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About the threat to deport Mohamed A.

category greece / turkey / cyprus | migration / racism | press release author Monday January 23, 2017 17:42author by Musaferat Report this post to the editors

Since October 2016, Mohamed A. has been in administrative arrestment in the police headquarters of Lesvos as a prospective deportee, as his requests to be granted political asylum have been rejected. He has been on hunger strike since 13/12/2016, demanding that his deportation be cancelled, and that he is granted political asylum.


Since October 2016, Mohamed A. has been in administrative arrestment in the police headquarters of Lesvos as a prospective deportee, as his requests to be granted political asylum have been rejected. He has been on hunger strike since 13/12/2016, demanding that his deportation be cancelled, and that he is granted political asylum.

While his health has been constantly deteriorating in the past few days, he was transferred to Mytilene’s Vostaneio hospital on 10/1/2017, where the doctors decided that he needs to be hospitalised. He returns to the penitentiary to pick up his stuff, while being assured by the police that he will be transferred to the hospital when he is done.

However, he was held in the penitentiary, where the police told him that he will be taken to the hospital on the next morning. When they finally took him to the hospital the next day, they elicited his consent to not be hospitalised, as they reassured him in regard to his case, and lied to him that they would transfer him to Athens in the next days.

On Thursday 12/1, the police commander announced to Mohamed that his deportation to Turkey had been decided, through the readmission rules of the infamous EU-Turkey deal.

Following pressure from lawyers and people standing in solidarity with him, and while being in a crucial physical and mental state, Mohamed went to the hospital once more, where the doctors asserted that he has to be hospitalised, as he was exhibiting obvious symptoms of fatigue (dizziness, fainting, trouble with sight), and administered saline solution to him. His hospitalization resulted in his deportation being cancelled, which was not the case for 10 other immigrants, who were deported in the morning of Friday 13/1.

For the time being, Mohamed A. continues to be hospitalised, while the police, obviously disappointed in his deportation being cancelled, try every way they can to press the doctors in the hospital to discharge him, so that they can resume his deportation. At the same time, going against the hospital’s rules, they have forbidden the entrance of people standing in solidarity with Mohamed in his room.

The current situation –namely, attempting to deport an immigrant on the 32nd day of a hunger strike– is unprecedented, for the obvious reason of the threat a hunger strike poses on one’s life. By doing so, the state and those that serve it take the existing totalitarianism one step further. It’s the workings of that same state that takes a 6-year-old hostage as revenge against his parents; the state that prohibits events in public universities; the state that tortures thousands of immigrants in detention centres on a daily basis, until their final deportation. It’s a state that prides itself on the jurisdiction to choose life or death for those who don’t suit it, those that it views as “surplus”, those who resist.

Towards Mohamed we express our solidarity with anyone who daily faces the violence of segregation, of racism and exploitation; our solidarity with the hundreds of immigrants who have already been deported, and with the thousands who are trapped in the places of detention, isolation and deportation; our solidarity with those who will fight with us against the devaluation of our lives.

Solidarity with hunger striker Mohamed A.

Immediate concession to his demands

Stop all deportations


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Greece / Turkey / Cyprus | Migration / racism | Press Release | en

Thu 26 Jan, 20:06

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images_1.jpg imageThe 300 hunger strikers in Greece are in need of YOUR support! 04:08 Tue 22 Feb by ESE (ΕΣΕ) 0 comments

I want to be treated as a human being – like the Greeks. When we will get papers, I will not anymore be afraid of police and I can work legally with an insurance. But most of the time I think now: what will happen if the government does not give an answer? (Arqal, hunger striker in Athens)

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imageAppeal for financial support Jan 28 0 comments

Libertarian Syndicalist Union (ESE Athens) supports and joins in solidarity movements for the Syrian refugees (victims of war) which live in Greece. Apart from their fair request for direct provision of asylum and travel documents, these people have huge needs in terms of accommodation, food, health care, etc. Hundreds of Syrian refugees reside in hotels (as a stopgap solution), not in good conditions , being under the responsibility of the Greek government and Athens' mayor. We can also report that food supplies for the above refugees are οbtained from charities and solidarity movements.

imageThe Greek State murders... Jan 25 0 comments

The mass murder of infants and women by the Greek state outside the island Farmakonisi is not an individual incident and absolutely not a tragedy, since ignorance is required for a tragedy to happen. It is one more result of the conscious murderous policy of Greece concerning the borders. Favored and motivated by the European Union policy of “Fortress Europe”, Dublin II Treaty, the formation of FRONTEX, Greece has installed a murderous mechanism in land and sea, whose stated target is in the best case the torture and in the worst the death of immigrants travelling towards Europe.

imageCritical moments for the 300 hunger strikers Mar 05 0 comments

Critical moments for the 300 migrants hunger strikers in Athens and Thessaloniki on their 38th day of hunger strike. 100 of them are already hospitalized while the government waits for the first deaths. Tomorrow a demonstration is called by people in solidarity in Athens while many solidarity actions, state building occupations, TV and radio stations interventions and demonstrations are taking place nationwide.

imageThe 300 hunger strikers in Greece are in need of YOUR support! Feb 22 0 comments

I want to be treated as a human being – like the Greeks. When we will get papers, I will not anymore be afraid of police and I can work legally with an insurance. But most of the time I think now: what will happen if the government does not give an answer? (Arqal, hunger striker in Athens)

imageCall for a Common Day of Action Feb 07 0 comments

300 HUNGER STRIKERS: Call for a Common Day of Action We call for a common day of action on the 10th of February, a day where actions of solidarity will take place in all over Greece.

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