Witness Group

This site is the "home" of a group of Ottawa citizens forming teams of individuals from faith, union and civil society groups to protect the right to dissent by witnessing the actions and interactions of police and protesters. The site was created in 2002 and has recently had to be moved to a new internet server, so some of the links within pages here might not work. Updating of these links is ongoing. [28/10/09]

We can be reached by email at witnessgroup@rogers.com

Press Advisories/Communiqués de press
Witness Group Reports
Second Annual Report, Ottawa Witness Group, November 6, 2003
Municipal Election 2003 Questionnaire
Background documents
Volunteer sign-up form
Whose Police? Our Police! A Teach-In on Citizen power & community control:  Ottawa, Canada -  Oct.3-5, 2003

Last updated: 28 October 2009