Build great teams together

Recruitee is the easiest way for teams to organize
their hiring process - and grow faster.

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Over 2000 companies worldwide

have made over 40,000 hires with Recruitee

Recruitment software for your whole team

Teams grow best when hiring happens in collaboration. Empower your
teams at every stage of your hiring process and build great teams together.

Attract the right candidates with your employer brand. The Careers Site editor keeps everything mobile-optimized and integrated with your own website. Any team member can style and maintain a perfectly employer branded Careers Site.

Save money on your job ads. Make use of 20+ free job boards, 400+ premium job boards with discounts up to 30%, and efficient social media campaigns in Recruitee. Choose where to reach the candidates you need at the price you want.

Import passive candidates from any websites - GitHub, Dribbble, Stack Overflow, Twitter, Facebook, and more. All you need is the Recruitee's sourcing extension. Let your team's experts find the next experts for your team.

Kill the email and meeting chaos. Recruitee has all candidates, all data, and all to-do's in one place. Every team member is now on the same page and up-to-date.

Make data-driven decisions on your hiring. Learn which sources have the best candidates, how well your Careers Site converts, and how your team can save more time. Let's get results together.

Recruitee powers our team to be the fastest-growing startup in the Netherlands.
Stephanie de Booij Tiqets 5563a4810138615da301b9e37f121d80992fd8eb4d827e966dc336f43c88c4c3
The speed of development and customer support is amazing. We can expect a lot from these guys.
Jackye Clayton Recruiting tools 497c0adf29a340846c81ee3c91d07fa6dbe2b216e767017f4984ab0d0d785299
We’re crazy and obsessed with our hiring process, and Recruitee caters exactly to what we need - optimizing the shortest way to the best candidates.
David Darmanin Hotjar 223b20d8921c34f7258ac54a503b9838e1c491e4b30602b53debb9be12a38944
Recruitee is the hiring platform that we can use with ease, that we are very proud of, that matches our personality and who we are as a company. It’s great!
Belinda Armstrong Isentia@2x e89f498dc0df044d24203ddce08ff91eaaf66813d702b7db94bd7661adc5502e
Sourcing talent should be done by everyone in the company. Recruitee's browser extension makes it plain simple.
Willem Wijnans Improbable 07d2521e89d166a9b41b6903228d9a387258e56242bbafe91b349deefd803746
Let's build great teams together

If you can drag-and-drop and send emails, you can use Recruitee.
Getting started is that simple.

18-day FREE trial Risk-free Easy setup Live support

Trusted by great teams