Why Proportional Representation Is Likely To Produce Better Public Policy

Here is a piece I wrote for CCPA on the policy benefits of a more proportional electoral system.

Basic Income

The Ontario government has committed to test the idea of a basic income. Over the next week or so Hugh Segal will release a discussion paper intended to guide the experiment and that will be followed by public consultations. The idea of unconditional income has a long history with supporters and detractors from both the … Continue reading

Proportional Representation: Fairness, Representativeness and Accountability

Here are the notes for my introductory comments to the Special Committee on Electoral Reform July 27, 2016   I thank the committee for the opportunity to appear on this important issue. I have been a longtime proponent of electoral reform as a key to democratic renewal. While no electoral system is perfect, the comparative … Continue reading


June 01, 2016 09:00 ET Former Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow Elected Co-Chair of Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness Board of Directors CALGARY, ALBERTA–(Marketwired – June 1, 2016) – The Canadian Alliance to End Homelessness (CAEH) today announced the election of former Saskatchewan Premier Roy Romanow to Co-Chair the CAEH Board of Directors. Romanow will share … Continue reading

Electoral Reform is Finally on the Political Agenda

A couple of days back, Ed Broadbent, Hugh Segal and I published an op-ed making the case for some form of proportional representation. Yesterday the government announced its process for assessing a range of options to make 2015 the last federal election under our first past the post system. And today the editorial pages are … Continue reading

What Bernie Sanders Has Accomplished

Here is an op ed in the Star on what we might learn from the Bernie Sanders campaign

The Decline of the Collective 

Keynote Speech at the Parkland Institute November 20 2015. 

Austerity’s Vicious Circle

http://www.thestar.com/opinion/commentary/2015/10/02/austeritys-vicious-circle.html. Here is my latest written for The Toronto Star as part of their series on how Canada has changed over the last ten years.

"Two Tax Collectors", Marinus van Reymerswale (c.1490/1495–1546), National Museum, Warsaw, Wikicommons

Why We Hate Taxes – And Why We Shouldn’t

A somewhat shorter version first appeared in Alberta Views January/February 2015 as Taxes: a Small Price to Pay for Civilization. About a year ago, my son Jordan, some friends and colleagues and I put together a book on taxes in Canada, Tax Is Not a Four-Letter Word. We had quite different views about how high … Continue reading