The political issues posed by the Australian election crisis

The ruling elites, whether in Australia or around the world, cannot return to the stable and predictable parliamentary forms through which they ruled in the past. The systemic breakdown of world economy, ever mounting geopolitical conflicts, the rising danger of war, and, above all, the political radicalisation underway within the working class and youth, preclude that possibility.

Click here to read the SEP Election Statement

Industrial court endorses sacking of Australian miners after union betrayal
27 January 2017
The ruling was one of a series of interventions by the Fair Work Commission into industrial disputes that underscore its role as an apparatus of the corporate elite.
Trump threats on South China Sea heighten risk of nuclear war
25 January 2017
The only means of barring China from access to its islets in the South China Sea is a naval and air blockade, an act of war.
Australian government defies public outcry on welfare debt assault
25 January 2017
Despite leaks of damning information by public sector workers, the Turnbull government is ratchetting up its attack on welfare recipients.
Australian state government’s “law and order” response to Melbourne car killings
24 January 2017
While unable to connect the Bourke Street incident to the bogus “war on terror,” the Victorian Labor government has used it to prepare far more stringent bail laws.

Australia: Parmalat lockout in bid to slash conditions
24 January 2017
The lockout of 65 Parmalat workers is part of a corporate onslaught on the wages and conditions of manufacturing workers nationally.
Anti-Trump demonstrations across Australia
23 January 2017
While the organisers promoted Hillary Clinton and gender politics, many of the attendees voiced concerns about the rise of militarism, the erosion of democratic rights and the growth of the far-right.
Australian state premier’s sudden resignation highlights political instability
21 January 2017
While Mike Baird claimed to be resigning for family reasons, he sent a barbed political message to Prime Minister Turnbull.
Australian government reshuffled again under mounting corporate pressure
20 January 2017
Prime Minister Turnbull’s fourth cabinet reshuffle in 16 months underscores the Liberal-National government’s instability.