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ireland / britain / anti-fascism Saturday February 13, 2016 19:14 by Fionnghuala Nic Roibeaird
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The Neo-Nazi group Pegida is attempting to establish a branch in Ireland this Saturday in Dublin. Pegida, the "anti-Islamifacation" group that is attempting to hijack anti-establishment politics by placing the blame of the current global capitalist crisis on the shoulders of refugees and migrants: those with no systemic or economic power in our society.

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ibèria / miscellaneous Sunday January 24, 2016 20:36 by Embat
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El pacte entre Junts pel Sí i la CUP-CC ha permès el nomenament com a President de la Generalitat de Carles Puigdemont (JxS, CDC), a poques hores del tancament del termini de la investidura. En els darrers dies els esdeveniments es van precipitar i es va passar de la tensió, els insults i les desqualificacions a un acord cuinat en reunions a porta tancada. Amb aquest pacte continua endavant l’anomenat procés de desconnexió, aspecte en el qual les dues parts estaven d’acord. S’acompleix també amb el “ni Mas ni març” que es plantejava des de part de l’Esquerra Independentista. No obstant això, resten altres carències i incògnites.


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bolivia / peru / ecuador / chile / cultura Friday January 15, 2016 17:23 by Gastón Carrasco
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El joven Manuel Rojas, con dos camaradas anarquistas

Los relatos de Manuel Rojas recogen experiencias marcadas por los conflictos sociales y políticos de principios del siglo XX: desde el movimiento obrero hasta la vida en los márgenes de la sociedad, el gran escritor chileno expresa la búsqueda constante de una sociedad distinta, a través de la dignidad y la solidaridad humana.

international / anarchist movement Friday January 01, 2016 01:39 by Editorial Group
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This year -2015- has finished with a number of challenges to those who stand for a world without privilege, a world of equality and liberty but we are sure 2016 will be a year to learn and help grow the new world in our hearts. hopes to be a useful tool to help think this alternative. We thank our readers in this process and we wait for your contributions.

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italia / svizzera / migrazione / razzismo Monday December 21, 2015 00:59 by Alternativa Libertaria/FdCA
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Non sarà facile sorreggere il peso dello scontro, una nuova fase della lotta antimilitarista ed antifascista ci vedrà coinvolti come sempre, per l’internazionalismo proletario contro il capitalismo e le sue sempre nuove, sempre vecchie, forme di sfruttamento e di violenza.

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Mon 06 Mar, 13:57

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