National Newswatch
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Kevin O’Leary campaign says it raised nearly $184,000 in 24 hours

Jan 27 2017 — Josh Dehaas

Conservative leadership candidate Kevin O’Leary raised $183,963.51 in a single day, according to his campaign. The campaign says the funds were raised from 1,911 people after O’Leary put out a call to raise $25,000 before midnight on Jan. 26. By contrast, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau raised $2,017,975 from 12,870 contributors during the entirety of his […]

Jan 27 2017 — Laura Payton

An Ottawa-based think tank is backtracking after telling potential backers they could have a private cocktail with the prime minister if they paid the top sponsorship amount for an event next month. The Macdonald-Laurier Institute posted a package on its website, which has since been changed, offering a one-hour private reception with MPs for the […]

Jan 27 2017 — Janyce McGregor

After previously suggesting the Liberal government shouldn’t have been so quick to agree to renegotiate the North American Free Trade Agreement, interim Conservative leader Rona Ambrose said Friday that the deal could be improved through talks. “NAFTA was written when the internet wasn’t even around,” she said at the conclusion of her party’s caucus meeting […]


Liberals to take aim at cash-for access fundraisers with new law, minister says

Jan 27 2017 —

The Trudeau Liberals are trying to staunch ongoing questions about so-called “cash-for-access” fundraisers with promises of transparency that critics say don’t go far enough, nor address the underlying concerns about the practice. Days before Parliament is set to resume — with the opposition parties set to take aim at the prime minister over ethical questions […]


Manitoba Premier Brian Pallister blasted for ‘disgusting’ and ‘racist’ comments

Jan 27 2017 —

Indigenous activists and members of Manitoba’s NDP and Liberal parties are calling recent comments made by Premier Brian Pallister about night hunting inflammatory, disgusting and racist. In an interview with Maclean’s reporter Nancy Macdonald, Pallister is quoted as saying, “young Indigenous men — a preponderance of them are offenders, with criminal records — are going […]


Where in the world is Stephen J. Harper?

Jan 27 2017 — James Munson

Stephen Harper, the life-after-politics version, looks to be coming out of hiding. After the former prime minister — always known for shunning the media — left the top job in October 2015, he spent several quiet months as a Conservative backbencher before leaving politics altogether. His new life in Calgary at the helm of a […]

Jan 27 2017 — David Akin

On his his just-completed nine-city town hall tour of Canada, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau got sharp and sometimes angry questions about aboriginal affairs — a sign of the growing impatience and frustration many indigenous people and their leaders have with his government. And the reviews, in some cases, have been less than kind. Saskatoon Tribal […]

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Jan 27 2017 — Chris Hall

Donald Trump’s been president for a week, but in those seven days he’s already signed a dozen or so executive orders and memorandums that will fundamentally change relations with his nearest neighbours for years to come. With a single stroke of his pen Wednesday Trump began reshaping U.S. immigration policy, kick-starting his plans to build […]

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Featured Ink


Justin Trudeau the Boy Scout must settle into Donald Trump’s world

Jan 27 2017 — Rex Murphy

Was Jane Fonda, who achieved worldly fame in the 1980s doing aerobic step routines in phosphorescent spandex suits, at the ill-named Women’s March on Washington last Saturday? Ill-named, well, yes. It was the Some Women’s March on Washington. The idea that the parade was a grand convocation speaking with the voice of universal Womanhood staring […]

Susan Delacourt new

Lessons from Mary Tyler Moore’s newsroom

Jan 27 2017 — Susan Delacourt

In a week that saw the death of Mary Tyler Moore, perhaps it’s a good time for journalists to be asking: are we going to make it after all? Many of us who grew up watching The Mary Tyler MooreShow in the 1970s saw a cultural trail being blazed for women in the media workplace. […]


Justin Trudeau must be willing to walk away from Trump’s NAFTA

Jan 27 2017 — Tom Walkom

Surprise. Donald Trump means what he says. Those planning to deal with the new U.S. president, including Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, should keep that in mind. Yesterday, the Trump carnival continued apace. Yes he is going to build a wall between the U.S. and Mexico, Trump tweeted. Just as he promised. And yes he is […]


How Trump Conquered the Christian Right

Jan 27 2017 — Michael Coren

t’s difficult to recall now, but not so long ago Donald Trump was regarded by the Christian right as an enemy of the Almighty. And nobody knows who belongs on the Almighty’s naughty list as thoroughly as the Christian right. Trump supported abortion rights and same-sex marriage. He had been married three times, used profane […]


Why I wouldn’t vote for Kevin O’Leary—and neither should you

Jan 26 2017 — Arlene Dickinson

Last week I wrote that Conservatives should reject Kevin O’Leary as a leadership candidate, and the positive response from Canadians has been overwhelming. I expected Kevin to respond (which is fair). But how he responded is particularly important, as it reinforces that Kevin-the-candidate is no different than Kevin-the-TV-personality. In fact, his response only underlines the […]

Jan 26 2017 — Paul Wells

Here’s what happened to newspapers. In the early 1990s I worked at the Gazette in Montreal. In those days on a Saturday you’d pick up your Gazette, shake five sections of classified advertising and home and car ads onto the floor, and go straight to the City pages, which featured a loving summary of local […]

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Jan 26 2017 — John Ivison

In his masterful biography of Benjamin Disraeli, former British foreign minister Douglas Hurd said that it is boredom, rather than cynicism, that most accurately explains the present disillusionment with politics. Disraeli, the 19th century British prime minister, with his glossy black curls, gold chains and fancy pantaloons, knew how to make politics exciting to people […]

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Jan 27 2017 — Lorne Gunter

If anything, events Thursday increased my admiration for Wildrose Leader Brian Jean. And I already thought Jean was one of the most admirable politicians I have met. On Thursday, Jean announced via a Facebook video ( that if the rival Tories select Jason Kenney as leader in March, he will negotiate a merger with the […]

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Jan 27 2017 — Don Braid

Brian Jean further amped up the emotions of Alberta conservatives Thursday (is that even possible?) by promising to step aside as Wildrose leader, and run for the leadership of a new united force. Jean put out a video statement that set social media alight with praise, condemnation and confusion. Some people thought this smacked of […]

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Jan 26 2017 — Chantal Hébert

With every new development on the electoral reform front the disconnect between Prime Minister Justin Trudeau’s words on the promised introduction of a new voting system and his government’s actions is more glaring. Such was again the case this week as the government reported on the public response to the online consultation it held over […]

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Jan 26 2017 — Robyn Urback

The only people injured by this week’s insufferable war of words between the Ontario Liberal cabinet and federal Conservative leadership candidate Kevin O’Leary were devout news consumers who witnessed the excruciating performance. O’Leary has long been a fan of the sanctimonious exercise, which is less about communication than it is about theatre. For years, he’s […]

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Jan 26 2017 — Edward Greenspon

A major study by the Public Policy Forum recommends creative policy measures to help ensure citizens have access to quality journalism. In the winter of 1989, about 10 months before the Berlin Wall fell, Poland’s weak Communist government entered into power-sharing talks with Lech Walesa’s Solidarity movement. As one of two members of the Globe […]

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Jan 25 2017 — Brent Rathgeber

I suppose there was a time, long ago, when a politician could say something in one part of the country that would adversely affect another region, without word getting out. Like promising to subsidize the fisheries in the Maritimes while musing about phasing them out somewhere else. Back in the days when all politics really […]

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Entertainment Plus


Veteran actor Mike Connors, star of Mannix, dead at 91

Jan 27 2017 —

Mike Connors, who played a hard-hitting private eye on the long-running TV series Mannix, has died. He was 91. His son-in-law, Mike Condon, says the actor died Thursday afternoon at a Los Angeles hospital from recently-diagnosed leukemia. Mannix debuted on CBS in 1967 and ran for eight years. Viewers were intrigued by the smartly dressed, […]


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