Canadian Dimension: World’s eight richest people have same wealth as poorest 50%

Photo by Jorge Royan The world’s eight richest billionaires control the same wealth between them as the poorest half of the globe’s population, according to a charity warning of an ever-increasing and dangerous concentration of wealth. In a report published to coincide with the start of the week-long World Economic Forum in Davos, Switzerland, Oxfam ...

Warren Kinsella: Trump to Canadian conservative fans: too bad for you, suckers!

This is the point I was trying to make on Evan’s radio show on CFRA this week: who gives a shit about Keystone when the Unpresident does this? It’ll make the NEP look like a romp in the park. Get it, yet, Canadian conservatives? Tired of kissing Trump’s fat orange ass? You will be, soon ...

The Disaffected Lib: This Might Go a Long Way to Explaining Trump

Donald Trump behaves just like a person in the throes of severe sleep deprivation. No, this isn’t just casting bones and reading entrails. During the nomination and election campaigns Trump repeatedly alluded to how he gets by with just a few hours of sleep every night. The good news is that this is a well ...

Warren Kinsella: Inaugurating the Unpresident: media and protest updates

I will be on with my friends at CITY-TV on Friday to provide colour commentary.  I can’t wait to talk about the Unpresident on-air.  Tune in! Also, Lisa and Daughter Two will be heading to the Women’s March in D.C. the same morning.  Lisa is writing about it for the Hill Times, and will be doing ...

Michal Rozworski: Learning from the rise of the right in the global South

With only two days left until Donald Trump’s inauguration, today’s two guests look at the turn to the right that’s already well under way across parts of the global South. First, I speak with the historian, journalist and author Vijay Prashad about the nationalist Narendra Modi’s economic agenda in India. Vijay’s books include The Darker Nations A People’s History ...

Accidental Deliberations: Wednesday Morning Links

Miscellaneous material for your mid-week reading. – The Star argues that a crackdown on tax evasion and avoidance is a crucial first step in reining in inequality. Susan Delacourt wonders when, if ever, Chrystia Freeland’s apparent interest in inequality will show up in her role in government. And Vanmala Subramaniam reminds us why the cause ...

Montreal Simon: The Farcical Con Debate and the Coming of Kevin O’Leary

The headline in today's Journal de Montréal just about says it all. Yesterday's Con leadership debate was a "hard evening for the French language."So badly did some Con candidates mangle their French, that even the translators couldn't understand them.And no serious person could call it anything but a farce.But at least the gloves finally came off.Read more ...

Things Are Good: Visualizing Bold Climate Action

There’s so much talk about taking action around climate change that it can be hard to remember what real action looks like. Climate action can take on many different forms and around the world how places react to climate change is different; meaning that we can see so many ways that cities are changing the ...

Warren Kinsella: The one Conservative leadership candidate you could support

Maybe I’ll do a do-over. Hmmm. 

Wise Law Blog: LawFact of the Day: Family Law

Here is your daily LawFact from Wise Law for Wednesday January 18, 2017. Today we are talking about Family Law. A video posted by Wise Law Office (@wiselaw) on Jan 18, 2017 at 6:15am PST Where all matrimonial issues have been resolved as at the one-year anniversary of a separation, an uncontested divorce can proceed ...

Warren Kinsella: Kevin O’Octopus

A woman I know well used to work with Kevin O’Leary. She and her female colleagues called him “The Octopus.” So maybe he’s like Trump, after all.  Anyway. My column from last year about this bilious blowhard, here. What a joke the Conservative Party has become. It’s like Harper never existed. 

Montreal Simon: Donald Trump and the Fake News Protesters

With just 48 hours to go before his inauguration Donald Trump is still claiming it will be a huge success. Preparing to desecrate Abraham Lincoln's Bible.And railing at those who point out that he will be taking office with less popular support than any president in modern U.S. history. In one way at least, President-elect Donald J. Trump has already ...

Northern Reflections: Restoring Character

God knows, governments are imperfect and the source of great frustration. Some suggest that the antidote is to run government like a business. On Friday, Donald Trump says that he will run the United States like a business. And, starting today, Kevin O’Leary is making the same pitch. But, Mark Bulgutch writes, applying business principles ...

Dead Wild Roses: Oppressed White Men

Filed under: Culture Tagged: Humour, Sass

wmtc: chelsea manning will be free!!!!

This is the best news I’ve seen in a long, long time. Chelsea Manning, the US army soldier who became one of the most prominent whistleblowers of modern times when she exposed the nature of warfare in Iraq and Afghanistan, and who then went on to pay the price with a 35-year military prison sentence, ...

Babel-on-the-Bay: Who is worried about Patrick Brown?

This advice is just for Ontario Progressive Conservatives. They are the ones who need to worry. The reason for this is the statement made last week by Ontario PC leader Patrick Brown’s good friend and campaign chair Walied Soliman. He is reported as saying, “We know that the Liberals are going to unleash a campaign ...

The Sir Robert Bond Papers: A bail out, a bail out … #nlpoli

Conversation about the province’s financial state in the past couple of weeks have turned to talk of bailouts and threats to the province’s sovereignty.  A Carlton University economist  told CBC in early January that the provincial government would need a bailout to keep the province from collapsing under the weight of electricity rates once Muskrat Falls ...

The Sir Robert Bond Papers: The Narrative War (2015) #nlpoli

The day after a massive Liberal victory in the general election,  CBC’s David Cochrane posted an analysis piece on the new administration.  CBC distributed it nationally. Cochrane described Dwight Ball as a man “unlikely” to be Premier: Four campaigns. Two losses. Two wins.  By a combined 75 votes. Cochrane’s account leaves out relevant context.  When it comes ...

Alberta Politics: ‘Real Leader’ Brad Wall’s government feeds the fluctuations of a boom-bust economy as Alberta stays the course

PHOTOS: The Saskatchewan economy … where it sits right about now. It’s not Brad Wall’s fault!!! Below: Mr. Wall, the “Real Leader” of Western Canada; Saskatchewan Deputy Premier Don Morgan; Saskatchewan Finance Minister Kevin Doherty; and Saskatchewan Federation of Labour President Larry Hubich. OTTAWA What a pleasure it is here in the nation’s capital to ...

The Disaffected Lib: The Ball is in Your Court Now, Assange

Chelsea Manning has received clemency from Barack Obama. Now it’s time for Julian Assange to turn himself in to American authorities. “If Obama grants Manning clemency,” the WikiLeaks tweet read, “Assange will agree to U.S. extradition despite clear unconstitutionality of DoJ case.” Assange was referencing the case where — well, it’s not exactly clear what ...

Accidental Deliberations: Tuesday Night Cat Blogging

Companion cats.

Saskboy's Abandoned Stuff: Wikileaks: Manning Sentence Commuted to 7 years

I’m elated! Chelsea Manning is finally going to be released. Obama signed the commutation today. Wikileaks, the anti-secrecy organisation which published the diplomatic cables, has previously said its founder Julian Assange would agree to be extradited to the US if Mr Obama granted clemency to Manning. The White House said the Manning commutation was not ...

The Disaffected Lib: And Then He Proved Us Right

Justin Trudeau was right when he said, “One of the things we inherited from the previous government was a high degree of mistrust by Canadians,” on pipelines. It apparently hasn’t dawned on Trudeau that he wasted no time proving how much that mistrust was justified. It’s like that farcical line he delivered with a straight ...

The Disaffected Lib: Will Artificial Intelligence Target Women?

Think of a robotic Trump – racist, sexist, misogynistic. Some think those are the attributes we can expect to seep into artificial intelligence. The age of automation is not going to be kind to women. Women are projected to take the biggest hits to jobs in the near future, according to a World Economic Forum ...

The Disaffected Lib: Obama to Free Chelsea Manning

The New York Times is reporting that Barack Obama will commute the remaining prison sentence of Chelsea Manning. She is expected to be released in May. No word yet on anything along the same lines for Edward Snowden.