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[Turkey] Revolutionary Anarchist Prisoner Umut Fırat Süvarioğulları is on the 39 day of his hunger strike

category greece / turkey / cyprus | repression / prisoners | press release author Thursday January 19, 2017 18:08author by Devrimci Anarşist Faaliyet Report this post to the editors

Comrade Umut Fırat is Not Alone

Yesterday, at a time when the tears have not dried and the rage is not settled yet for the cities burned down to rubble with tanks and bombing, hundreds of people killed, thousands of old, young, child, women and men wounded and unhoused; the images of the perpetrators taking medals are alive in our memories; when the tanks and planes which burned down the cities and killed the people targeted Ankara and Istanbul on July 15, yesterdays heros were declared traitors overnight. Thousands of people were stuffed into prisons, tens of thousands lost their jobs.

[Türkçe] [Ελληνικά] [Italiano]


The practice of reciprocal coups which is a manifestation of power struggle at the top of the state, revealed the dirty face of state. The relationships between the gangs, cult, sect that organized inside the state with their soldiers, police, allegedly independent judges from supreme court to chancery, prosecutors and all bureaucracy, and the 15 year old racist, nationalist, fundamentalist and sectarian government which used them for their power. However, the government started to organize its counter coup to cement its power despite being responsible for all that's been lived, and boosted the process of assigning guardians and litem, to companies for change of capital, to newspapers and TV channels for change of idea, municipalities and parties for change of politics, and increased its oppression on all social opposition. While governing with delegated legislation, it is carrying the masses that it manipulated with war horns, and is about to turn all this geography into a sea of blood for its power, ambitions and madness.

As a human, Revolutionary Anarchist, Conscientious/Total Objector, an individual who has been spending 23 years in a lit cell under the darkness of a dungeon, I see all entities of capitalist, statist, nationalist, fundamentalist, sectarian and patriarchal power structure are responsible for all this. I start hunger strike, to draw attention to all this, before and after, to emphasize that new forms of struggle and social opposition has to be organized, and to reflect my own political, moral and conscientious attitude."

Revolutionary Anarchist prisoner and Anarchist Meydan Newspaper writer Umut Fırat Suvariogullari, who was "transferred for exile" from Izmir Buca Prison to Izmir Yenisakran T Type Prison number 4, is on the 39 day of his hunger strike.

Considering what has been lived in the place of oppression and cruelty, the prisons, the changes and events during the state of emergency are no surprise. Revolutionary Anarchist Umut Fırat, were searched naked during acceptance procedures, resisted because his body was touched without volition, and took communication punishment for resistance. Besides his Revolutionary Anarchist identity being ignored, he was placed with 19 persons in 14 person rooms, forced to sleep on torn beds with blood, forced to stay for years under holding cell conditions of police stations.

Revolutionary prisoners continue to live under the conditions choked to bureaucracy and deprivation by the newly appointed during state of emergency, creating a prison inside prison, where open visits are twice a month and 45-50 minutes, petitions are ignored, repression and torture are continuous.

The conditions that Revolutionary Anarchist prisoner Umut Fırat Suvariogullari is exposed today, are the conditions that all revolutionary prisoners are exposed during the state of emergency. Umut Fırat Suvariogullari, who is on the 39 day of the hunger strike to defend his Revolutionary Anarchist identity and create his sustainable living conditions, is continuing his struggle against all these conditions, becoming free with his struggle.

We salute his struggle!
Revolutionary hearts will destroy the cells!
Comrade Umut Fırat is not alone!

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Employees at the Zarfati Garage in Mishur Adumim vote to strike on July 22, 2014. (Photo courtesy of Ma’an workers union)

Greece / Turkey / Cyprus | Repression / prisoners | Press Release | en

Thu 26 Jan, 17:21

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imageGreece: Repression against squats Aug 01 0 comments

As Anarchist Political Organization, having organized the Anarchist Meeting for Struggle against Borders, War and Modern Totalitarianism and for Solidarity with refugees and immigrants during the No Border Camp, we express our solidarity to the squatted spaces who were hit by the state repression. To our comrades, refugees and immigrants who supported the mobilizations, beforehand and during, with their presence and activity, turning them into a target of the repressive authorities, for what they stand for as a part of the world of Struggle.

imageCall for transnational solidarity Jul 28 0 comments

The far-right bastards of syriza go smoothly hand in hand with ND (nea dimokratia, right-wing party in power before syriza’s election), anthimos (the metropolit, church’s highest officer in Thessaloniki) and all the rest pile of shit, consisting the long arm of repression. With a non-seen before operation of revenge against no border camp, they attack in the crack of dawn on families of refugees in their own homes and on the solidaries.

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imageStatement by the 93 arrested at Villa Amalias from inside the police HQ Jan 10 1 of Anarkismo Editorial Group 1 comments

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imageStatement by the Villa Amalias squatters held in the police HQ in Athens Dec 23 0 comments

The Villa Amalias squat has been an open political, cultural and social space, as well as a housing collective, for the past 23 years. In all these years there have been plenty of active groups in the squat including groups on theatre, concerts, musical studio, stained glass, kids’ space, dancing, foreign languages, computing, printing press, screenings, lending library, vinyl exchange – while the squat has also hosted plenty of political and cultural events by other groups. Apart from these activities inside its building, Villa Amalias has also contributed to the resolution of neighbourhood issues by participating in the residents’ assembly of Victoria square and by organising open, outward looking activities in the area – including open mic interventions, free markets, collective kitchens and kids’ events at the square.

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