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Days in Conflict – Commemorating Centenary in a series of digital, interactive documentaries

By Sam Doust

Days in Conflict is a series of iOS and Android apps for tablet computers, published by the ABC in co-production with the Department of Veteran’s Affairs, and made freely available to a worldwide audience.

They are digital editions of Australia’s wartime record during World War One, designed for schools, universities and the general public interested in the events of the Great War. The second app in the series, the Battles of Fromelles and Pozières is available now for iOS and Android tablets alongside Gallipoli: the first day, and the following two, focusing on Passchendaele and Beersheba are now in production.


“All day long the ground rocked and swayed backwards and forwards from the concussion… like a well-built haystack… Men were driven stark staring mad and more than one of them rushed out of the trench towards the Germans. Any amount of them could be seen crying and sobbing like children, their nerves completely gone, how on earth we stood it God alone knows, we nearly were all in a state of silliness and half-dazed.”
Archie Barwick’s diary entry reflecting on his experience at the Battle of Pozières captures the fraught, epic chaos surrounding the Australian soldier as he fought for the Entente on the Western Front. Fromelles and Pozières were Australia’s first battles in France. Although here in Australia, we continue to hold Gallipoli in a mythical pre-eminence, the battles in Europe were of a different order altogether.
Our modern world arose out of the astonishing crucible that was World War One. As we pass through the middle mark of the Centenary of its campaigns and battles we are revisiting degrees of tragedy and hope that give us invaluable and impressive insights into the depths of the human condition.
As a storyteller, it’s a journey in which eloquence and beauty are crushed by chance and malevolence. The notion of embellishing factuality seems absurd when what occurred was so extraordinary. These apps then are, in genre terms, documentaries, specialising in retelling events where and when they happened, in order to give a richer understanding of individual battles and sacrifice.


The series begins in 1915 with an examination of the detail of the first day of the Gallipoli Campaign. Following the largest amphibian landing for nearly 2500 years, a difficult struggle ensued to gain high ground in an effort to advance across the peninsula to the enemy fortifications protecting the Sea of Marmara. This advance was thwarted by ferocious resistance from Ottoman forces defending their homeland. A tenuous front line established on that first day was never advanced and eight months later the Anzac forces were in full retreat.
The Battles of Fromelles and Pozières followed over a year later on July 19th 1916. Strategically, Fromelles was a ruse to distract German forces from reinforcing positions further south, where the heart of the Somme Offensive was a few weeks old. At Fromelles, men of the Australian 5th Division fought alongside the British 61st Division against the well-entrenched Bavarian 6th Division in a day-long battle that wiped out the 5th, which would not be ready for combat again until October of that year. Outcomes included 5,500 Australians, 2,000 British and little over a 1,000 Germans killed or wounded. No territory was gained or lost.


The app revisits the Battle of Fromelles in substantial detail, in part because it has had less coverage than other battles over the past one hundred years. Over 80 separate events are examined, augmented with diaries, photographs, soldier profiles and models. These events are further summarised is nine chapters, narrated by Hugo Weaving, which tell the story of the day.
This division of information between events and narrated story points also provides a dual activity in the app – one can at any time either explore the map and events through time, or sit back and let the story unfold in front of you.

This structure is a central characteristic of the apps and as such also applies to the Battle of Pozières. A small village on a bit of high ground roughly in the middle of the Somme Offensive’s battlefield, the British had tried repeatedly but unsuccessfully to wrestle it from German occupation. In July 1916, the Australian 1st Division took it one day. It is difficult to underestimate the importance of this, especially as it followed so closely on the heels of disaster at Fromelles. Pozières marked the successful introduction of another formidable Dominion force on the Western Front. Alongside the Canadians, Australian soldiers and their commanders are recognised for their innovative and efficient approaches to the brutal warfare of the Western Front, a badly needed counterpoint to the strategy of attrition that led to the incredible loss and maiming of life on both sides.


Alongside the apps, website versions of the content offer a higher degree of accessibility, as well as making that content available to phones, desk and laptop computers. Also online, specifically tailored teachers’ resources are provided so that the apps can be used in guided classroom and homework activities.


Creating a documentary series for multi-touch tablet computers has been fascinating, and the process is evolving as the series continues. The video-based dioramas of Gallipoli, for instance, have been replaced by interactive 3D environments in Fromelles and Pozières. The approach to generating the maps’ camera system and animations has improved substantially from one app to another. We use software called Unity3D to wrap up and publish the app, within which lies a series of clever and proprietary approaches to content presentation developed for this kind of storytelling. Textual content is managed in dynamic spreadsheets, which helps centralise everything from photo captions and the exact time and place of events, to the coordinates of explosions from artillery. In 2017 we’ll also be publishing 360 video sequences of battle scenes as part of the content offering for the next titles in the series.

As I write this at the beginning of production on the two apps to be published in 2017, it’s clear that after the horrors of 1916, including the Somme Offensive and the protracted Battle of Verdun, 1917 was darker still. In January Germany declared its intent for unrestricted U-boat warfare, as its people suffered under the so-called Turnip Winter. The French Army, exhausted after Verdun looked to the British to lead, even whilst Britain’s Prime Minister plotted to subordinate British Forces to French command. From March, food riots in Petrograd transformed into full blown revolution in Russia, and the end of its fighting force on the Eastern Front, resulting in the return of those German forces to the west. Morale was also an enormous casualty in 1917. These all set the scene for the abyss of Third Ypres, also known as the Battle of Passchendaele, the subject of one of the next apps to be published in the series.
You can learn more about the Battles of Fromelles and Pozières here.

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