idea about how to strengthen antiwar movements to stop the madness of imperialism. ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / género / non-anarchist press Monday December 26, 2016 - 16:57 by Kajsa Ekis Ekman
Sobre cómo el discurso del trabajo sexual se ha vuelto hegemonico invisibilizando el componente de pobreza y explotación que lleva el hecho de la prostitución. ... read full story / add a comment
eastern asia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Thursday December 08, 2016 - 00:38 by SooKyung Nam
For the sixth straight weekend, hundreds of thousands of Koreans came out in Seoul (and with other Korean cities estimates approaching 2 million people on the streets) to demand the resignation of President Park Geun-hye. This Saturday December 3, the protests marched on the Presidential Blue House. The three opposition parties introduced a bill last week to impeach the President, supported by a majority of the parliament (171 of 300 members), for abuse of power in an influence-peddling scandal. But the vote needs a 2/3 majority and requires a rump of Park's Saenuri party to break and support the opposition to pass the bill.

These are the largest demonstrations in South Korea since the pro-democracy movement of the 1980s. But the street protests are also against the neoliberal reforms Park has pursued and the attacks on the KCTU (Korean Confederation of Trade Unions), and an emphatic statement that all politics is not forming in a populist hard right. The below essays were written just after the fourth demonstration weekend. ... read full story / add a comment
central america / caribbean / the left / non-anarchist press Wednesday November 30, 2016 - 18:59 by Slavoj Zizek
In the last decades, Cuban “socialism” continued to live only because it didn’t yet notice it was already dead. ... read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / other libertarian press Friday November 18, 2016 - 02:55 by KSL
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library No. 88, October 2016 has just been posted ... read full story / add a comment
internacional / workplace struggles / other libertarian press Saturday November 12, 2016 - 17:33 by CIB Unicobas Bari
A la luz de la convocación de un “Congreso de refundación de la A.I.T.” propuesta por la C.N.T.-E., la F.A.U.-Alemania y la U.S.I.-Prato Carnico (hizo la escisión de la U.S.I.), nos hemos sentidos obligados a expresar algunas consideraciones sobre eso y de volver a proponer nuestro testimonio en el 20° Congreso de la A.I.T. de diciembre 1996 en Madrid.
Las razones por las que expresamos y volvemos a proponer este testimonio se relacionan a las consideraciones hechas con las cuales las tres siglas sindicales proponen este congreso. ... read full story / add a comment
international / workplace struggles / other libertarian press Saturday November 12, 2016 - 17:22 by CIB Unicobas Bari
In the light of the convocation of a “congress to refound the I.W.A.” made by the C.N.T.-E., by F.A.U.-Germany and by U.S.I.-Prato Carnico (secessionist), we decided to make some considerations about it along with reproposing our testimony from the 20th I.W.A. Congress of Madrid from December 1996.
The reasons we express ourselves and repropose this documents are closely linked to the motivations with which the three unions propose this congress. ... read full story / add a comment
internazionale / lotte sindacali / altra stampa libertaria Saturday November 12, 2016 - 17:04 by CIB Unicobas Bari   text 1 comment (last - saturday november 19, 2016 - 22:04)
Alla luce della convocazione di un “congresso di rifondazione della A.I.T.” proposta dalla C.N.T.-E, dalla F.A.U.-Germania e dell'U.S.I.-Prato Carnico-Italia (scissionista), ci siamo sentiti in dovere di esprimere alcune considerazioni in merito e di riproporre la nostra testimonianza risalente al 20° Congresso dell'A.I.T. tenutosi a Madrid nel Dicembre 1996.
Le ragioni per cui ci esprimiamo e riproponiamo questo documento si riallacciano alle motivazioni con le quali le tre sigle sindacali propongono questo congresso. ... read full story / add a comment
Gauteng Community Health Care Forum
southern africa / community struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday November 01, 2016 - 04:23 by Gauteng Community Health Care Forum   image 1 image
Community Health Workers led by the Gauteng Community Health Care Forum call on all CHWs, members of the communities, students, workers, and all who are committed to health care for all to join and support a march to the Gauteng Department of Health and the Legislature on the 8 November 2016!! ... read full story / add a comment
international / miscellaneous / non-anarchist press Tuesday October 25, 2016 - 14:42 by Panagiotis Sotiris
The elephant in the room is now visible to everyone. All the developments of the past years, from the extreme violence and cynicism of the “memoranda of understanding” imposed upon Greece to the decision of the British referendum in favour of Brexit, point to the same direction: the deep crisis of European Integration. It was supposed to be the most advanced example of economic and political integration and the first successful introduction of a single currency in such a broad area. It presented itself as a paragon of stability and human rights. Yet the reality is very different. ... read full story / add a comment
western asia / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Tuesday October 25, 2016 - 14:38 by Michael Skinner
7 October 2016 marks the fifteenth anniversary of the invasion of Afghanistan. Many Western leaders claimed the invasion, dubbed Operation Enduring Freedom, was a humanitarian intervention to liberate Afghans and especially Afghan women and girls from the brutal Taliban regime. However, the evidence demonstrates the results have been anything but humane or liberating.

The people truly liberated by the invasion and occupation of Afghanistan are the wealthy investors in the military-industrial complex and those betting on successfully extracting Afghan resources and developing the infrastructure of the New Silk Road. ... read full story / add a comment
southern asia / workplace struggles / non-anarchist press Tuesday September 06, 2016 - 16:22 by Number 13
Since India embraced what trade unions call the LPG route to growth (that is liberalization, privatization and globalization) in 1991, the country has seen 16 general strikes. And the 17th all India workers’ strike falls on September 2nd. The last general strike, observed on 2 September 2015, saw participation from nearly 150 million workers – that's half the population of the entire U.S., or more than the combined population of the UK, Canada and Australia. This year, the unions expect a better turnout given the controversial labour policies pursued by the Narendra Modi-led NDA government. ... read full story / add a comment
greece / turkey / cyprus / imperialism / war / non-anarchist press Tuesday August 30, 2016 - 14:38 by Phil Hearse   text 1 comment (last - wednesday august 31, 2016 - 20:43)
Turkey's incursion into northern Syria on 24 August was flagged up as a move to drive the so-called Islamic State (ISIS) out of the border town of Jarabulus. But that is just a cover: Turkey's not very secret major objective is to crush the 50,000-strong Kurdish YPG (People's Protection Unit) militia, and overrun the three autonomous Kurdish dominated areas, collectively called “Rojava” by the Kurds. ... read full story / add a comment
Κυκλοφόρησε το τεύχος 9 (Ιούνιος 2016) του εντύπου «Η Σφήκα», της Συνέλευσης για την ΚΥκλοφορία των Αγώνων. ... read full story / add a comment
international / history of anarchism / other libertarian press Sunday May 29, 2016 - 02:10 by KSL
KSL: Bulletin of the Kate Sharpley Library 86-87, May 2016 [Double issue] has just been posted on our site. ... read full story / add a comment
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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Thu 26 Jan, 17:59

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16299229_408924822783881_4386184309798283658_n.jpg imageΑλληλεγγύη στους α&#... 17:36 Thu 26 Jan by Αναρχική Πολιτική Οργάνωση 0 comments

Από τους δρόμους της Ελλάδας εκφράζουμε την αλληλεγγύη μας στους αναρχικούς συντρόφους της DAF (Αναρχική Επαναστατική Δράση) και στην εφημερίδα Meydan, καθώς και σε όσους αγωνίζονται στην Τουρκία ενάντια στον κρατικό ολοκληρωτισμό, κρατώντας ζωντανό το όραμα για έναν κόσμο ισότητας, αλληλεγγύης και ελευθερίας.

16299771_10208811405339444_4230603188226326858_o.jpg imageLa insurrección de Ixmiquilpan 19:16 Wed 25 Jan by Demián Revart 0 comments

A las 2:30 pm, un trailer gigantesco dividió a los contingentes de la batalla: por un extremo, un operativo de más de 100 camiones y patrullas con elementos cargados con armas de gases lacrimógenos y de fuego; por el otro, la población resistiendo con palos, piedras y el estruendo de los cohetones -que a su vez servían como instrumentos de guerra para que los vecinos salieran a las calles-

delo_trudo.png image[Dielo Truda]. “A Plataforma Organizacional” (fac-simile, nova tradução e ‘Suplemento’) 18:46 Wed 25 Jan by Instituto de Teoria e História Anarquista 2 comments

Em 2016 comemoram-se 90 anos da primeira publicação da chamada “Plataforma”. “A Plataforma Organizacional da União Geral dos Anarquistas” foi publicada originalmente na França, em 1926, na revista Dielo Truda, pelo Grupo de Anarquistas Russos no Estrangeiro, do qual participavam Nestor Ivánovitch Makhno, Piotr Andreyevich Arshinov, Ida Mett (pseudônimo de Ida Gilman), Jean Walecki (pseudônimo de Isaak Gurfinkiel) e Maxime Ranko (pseudônimo de Benjamin Goldberg).Neste post comemorativo, o Instituto de Teoria e História Anarquista (ITHA) — além de inaugurar a seção “Arquivo”, que constituirá um banco de dados com fontes produzidas pelos próprios anarquistas — disponibilizará, em três datas diferentes, os seguintes documentos: 1.) A versão fac-simile dos números da revista Dielo Truda em que a “Plataforma” foi originalmente publicada; 2.) A nova tradução da Plataforma ao português, realizada a partir do original em russo; 3.) A tradução ao português do documento conhecido como “Suplemento à Plataforma Organizacional”.

c1_k2swiaebkno_2.jpg imageAbout the threat to deport Mohamed A. 17:42 Mon 23 Jan by Musaferat 0 comments

Since October 2016, Mohamed A. has been in administrative arrestment in the police headquarters of Lesvos as a prospective deportee, as his requests to be granted political asylum have been rejected. He has been on hunger strike since 13/12/2016, demanding that his deportation be cancelled, and that he is granted political asylum.

c1_k2swiaebkno_1.jpg imageLa minaccia di deportazione di Mohamed A. 17:39 Mon 23 Jan by Musaferat 0 comments

Dal mese di ottobre 2016, Mohamed A. si trova in stato di detenzione amministrativa nella stazione di polizia di Lesbo, come candidato per la deportazione, in quanto è stata respinta la sua richiesta di asilo politico. Dal 13 dicembre 2016 è in sciopero della fame, per la cancellazione della deportazione e l’ottenimento dell’asilo politico.

c1_k2swiaebkno.jpg imageTürkiye’ye geri gönderilme tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya olan Mohamed A.’nın ... 17:36 Mon 23 Jan by Musaferat 0 comments

Ekim 2016’dan beri Midilli polis istasyonunda idari gözetim altında tutulan ve iltica başvurusu reddedilmesi sebebiyle sınır dışı edilmekle karşı karşıya kalan Mohamed A., Türkiye’ye sınır dışı edilmesini önlemek ve sığınma talebinin karşılanması için 12 Aralık’ta açlık grevine başladı.

9.jpg imageΑντιφασιστικές συ ... 16:54 Mon 23 Jan by Ελευθεριακή Πρωτοβουλία Θεσσαλονίκης 0 comments

Η αλήθεια είναι ότι αν και τους τελευταίους μήνες η «δράση» των φασιστών της πόλης μας έκανε πολύ συχνά να μειδιάσουμε, αυτό το τελευταίο, το να μην εμφανιστούν καν στην συγκέντρωση που κάλεσαν, έστω πίσω από την κάλυψη των μπάτσων όπως συνήθως, έστω σε κλειστό χώρο, έστω έξω από την πόλη… θέτει τον πήχη ακόμα “ψηλότερα”! Το γεγονός δε ότι την επόμενη ημέρα (22/1) έβγαλαν ανακοίνωση με την οποία υποστηρίζουν ότι ποτέ δεν κάλεσαν στην πορεία και όλα ήταν κόλπο των αντιφασιστών, οι οποίοι μόνοι τους τύπωσαν τα τρικάκια που καλούσαν στην εθνικιστική πορεία (!!!), απλά απογειώνει την ξεφτίλα τους, αλλά παράλληλα απογειώνει και το αστείο της υπόθεσης!

umutsilbuyuk768x496_2.jpg image[Turchia] 39° giorno di sciopero della fame in carcere per il rivoluzionario anarchico Umut Fır... 18:20 Sun 22 Jan by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet 0 comments

In un tempo in cui le lacrime non si sono asciugate e la rabbia non si è ancora placata per le città distrutte dai carri armati e dai bombardamenti, per le centinaia di persone uccise, per le migliaia di vecchi, bambini, donne ed uomini feriti e sfollati, vivono nella nostra memoria le immagini dei colpevoli che si ricoprono di medaglie; in un tempo in cui i carri armati e gli aerei che hanno distrutto città ed ucciso le persone prendono di mira Ankara ed Istanbul lo scorso 15 luglio, gli eroi vengono accusati di tradimento nel giro di una notte. Migliaia di persone vengono stipate nelle carceri, decine di migliaia hanno perso il loro posto di lavoro. [Türkçe] [English] [Ελληνικά]

6339818330_975367e68a_b300x225.jpg imageΒέροια: Μια αντιφασ&... 18:05 Sun 22 Jan by ΕΣΕ Ημαθίας 0 comments

Ο εχθρός των ναζί είναι το εργατικό και κοινωνικό κίνημα που παλεύει για δικαιοσύνη. Ας μην διαψεύσουμε τους φόβους τους ούτε στιγμή. Δεν φτάνει στο δρόμο να κατεβαίνουν οι 200-300 ενεργοί πολίτες για να πνίξουν το φίδι. Χρειάζεται να φτιαχτεί ένα ακηδεμόνευτο «από τα κάτω» οριζόντιο μαχητικό αντιφασιστικό κίνημα, στην εργασία, στα σχολεία, τις γειτονιές κ.α που όχι μόνο θα φράζει το δρόμο στους φασίστες, αλλά θα ανοίγει γενικευμένα το δρόμο της αντίστασης και της ανυπακοής στις προσταγές των “από πάνω”.

16002995_10208929912544910_1237592031980817320_n_1.jpg imagePrimo incontro femminista di Solidaridad – Federación Comunista Libertaria 04:25 Sun 22 Jan by Mesa Feminista Solidaridad 0 comments

Dal 14 al 15 gennaio 2017, a Valparaíso, si è tenuto l'Incontro femminista nazionale di Solidaridad – Federación Comunista Libertaria.

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image[Catalunya] Valoració de la Vaga del 18G a l’educació pública Jan 25 by Embat 0 comments

Una mobilització important durant el debat de pressupostos, tornem als carrers i construïm la Vaga del 9F.

image[Catalunya] Valoración de Embat de la huelga de enseñanza del 18 de enero Jan 25 by Embat 0 comments

Una movilización importante durante el debate de presupuestos, volvemos a las calles y construimos la Huelga del 9F.

imageOccupying democracy Jan 25 by Ercan Ayboga 0 comments

The replacement of democratically elected HDP/DBP mayors and local municipality workers by AKP appointees is a grave threat to democracy in Turkish Kurdistan and the larger region.

imageVida e Obra de Bakunin Jan 17 by Felipe Corrêa 0 comments

Introdução ao livro "Revolução e Liberdade: cartas de 1845 a 1875", de Mikhail Bakunin, publicado pela editora Hedra em 2010.

imageΟι τύραννοι φέρνου&#... Jan 17 by Leila Al Shami 0 comments

Άρθρο για την καταστολή της συριακής επανάστασης, γραμμένο από την σύρια αντιεξουσιάστρια Leila Al Shami

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imageΑλληλεγγύη στους α&#... Jan 26 0 comments

Από τους δρόμους της Ελλάδας εκφράζουμε την αλληλεγγύη μας στους αναρχικούς συντρόφους της DAF (Αναρχική Επαναστατική Δράση) και στην εφημερίδα Meydan, καθώς και σε όσους αγωνίζονται στην Τουρκία ενάντια στον κρατικό ολοκληρωτισμό, κρατώντας ζωντανό το όραμα για έναν κόσμο ισότητας, αλληλεγγύης και ελευθερίας.

image[Dielo Truda]. “A Plataforma Organizacional” (fac-simile, nova tradução e ‘Suplemento’) Jan 25 ITHA 2 comments

Em 2016 comemoram-se 90 anos da primeira publicação da chamada “Plataforma”. “A Plataforma Organizacional da União Geral dos Anarquistas” foi publicada originalmente na França, em 1926, na revista Dielo Truda, pelo Grupo de Anarquistas Russos no Estrangeiro, do qual participavam Nestor Ivánovitch Makhno, Piotr Andreyevich Arshinov, Ida Mett (pseudônimo de Ida Gilman), Jean Walecki (pseudônimo de Isaak Gurfinkiel) e Maxime Ranko (pseudônimo de Benjamin Goldberg).Neste post comemorativo, o Instituto de Teoria e História Anarquista (ITHA) — além de inaugurar a seção “Arquivo”, que constituirá um banco de dados com fontes produzidas pelos próprios anarquistas — disponibilizará, em três datas diferentes, os seguintes documentos: 1.) A versão fac-simile dos números da revista Dielo Truda em que a “Plataforma” foi originalmente publicada; 2.) A nova tradução da Plataforma ao português, realizada a partir do original em russo; 3.) A tradução ao português do documento conhecido como “Suplemento à Plataforma Organizacional”.

imageAbout the threat to deport Mohamed A. Jan 23 0 comments

Since October 2016, Mohamed A. has been in administrative arrestment in the police headquarters of Lesvos as a prospective deportee, as his requests to be granted political asylum have been rejected. He has been on hunger strike since 13/12/2016, demanding that his deportation be cancelled, and that he is granted political asylum.

imageLa minaccia di deportazione di Mohamed A. Jan 23 0 comments

Dal mese di ottobre 2016, Mohamed A. si trova in stato di detenzione amministrativa nella stazione di polizia di Lesbo, come candidato per la deportazione, in quanto è stata respinta la sua richiesta di asilo politico. Dal 13 dicembre 2016 è in sciopero della fame, per la cancellazione della deportazione e l’ottenimento dell’asilo politico.

imageTürkiye’ye geri gönderilme tehlikesi ile karşı karşıya olan Mohamed A.’nın ... Jan 23 0 comments

Ekim 2016’dan beri Midilli polis istasyonunda idari gözetim altında tutulan ve iltica başvurusu reddedilmesi sebebiyle sınır dışı edilmekle karşı karşıya kalan Mohamed A., Türkiye’ye sınır dışı edilmesini önlemek ve sığınma talebinin karşılanması için 12 Aralık’ta açlık grevine başladı.

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