The Fourth International

Socialism and the centenary of the Russian Revolution: 1917-2017

By David North and Joseph Kishore, 3 January 2017

A specter is haunting world capitalism: the specter of the Russian Revolution. This year marks the centenary of the world-historical events of 1917, which began with the February Revolution in Russia and culminated in October with the conquest of political power by the Bolshevik Party, under the leadership of Lenin and Trotsky.

Security and the Fourth International

The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part two

Why wasn’t Joseph Hansen a defendant in the Smith Act trial?

By Eric London, 9 December 2016

A new book, Trotskyists on Trial: Free Speech and Political Persecution Since the Age of FDR, by Donna T. Haverty-Stacke, reveals a previously unknown level of FBI surveillance of the Trotskyist movement in the US.

Security and the Fourth International

The Smith Act trial and government infiltration of the Trotskyist movement—Part one

By Eric London, 8 December 2016

A new book, Trotskyists on Trial: Free Speech and Political Persecution Since the Age of FDR, by Donna T. Haverty-Stacke, reveals a previously unknown level of FBI surveillance of the Trotskyist movement in the US.

Build the Socialist Equality Party (France)!

By , 15 November 2016

This statement was adopted as the historical and political basis for the founding of the Parti de l’égalité socialiste, the French section of the ICFI.

The International Committee of the Fourth International founds its French section

By our reporter, 15 November 2016

The International Committee of the Fourth International has recognized the Parti de l'égalité socialiste as its French section.

Public meeting in Chennai, India: Oppose the imperialist war drive! Fight for socialist program!

By , 21 September 2016

The Indian government’s deepening involvement in the US preparations for war against China is occurring behind the backs of the Indian working class and poor.

The Life and Times of Bill Brust

By David North, 15 September 2016

This speech, originally delivered by David North at a memorial meeting in Minneapolis in 1991, reviews the life and political legacy of Bill Brust.

A remembrance of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, twenty-five years after his death

By Fred Mazelis, 15 September 2016

Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the death of veteran Trotskyist Bill Brust, whose political struggle as a revolutionary socialist spanned 53 years.

“You are a man of unimpeachable revolutionary integrity”

On the 75th birthday of Sri Lankan Trotskyist leader Wije Dias

By David North, 9 September 2016

In his greetings, David North reviewed the significance of the more than 50-year struggle for revolutionary internationalism waged by Wije Dias, the leader of the SEP in Sri Lanka.

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions

For the unity of the working class in the United States and Latin America

By , 27 August 2016

This resolution was passed by the Fourth National Congress of the Socialist Equality Party (US), held from July 31-August 5 in Detroit, Michigan.

Socialist Equality Party (US) 2016 Congress Resolutions

Perspectives and Tasks of the Socialist Equality Party

By , 24 August 2016

The Socialist Equality Party in the US held its Fourth National Congress from July 31 to August 5 in Detroit, Michigan.

For an active boycott of the Brexit referendum!

Statement of the Socialist Equality Party, British section of the International Committee of the Fourth International

By , 29 February 2016

Seventy-five years since the assassination of Leon Trotsky

By Joseph Kishore, 20 August 2015

Seventy-five years after his death, Trotsky emerges ever more clearly as a world historical figure who not only influenced the course of the 20th century, but whose writings and ideas remain an essential guide for orienting the working class today.

Trotskyism and the Minneapolis Teamsters Strike of 1934

Revolutionary Teamsters: The Minneapolis Truckers’ Strike of 1934, by Bryan Palmer

By Tom Mackaman and Jerry White, 24 June 2015

A recent book by historian Bryan Palmer chronicles the role of American Trotskyists in leading one of the most important strikes in US history.

US-Cuban rapprochement: The lessons of history

By Bill Van Auken and David North, 19 December 2014

Hailed by governments and corporations as a historic turning point, the move to “normalize” US-Cuban ties raises profound historical questions for the working class and the socialist movement.

ICFI/WSWS public meeting in India on the danger of world war

By , 11 November 2014

We urge workers and youth to attend the ICFI/WSWS supporters’ meeting in Chennai to discuss the socialist response to the threat of war.

Seventy-five years since the outbreak of World War II

By Barry Grey, 1 September 2014

Under conditions of mounting social tensions and deepening economic crisis, the imperialist ruling classes are recklessly pushing the conflict over Ukraine to the point of open warfare between NATO and Russia.

A tribute to Dave Hyland

By David North, 23 January 2014

We are posting here the tribute to Dave Hyland, former national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party of Britain, delivered by David North, national chairman of the SEP of the US and chairman of the International Editorial Board of the WSWS, to a memorial meeting held January 18 in honor of Comrade Hyland.

Memorial meeting pays tribute to Dave Hyland’s political struggle

By Robert Stevens, 20 January 2014

The Socialist Equality Party of Britain held a memorial meeting on January 18 in honour of Dave Hyland, its former national secretary, who died December 8, 2013, aged 66.

Condolences on the death of Dave Hyland from Australia and the US

By , 24 December 2013

Below, we publish additional letters of condolence sent by Dave’s comrades internationally.

Workers, youth speak on Berlin meeting to mark 75th anniversary of the Fourth International

By our correspondents, 5 December 2013

The World Socialist Web Site spoke with workers and youth who attended the meeting in Berlin last weekend.

Workers and youth speak about the relevance of the Russian Revolution today

By our correspondents, 17 December 2012

Audience members in Melbourne and Sydney spoke with the WSWS about the Russian Revolution and its contemporary significance.

Australian SEP holds first national congress

By our correspondents, 8 May 2012

After four days of intensive discussion, the congress delegates unanimously adopted seven resolutions dealing with the major political issues confronting workers and youth.

Arm Pakistani workers with a revolutionary socialist program

Build the Pakistani section of the International Committee of the Fourth International!

By of Marxist Voice, 6 January 2011

The World Socialist Web Site is publishing here a statement from Marxist Voice, a Pakistani group that has expressed political agreement with the perspectives of the International Committee of the Fourth International and undertaken to work with the ICFI to build it as the World Party of Socialist Revolution.

Arm Pakistani workers with a revolutionary socialist program

Build the Pakistani section of the International Committee of the Fourth International!

Part 3

By Marxist Voice, 5 January 2011

The WSWS is publishing here the third and concluding part of a statement by Marxist Voice, a Pakistani group that has expressed political agreement with the perspectives of the International Committee of the Fourth International.

International condolences on the death of Sri Lankan Trotskyist

By our correspoondents, 14 September 2010

The sections of the international Trotskyist movement in Britain, Germany and Canada sent messages of condolence to the SEP in Sri Lanka.

May Day 2010

By Peter Symonds, 1 May 2010

The World Socialist Web Site and the International Committee of the Fourth International sends its greetings to workers and young people around the world struggling to defend their living standards and basic rights.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 11

By , 11 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 10

By , 10 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 9

By , 9 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 8

By , 8 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 7

By , 6 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 6

By , 5 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 5

By , 4 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 4

By , 3 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 3

By , 2 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia)—Part 2

By , 1 March 2010

The World Socialist Web Site continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The document was adopted unanimously at the party’s founding congress in Sydney on January 21–25.

Opening report to the SEP (Australia) Founding Congress

By Nick Beams, 27 February 2010

The following is the opening report delivered by Nick Beams, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), to the SEP’s founding congress held in Sydney on January 21–25.

Olivier Besancenot in Poland

By Ulrich Rippert, 23 May 2009

Olivier Besancenot’s participation in the European election congress of the Polish Party of Labour (PPP) last weekend makes clear the real aims of his newly founded Anti-Capitalist Party (Parti Anticapitaliste).

Internationalism and the struggle for socialism

By Nick Beams, 20 May 2009

The following is the text of a report given by Nick Beams, national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), to the WSWS/SEP/ISSE regional conferences, “The world economic crisis, the failure of capitalism, and the case for socialism.”

Greek protest movement requires a socialist perspective

PASOK and SYRIZA: no alternative to the right-wing government

By European sections ICFI, 9 January 2009

Statement to be distributed to the mass demonstrations of students and youth taking place in Athens on Friday, January 9.

Australia: The DSP split and Socialist Alliance—another opportunist debacle

By Laura Tiernan, 6 December 2008

Six months after a devastating split in the Democratic Socialist Perspective, the 6th national conference of Socialist Alliance this weekend will provide further proof of the crisis gripping the DSP and the entire Socialist Alliance project.

Sri Lankan SEP marks 70th anniversary of Fourth International

By our correspondents, 1 December 2008

The Socialist Equality Party and International Students for Social Equality public meeting in Sri Lanka addressed the necessity of an international socialist perspective derived from the struggles of the Fourth International to overcome the current global breakdown of capitalism.

On the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

By David North, 3 November 2008

The following report was given by David North, national chairman of the Socialist Equality Party and chairman of the international editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site, to a meeting entitled “Socialism and the Future of Humanity” held November 1 in Ann Arbor, Michigan to mark the 70th anniversary of the Fourth International.

“Socialism and the Future of Humanity”— SEP (US) meeting on 70th anniversary of the Fourth International

By Tim Tower, 3 November 2008

To commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International, the Socialist Equality Party held a meeting at the University of Michigan in Ann Arbor on Saturday, November 1.

SEP public meetings in Ann Arbor, New York, and California

70th Anniversary of the Fourth International: Socialism and the Future of Humanity

By , 14 October 2008

The world economy is entering a period of crisis on a scale not seen since the Great Depression. The ideological buttresses of the capitalist system are disintegrating, as the miracles of the “free market” are creating chaos throughout the world.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 11

By , 10 October 2008

Among the political consequences of the dissolution of the Soviet Union was the proliferation of nationalist and separatist movements demanding the creation of new states.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 10

By , 9 October 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (US) today continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party. The document was discussed extensively and adopted unanimously at the Founding Congress of the SEP, held August 3-9, 2008.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 9

By , 8 October 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (US) today continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party. The document was discussed extensively and adopted unanimously at the Founding Congress of the SEP, held August 3-9, 2008.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 8

By , 7 October 2008

The world capitalist crisis and the escalation of class conflict brought to the surface political problems in the Workers League. The growth of the League in the late 1960s and early 1970s had been based to a great extent on the radicalization of student and minority youth.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 7

By , 6 October 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (US) today continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party. The document was discussed extensively and adopted unanimously at the Founding Congress of the SEP, held August 3-9, 2008.

Nixon and Bretton Woods

Capitalist breakdown and the revolutionary perspective of the Fourth International

Nixon and Bretton Woods

By Nick Beams, 6 October 2008

Published today is the second part of a report delivered on September 28 by Nick Beams to a public meeting in Sydney on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International. Beams is a member of the WSWS International Editorial Board and National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). Part one was posted on October 4.

Nick Beams addresses 70th anniversary meeting

Capitalist breakdown and the revolutionary perspective of the Fourth International

Part 1

By Nick Beams, 4 October 2008

Published below is the first part of a report delivered on September 28, by Nick Beams to a public meeting in Sydney on the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International. Beams is a member of the WSWS International Editorial Board and National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia). The WSWS will be publishing Beams's report in four parts. The historical significance of the founding of the Fourth International in 1938 and the 70-year struggle to defend and develop the program of Trotskyism, led since 1953 by the International Committee of the Fourth International, is being underscored by the tumultuous events now unfolding in the world economy.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 6

By , 4 October 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (US) today continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party. The document was discussed extensively and adopted unanimously at the Founding Congress of the SEP, held August 3-9, 2008.

SEP public meetings in Australia

The enduring significance of the founding of the Fourth International

By James Cogan, 3 October 2008

 The following speech was delivered by James Cogan to a meeting in Sydney held by the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) on September 28 to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 5

By , 3 October 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (US) today continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party. The document was discussed extensively and adopted unanimously at the Founding Congress of the SEP, held August 3-9, 2008.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 4

By , 2 October 2008

 The Socialist Equality Party (US) today continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party. The document was discussed extensively and adopted unanimously at the Founding Congress of the SEP, held August 3-9, 2008.

Australia: Public meetings mark 70th anniversary of the Fourth International

Historical lessons discussed

By our reporters, 2 October 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (Australia) held lively and well-attended public meetings in Sydney on Sunday and Melbourne on Wednesday night to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International (FI), established by Leon Trotsky in September 1938.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 2

By , 30 September 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (US) today continues publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party. The document was discussed extensively and adopted unanimously at the Founding Congress of the SEP, held August 3-9, 2008.

The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party—Part 1

By , 29 September 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (US) today begins the publication of The Historical and International Foundations of the Socialist Equality Party. The document was discussed extensively and adopted unanimously at the Founding Congress of the SEP, held August 3-9, 2008.

Documents of the SEP Founding Congress: Statement of Principles—Part 2

The Working Class and the Socialist Revolution

By , 26 September 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (US) has begun publication of the documents from its founding Congress, starting with the SEP Statement of Principles. Click here to download a PDF version of the Statement of Principles.

Documents of the SEP Founding Congress: Statement of Principles

By , 25 September 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (US) today begins publication of the documents from its founding Congress, starting with the first part of the SEP Statement of Principles. The Statement of Principles was unanimously adopted by the Congress, held August 3-9, 2008.

Sydney and Melbourne meetings to commemorate...

The 70th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International

By the the, 24 September 2008

The Socialist Equality Party (Australia) will mark the 70th anniversary of the founding of the Fourth International with public meetings in Sydney and Melbourne this week. SEP national secretary Nick Beams, a member of the World Socialist Web Site international editorial board and an authority on Marxist political economy, is the keynote speaker.

ICFI holds Paris memorial meeting for Raveenthiranathan Senthil Ravee

By Antoine Lerougetel, 18 April 2007

The International Committee of the Fourth International held a memorial meeting April 15 for Raveenthiranathan Senthil Ravee (Senthil), a member of the ICFI based in London who was killed in a car accident February 28. The meeting, which was held at the FIAP Jean Monnet centre in Paris, was attended by more than 100 people, many of who came from the large Tamil community in Paris.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The economic, social and political disaster produced by the Zionist project

Part Two

By Jean Shaoul, 29 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of a two-part report on Israel and Palestine by Jean Shaoul to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 28. Shaoul is a WSWS correspondent and a member of the Socialist Equality Party in the UK.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The economic, social and political disaster produced by the Zionist project

Part One

By Jean Shaoul, 28 March 2006

Published below is the first of a two-part report on Israel and Palestine by Jean Shaoul to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Shaoul is a WSWS correspondent and a member of the Socialist Equality Party in the UK.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Africa and the perspective of international socialism

Part Two

By Richard Tyler, 27 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of a two-part report on Africa by Richard Tyler to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 25. Tyler is a WSWS correspondent and a member of the Socialist Equality Party in the UK.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Africa and the perspective of international socialism

Part One

By Richard Tyler, 25 March 2006

Published below is the first of a two-part report on Africa by Richard Tyler to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Tyler is a WSWS correspondent and a member of the Socialist Equality Party in the UK.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

South Asia and the political bankruptcy of bourgeois nationalism and Stalinism

By Wije Dias, 24 March 2006

Published below is a report by Wije Dias on South Asia to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Dias is a member of the WSWS IEB and national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Sri Lanka).

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Democratic rights and the attack on constitutionalism

By Richard Hoffman, 23 March 2006

Published below is a report on democratic rights by Richard Hoffman to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Hoffman is a WSWS correspondent.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Artistic and cultural problems in the current situation

Part Two

By David Walsh, 22 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of a two-part report on artistic and cultural issues delivered by David Walsh to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 21. Walsh a member of the World Socialist Web Site IEB and the WSWS Arts editor.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Artistic and cultural problems in the current situation

Part One

By David Walsh, 21 March 2006

Published below is the first of a two-part report on artistic and cultural issues delivered by David Walsh to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Walsh a member of the World Socialist Web Site IEB and the WSWS Arts editor.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Report on Latin American perspectives

Part Two

By Bill Van Auken, 20 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of a two-part report on Latin America delivered by Bill Van Auken to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 18. Van Auken is a member of the World Socialist Web Site IEB and the Socialist Equality Party (US) central committee.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Report on Latin American perspectives

Part One

By Bill Van Auken, 18 March 2006

Published below is the first of a two-part report on Latin America delivered by Bill Van Auken to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Van Auken is a member of the World Socialist Web Site IEB and the Socialist Equality Party (US) central committee.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

New Labour and the decay of democracy in Britain

Part Two

By Julie Hyland, 17 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of a two-part report on Britain delivered by Julie Hyland to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 16. Hyland is a member of the World Socialist Web Site IEB and assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in the UK.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

New Labour and the decay of democracy in Britain

Part One

By Julie Hyland, 16 March 2006

Published below is the first of a two-part report on Britain delivered by Julie Hyland to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Hyland is a member of the World Socialist Web Site IEB and assistant national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in the UK.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The dead-end of European capitalism and the tasks of the working class

Part Three

By Uli Rippert, 15 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of a three-part report on Europe delivered by Uli Rippert to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 13 and Part two on March 14. Rippert is a member of the World Socialist Web Site IEB and national secretary of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Socialist Equality Party) in Germany.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The dead-end of European capitalism and the tasks of the working class

Part Two

By Uli Rippert, 14 March 2006

Published below is the second in a three-part report on Europe delivered by Uli Rippert to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 13. Rippert is a member of the World Socialist Web Site IEB and national secretary of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Socialist Equality Party) in Germany.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The dead-end of European capitalism and the tasks of the working class

Part One

By Uli Rippert, 13 March 2006

Published below is the first in a three-part report on Europe delivered by Uli Rippert to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Rippert is a member of the World Socialist Web Site IEB and national secretary of the Partei für Soziale Gleichheit (Socialist Equality Party) in Germany.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The implications of China for world socialism

Part Three

By John Chan, 11 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of a three-part report on China delivered by World Socialist Web Site correspondent John Chan to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 9 and Part two on March 10.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The implications of China for world socialism

Part Two

By John Chan, 10 March 2006

Published below is the second part of a three-part report on China delivered by World Socialist Web Site correspondent John Chan to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 9.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The implications of China for world socialism

Part One

By John Chan, 9 March 2006

Published below is the first of a three-part report on China delivered by World Socialist Web Site correspondent John Chan to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web SiteInternational Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The social and political crisis in the United States and the 2006 SEP election campaign

Part Two

By Patrick Martin, 8 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of Patrick Martin’s two-part report to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 7. Martin is a member of the WSWS IEB and the Socialist Equality Party (US) central committee.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The social and political crisis in the United States and the 2006 SEP election campaign

Part One

By Patrick Martin, 7 March 2006

Published below is the first part of Patrick Martin’s report to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web SiteInternational Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. The concluding part will be published on March 8. Martin is a member of the WSWS IEB and the Socialist Equality Party (US) central committee. WSWS IEB chairman David North’s report was posted on 27 February. SEP (Australia) national secretary Nick Beams’ report was posted in three parts: Part one on February 28, Part two on March 1 and Part three on March 2. James Cogan’s report on Iraq was posted on March 3. Barry Grey’s report was published in two parts: Part one on March 4 and Part two on March 6.

WSWS International Editorial Board Meeting

Report on US: The Bush administration and the global decline of American capitalism

Part Two

By Barry Grey, 6 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of a two-part report by Barry Grey to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was posted on March 4. Grey is a member of the WSWS IEB and the Socialist Equality Party (US) central committee. WSWS IEB chairman David North’s report was posted on 27 February. SEP (Australia) national secretary Nick Beams’ report was posted in three parts: Part one on February 28, Part two on March 1 and Part three on March 2. James Cogan’s report on Iraq was posted on March 3.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Report on US: The Bush administration and the global decline of American capitalism

Part One

By Barry Grey, 4 March 2006

Published below is the first of a two-part report by Barry Grey to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web SiteInternational Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Grey is a member of the WSWS IEB and the Socialist Equality Party (US) central committee. WSWS IEB chairman David North’s report was posted on 27 February. SEP (Australia) national secretary Nick Beams’ report was posted in three parts: Part one on February 28, Part two on March 1 and Part three on March 2. James Cogan’s report on Iraq was posted on March 3.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

The consequences of the US-led war against Iraq

By James Cogan, 3 March 2006

Published below is a report by James Cogan to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Cogan is a member of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) central committee. WSWS IEB chairman David North’s report was posted on 27 February. SEP (Australia) national secretary Nick Beams’ report was posted in three parts:Part one on February 28, Part two on March 1 and Part three on March 2.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Nick Beams: Report on world economy in 2006

Part Three

By Nick Beams, 2 March 2006

Published below is the conclusion of a three-part report delivered on January 22, by Nick Beams to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB). Beams is a member of the WSWS IEB and National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), which hosted the meeting in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one and Part two were published on February 28 and March 1, respectively. David North’s opening report to the WSWS IEB meeting was published on 27 February. Further reports will be published subsequently.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Nick Beams: Report on world economy in 2006

Part Two

By Nick Beams, 1 March 2006

Published below is the second part of a report delivered on January 22, by Nick Beams to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB). Beams is a member of the WSWS IEB and National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), which hosted the meeting in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part one was published on February 28. The final part will published on Thursday March 2. David North’s opening report to the WSWS IEB meeting was published on 27 February. Further reports will be published subsequently.

WSWS International Editorial Board meeting

Nick Beams: Report on the world economy in 2006

Part One

By Nick Beams, 28 February 2006

Published below is the first part of a report delivered on January 22, by Nick Beams to an expanded meeting of the World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB). Beams is a member of the WSWS IEB and National Secretary of the Socialist Equality Party (Australia), which hosted the meeting in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. Part two was published on March 1 and Part three on March 2. David North's opening report to the WSWS IEB meeting was published on 27 February. Further reports will be published subsequently.

David North: Opening report to meeting of WSWS International Editorial Board

By David North, 27 February 2006

Published below is the opening report by World Socialist Web Site International Editorial Board (IEB) Chairman David North to an expanded meeting of the WSWS IEB hosted by the Socialist Equality Party (Australia) and held in Sydney from January 22 to 27, 2006. This was the first of a number of reports delivered by leading WSWS IEB members and delegates from the sections of the International Committee of the Fourth International that will be published subsequently.

26 years since the assassination of Tom Henehan (1951-1977)

By , 17 October 2003

Yesterday marked the twenty-sixth anniversary of the assassination of Tom Henehan, a member of the Political Committee of the Workers League—the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party in the US.

25 years since the assassination of Tom Henehan (1951-1977)

By , 16 October 2002

Today marks the twenty-fifth anniversary of the assassination of Tom Henehan, a member of the political committee of the Workers League—the predecessor of the Socialist Equality Party in the US.

The US election crisis and its impact on world politics

David North to address public meeting in Sydney, Australia on December 3

By , 17 November 2000

In light of the political importance of events now unfolding in the United States, a change is being made in the topic of the public meeting to be held in Sydney on December 3. David North, the Chairman of the Editorial Board of the World Socialist Web Site and national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in the United States will deliver a public report on the US election crisis and its impact on world politics.

A reply to a supporter of the World Socialist Party of the USA

By , 30 October 2000

Letter to from a supporter of the World Socialist Party USA

Speeches commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of Trotsky's assassination

The significance of Leon Trotsky's thought for Africa today

By Chris Talbot, 28 October 2000

At two meetings commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky, speakers illuminated the contemporary significance of Trotsky's work. The International Committee of the Fourth International and the World Socialist Web Site hosted the meetings in Berlin and London in September. Chris Talbot, a regular contributor to the WSWS from Britain, gave the following speech on September 24 in London. This concludes our coverage of the Trotsky anniversary meetings in Europe.

Speeches commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of Trotsky's assassination

Trotsky's struggle against Stalin and the tragic fate of the Soviet Union

By Vladimir Volkov, 27 October 2000

At two meetings commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky, speakers illuminated the contemporary significance of Trotsky's work. The International Committee of the Fourth International and the World Socialist Web Site hosted the meetings in Berlin and London in September. WSWS Editorial Board member Vladimir Volkov gave the following speech on September 23 in Berlin. Tomorrow we will post the speech by Chris Talbot, a regular contributor to the WSWS from Britain, concluding our coverage of the meetings.

Speeches commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of Trotsky's assassination

The contemporary significance of Leon Trotsky's life and work

By Peter Schwarz, 26 October 2000

At two meetings commemorating the sixtieth anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky, speakers illuminated the contemporary significance of Trotsky's work. The International Committee of the Fourth International and the World Socialist Web Site hosted the meetings in Berlin and London in September. Peter Schwarz gave the following speech on September 23 in Berlin. He is the secretary of the International Committee the Fourth International and a member of the editorial board of the World Socialist Web Site . Over the next two days we will post the speeches by WSWS Editorial Board member Vladimir Volkov and Chris Talbot, a regular contributor to the WSWS from Britain.

The contemporary significance of Leon Trotsky's life and work

Meetings in Berlin and London draw appreciative audience

By our correspondent, 27 September 2000

At meetings held last weekend in Berlin and London commemorating the 60th anniversary of the assassination of Leon Trotsky, David North—Chairman of the World Socialist Web Site Editorial Board and national secretary of the Socialist Equality Party in the USA—explained the historical role of the great Marxist revolutionary and opponent of Stalin. The meetings were hosted by the International Committee of the Fourth International and the World Socialist Web Site.

Sixty years after the assassination of Trotsky

The contemporary significance of Leon Trotsky's life and work

Public meetings in Berlin and London

By , 7 September 2000

On Saturday September 23 in Berlin and Sunday September 24 in London the World Socialist Web Site and the International Committee of the Fourth International will be hosting meetings to commemorate the sixtieth anniversary of Leon Trotsky's assassination.