

Road trauma: how we can reduce the toll of death and suffering

The summer holiday season is a particularly sad time to hear about deaths and serious injuries on our roads. We read about tragic cases, anxiously hoping it's not someone close to us, yet we can't really comprehend the enormous life-changing impact on individuals and families when someone they love is seriously injured or dies as a result of a road crash.

The Australian Automobile Association (AAA) reports, for the year ending December 2016, there were 1300 deaths on Australian roads. There were 95 more deaths (7.9 per cent increase) than occurred for the same period in 2015. NSW had 384 road deaths, an increase of 34 (9.7 per cent) over the same period in 2015, while Victoria had 292 deaths in 2016 with an increase of 40 (15.9 per cent) for the same period in 2015. They also estimate that for every death on the roads, there are 25 seriously injured victims admitted to hospital.

The current rate of death from road trauma in Australia is 5.4 per 100,000 people.  Victoria is the safest state with a death rate of 4.8 per 100,000, with NSW at 4.97 per 100,000 and, the Northern Territory at 18.4 deaths per 100,000 (equivalent to the road fatality rate in India and Columbia). If all the other states and territories achieved the same fatality rate as Victoria, 149 lives could have been saved nationally in 2016. The real tragedy is that most road deaths and injuries are preventable.

Australia has made considerable advances in decreasing the road toll, from 3798 deaths in 1970 to 1300 deaths in 2016, despite a significant increase in population and a tripling of motor vehicle registrations. Better roads, safer vehicles, compulsory seatbelts, child restraints and random breath testing have all contributed to the decrease. Internationally, Australia is placed 16th for road deaths behind safer countries such as Britain and Sweden, but ahead of poorer performing Canada, New Zealand and the US. The cost to our economy is estimated at $27 billion (1.8 per cent GDP 2012-13).

In 2010, the United Nations General Assembly proclaimed a "Decade for action on Road Safety 2011-20" and in response, the Australian government launched the National Road Safety Strategy, committing federal, state and territory governments to reducing deaths and serious injuries from road trauma by 30 per cent by 2020.

Although 30 per cent may seem ambitious, Sweden already has half the road fatality rate of Australia and is aiming for zero road deaths. Current efforts have resulted in a 3.8 per cent decline in Australia's annual road death rate since 2011, far short of progress required to meet the target. The AAA has expressed concerns and advised all governments to "increase their efforts and investments in road safety" and, in particular invest in "proper road crash trauma reporting".


Improved reporting of road trauma injuries and fatalities admitted to hospital may now be achievable due to the federal government's commitment in late 2016 of $150,000 per year for three years to the Australian Trauma Registry which collects detailed data on all seriously injured patients admitted to the nation's Major Trauma Hospitals. Preliminary data indicates that there are over 3500 patients admitted to the 26 Australian major trauma hospitals each year with life-threatening injuries after motor vehicle crashes.

Reducing road trauma death and injury is difficult for any government as the solutions are complex and involve national, state and local jurisdictions.

Strategies that have been proven to work for decreasing road trauma

include designing safer roads with traffic separations, promoting public transport with appropriate urban and transport planning, improving safety features in cars, management of excess speed by police and traffic calming measures. Enforcing laws regarding seat-belts, child restraints and helmet use, enforcing laws regarding alcohol and other drugs while driving and education regarding driver fatigue and distraction also help.

Sweden has adopted a "Vision Zero" approach to road trauma. Since 1990 the road fatality rate in Sweden has decreased by 67 per cent to 2.7 per 100,000 population.  Sweden achieved this by a broad and sustained political consensus to achieve the goals of "zero" road trauma deaths. The process involved in-depth studies of all fatal crashes and a demand for increased road safety in their society. The Swedish government introduced safer vehicles (such as electronic stability control), safer public infrastructure (median barriers on main roads), safer infrastructure (pedestrian and cyclist crossings) and speed limits. And they continue to monitor progress and measure improvements.

Australian governments have a difficult but not impossible task to reduce the number of deaths and serious injuries on our roads. Too many people die unnecessarily or receive  life-threatening injuries on our roads. This tragedy requires urgent national solutions as the current strategies are clearly not working.

Dr Tony Joseph is Trauma Director of Royal North Shore Hospital.