Are You Ready To Earn More & Spend Smarter ?

This isn’t about deprivation, it’s about inspiration. I’ll show you how.

Fox Denver: 2017 Trends That Can Save You Big Money

Fox Denver: 2017 Trends That Can Save You Big Money

GET YOUR SPOT HERE FREE WORKSHOP: CREATE+ CONQUER YOUR 2017 MONEY GOALS  Hey you money minded dreamer and doer. You've got big beautiful money goals for 2017, and I LOVE that! That's why I would love for you to join me for my FREE WORKSHOP - HOW TO CREATE &...

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FREE WORKSHOP: Create & Crush Your 2017 Money Goals

FREE WORKSHOP: Create & Crush Your 2017 Money Goals

  >>> Click Here to Learn More and Reserve Your Spot For Free! <<< Hey you money minded dreamer and doer. You've got big beautiful money goals for 2017, and I LOVE that!   That's why I would love for you to join me for my FREE WORKSHOP -...

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4 Surprising Strategies To Conquer Your 2017 Money Goals

4 Surprising Strategies To Conquer Your 2017 Money Goals

GET YOUR SPOT HERE FREE WORKSHOP: CREATE+ CONQUER YOUR 2017 MONEY GOALS  Hey you money minded dreamer and doer. You've got big beautiful money goals for 2017, and I LOVE that! That's why I would love for you to join me for my FREE WORKSHOP - HOW TO CREATE &...

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Holiday Spending Traps & How To Avoid Them

Holiday Spending Traps & How To Avoid Them

From new clothes for your holiday party to last minute entertainment, it's easy to spend hundreds of dollars over the holidays – but there are easy ways to save, if you know the right tricks! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xrS1KBQYlrE 1. Buying New Clothes For Your...

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As Seen: BNN Business Day

As Seen: BNN Business Day

If you’re anything like me, this time of year when the Christmas music starts to play and those twinkling lights go up, your heart gets set to make this the most special, and beautiful holiday season yet. But then, before you know it. You're in it. And in that chaos...

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How To Avoid A Holiday Spending Hangover

How To Avoid A Holiday Spending Hangover

  It’s January, the presents are unwrapped, your family has gone home and you’re ready for a long vacation. Unfortunately, your bills arrive and your spending hangover kicks in before you can take your last sip of New Year’s bubbly. Don't you think it’s about...

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As Seen On Fox Denver: How To Save $1000 Before Black Friday

As Seen On Fox Denver: How To Save $1000 Before Black Friday

What if you could find an extra thousand dollars or more in your budget in the next six weeks? I know you can do it, with these simple spending tweaks ! And as you can see from the image below, I obviously had no fun sharing these tips with Kathie and Heather on Fox...

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Oprah & The Smart Cookies


Being a smart cookie feels great!!! I’m taking control of my life AND my finances. Smart Cookies keeps me motivated by reminding me that ANYONE can do it.

Smart Cookie Patricia | Owner

Pre-Smart Cookies, I struggled to be more mindful about my money. It felt overwhelming, and I didn’t have a non-judgmental place to discuss things like debt, spending, and helpful resources.  I would make some progress, but then get frustrated and completely throw myself off-track with a crazy impulse buy that I believed I “deserved” and would […]

Smart Cookie Colette (& Avery)

Smart Cookies’ help has gone beyond finances. Thanks for empowering me!

Smart Cookie Nica

Smart Cookies is THE BEST! I’m 23, have just purchased my first condo (to be built by early next year) with more than 20% down, graduated university with enough money in the bank to pay for 3 months traveling in Europe, plus teachers college, and have just started my first year teaching with a permanent […]

Smart Cookie Allison

I am so proud to be a Smart Cookie!! If you’re reading this, wondering if you should sign up for the Smart Cookie bite-sized cookie e-mails, or if you’re thinking about buying one of the Smart Cookie products, don’t wait! Other “financial advice” is not the same, Smart Cookies are all about sharing beautiful your […]

Smart Cookie Michelle

Be a Smart Cookie. DO IT! NOW! There isn’t a single female in the world who shouldn’t be a Smart Cookie. It’s your life to live and you should live it in the best way possible. Smart Cookies helps you do just that. Finding Smart Cookies was a pivotal moment for me. Suddenly I learned […]

Smart Cookie Krista | VP of Global Marketing | Entrepreneur

Last night I was up until 1:30 AM, I just could not get enough from Smart Cookies. Today, I’m a little groggy but I feel like a new woman… I feel like a Smart Cookie!

Smart Cookie Lori

I have read many debt books before and even taken one debt course before. But Smart Cookies MOTIVATED me to take a new look at my debts and see how easy they really are to pay off in a short time if I focus on them. Thank you!

Smart Cookie Trish

If you are thinking about signing up for Smart Cookies, get ready to actually feel good about saving money and not feel like you are inhibiting your life! I am so proud to be a Smart Cookie because I know I’m making changes in my life that will offer me choices now and down the […]

Smart Cookie Ashley | Owner


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