Inpex Corporation in race against the clock for Ichthys LNG start-up

Construction of Inpex Corporation's Ichthys LNG project in Darwin is more than 90 per cent complete.
Construction of Inpex Corporation's Ichthys LNG project in Darwin is more than 90 per cent complete.

Japan's Inpex Corporation is facing an uphill battle to start up its huge Ichthys liquefied natural gas plant in Darwin on time given that two massive offshore pieces of equipment will likely not leave South Korean shipyards until early next year, later than many expected.

The timing of the expected sailaway of the central processing facility and the offshore production vessel, revealed by an Inpex spokesman, leaves time tight to meet the September quarter 2017 start-up target.

Some analysts are already assuming the first LNG cargo won't depart Darwin until well into 2018.

But Inpex's Perth-based general manager of external affairs, Bill Townsend, said the company believed it can meet the start-up target.

"We still remain focused on production in the third quarter of 2017, in spite of the sailaway [date]," he said.

The $US37 billion venture, the last to be sanctioned of Australia's $200 billion-plus batch of new LNG projects, is Japan's largest overseas investment and will be Inpex's first operated LNG venture.

The start-up date has already been pushed back from late 2016, while the budget is running about 10 per cent above the original estimate of $US34 billion, Inpex has said. Cost overruns at the project have hit major contractor UGL, which is under takeover offer from CIMIC. Spanish-backed CIMIC officially took control of UGL with a stake of 51 per cent late last week.

Construction work was reported 90 per cent complete in September.

Investors are now watching closely for the next critical milestone – the departure of the two offshore pieces of equipment that have been manufactured at shipyards on Geoje Island in Korea, where progress was inspected by NT Chief Minister Michael Gunner late last month.

Problems with two contracts involving Australian engineering contractor UGL have also raised concerns although these projects, involving a power plant and mechanical and piping construction for the two LNG trains, are understood not to be on the "critical path" for the overall project.

Bernstein Research analyst Neil Beveridge said the start-up date of Ichthys remains "a key controversy". Mr Beveridge is positive on Ichthys but still is assuming that the plant will only start up by the end of 2017, ahead of the first LNG cargo likely only in March 2018.

The project will eventually produce 8.9 million tonnes a year of LNG and 1.66 million tonnes a year of LPG from the Darwin site, making it one of the country's biggest LNG producers behind the North West Shelf venture, Chevron's Gorgon project and Origin Energy's Australia Pacific LNG project in Queensland. It will also export about 100,000 barrels a day of condensates, a type of light oil, mostly directly from the gas fields about 220 kilometres off the Western Australian coast.

French oil major Total owns 30 per cent of the venture while customers Tokyo Gas, Osaka Gas, Toho Gas, Kansai Electric Power and Taiwan's CPC Corporation own small stakes.

The 890-kilometre pipeline that will take gas from the offshore Ichthys field in the Browse Basin to the Darwin processing plant is ready to start operation after the offshore and onshore sections were welded together earlier this month. The offshore line is the longest in the southern hemisphere.

All 230 LNG plant modules, weighing about 182,000 tonnes, have arrived on site at Bladin Point near Darwin, while the 20 development wells needed for the first phase of the project are "going well", Mr Townsend said.

"We've now drilled sufficient wells to begin production," he said.

On likely profitability, Mr Townsend acknowledged that returns would be lower at $US50 a barrel oil than at $US100 a barrel but he noted that prices would cycle up and down during its 40-year life.

"This project is robust," he said. "From a corporate perspective we are still bullish on LNG and the long-term outlook supports growing gas demand particularly in Asia."

Mr Townsend also emphasised the potential for expansion of Ichthys LNG, given the onshore site could host as many as four additional LNG trains, while five tie-in points have been included in the pipeline to incorporate extra gas.

The floating production vessel is being built in the Daewoo Shipbuilding and Marine Engineering yard in Okpo, while the central processing facility is being built in the Samsung Heavy Industries yard at Geoje.